DWC Fastbuds Gorilla Cookie Auto

HI guys
As you know Im a newbie to this, so its my 1st time, so as for topping, an LST, does everything look like it should, an is this what Im looking for, that lower growth to catch up, and spread out canopy evenly, so been thinking about using a scrog net, but not so sure if its needed, so open to advise,,but she growing really fast and doing well so far, so fingers crossed,
but think she will be ready to start flowering this wk, so will see how she goes, an how I do with this stage, but been progressing quite well, overcome alot of issues already, so I feel alot more confident now about what Im doing, so things looking good on the horizon so far, but alot as been down to all the help an advice off you guys, so thanks guys, hope you all have a great wk be safe and have a blast

She looks great to me. Yes, you're waiting for the inside buds to get to the same height as the buds you've tied down. Make sure no bud gets higher than the rest.

The scrog net will probably be more hassle than it's worth with one plant in DWC. Remember, you still need to check roots and do bucket changes, which is hard under a net. Unless/until you need it, skip the scrog net. My $.02.
She looks great to me. Yes, you're waiting for the inside buds to get to the same height as the buds you've tied down. Make sure no bud gets higher than the rest.

The scrog net will probably be more hassle than it's worth with one plant in DWC. Remember, you still need to check roots and do bucket changes, which is hard under a net. Unless/until you need it, skip the scrog net. My $.02.
thats great thanks for that, so want bother with the net, its leveling out now, so going to take lower fan leaves off, and then just wait for the lower ones to catch up, then let her go, and do her thing, she not going be massive, but its learning me the basics, then I can build on that, actually knowing what Im doing lol, but will keep up what ive doing, but ive decided to go with a full bucket an water change every 3-4 days just wanna keep things safe lol its only 1 plant, so not to much to do, but things looking well as far as i can tell, so thanks for stopping by and yeah I want bother with the net, so be happy and have a blast my friend

Took off the old fan leaves, and bits at the bottom, didnt take to much off, left the bigger fans on far now, so will keep up same routine, and slightly increase feed an light, etc, not let her go just yet but will be doing soon, just giving others a liitle more to catch up, but she looking fine and still growing fast,

todays trim

Just untied her, now letting her go do her thing, she not going to be massive, but I know that, with the light i got, but will be upgrading to the mars hydro TS1000, and just 2 buckets side byside, pretty much the same system, but I will know what Im doing this time! lol that a while off yet, gotta save for a new car first, but thats the plan going forward, just learning all I can from this run, so then when I do have that light, I will be able to take things to that next stage, but ive learned so much already, still alot to learn, but I understand so much more now, and kinda know what Im doing lol, but so far Im quite pleased with how things are going, and how ive adapted to the plants needs, Im getting things all dialed now, so then I will be able to maximise my place, so yeah enjoying so far, and alls going well,

So heres a quick pic of her an her roots, so things looking ok to me, so how about you guys, those roots looking alright, as she seems to going strong, and this her untied and shes free
Quick Update

Hi guys is this light/heat burn, as think light was to low, due to undoing her ties an letting her go, re;adjusted the light, and see how she goes, but will take note of this and keep on top of it,



Quick pic of her progress, a before an after a few days, so she responding really well, and she hitting all the markers, she drinking, eating slightly more each time,not been topping up feed every day, every other day, so far so good EC 1.2 PH 6.0, 20c , H 50% air temp 22c, leaf temps, 24c, so keeping up with everything so far, and just topping her feed as when, following my data, but all looking good this wk, was a stress free wk lol so things picking up fast now

this pic was taken at the start day 5, 26/5


and these are last wkend and this wkend, really pleased with how things are going, and Im getting to grips with it an learning so much, so it might just be possible for me to pull this off, but the 1st half just about done and under my belt, this 2nd part now overcome, and by far the most important lol, so thanks guys for all the help an assistance its been great, so just asking with flowering about to start, so with nutes, just continue, M + B 1;2 straight through till flushing time?


Quick Update

Hi guys is this light/heat burn, as think light was to low, due to undoing her ties an letting her go, re;adjusted the light, and see how she goes, but will take note of this and keep on top of it,



adjusted light height and things have been sorted was abit of light burn, but all sorted and watching this one as plants growing fast now, but all things dialed back in, and we going strong so far, just waiting to go into flower
so already on the Lucas formula 1:2, so will keep to this as before, just slightly increase EC as off the chart, as reeled it in abit now from the start, so its about the correct range now EC 1- 1.2, so will increase wkly, due to using tap water not going to add more Calmag, as a add 3ml every res change, and just top up with nutes M,B if needed, so going forward, just keep things as ive been doing it, just increase nutes according to my chart,

So yeah she looking good, so just letting her do her thing, like I have been, and letting nature do its thing, so will just clear her leafs that are blocking bud sites, and leave her to it, so thanks my friends all your advise as been great, and helps me bounce things off, and take on what you all say, and its got me this far, so thanks for all you do, as it keeps me grounded, and stops me from getting ahead of myself, so things are all where they should be, an going strong, so will keep up my routine, and watch plants height, an adjust if needed, so basically just continue as I was,
an increase nutes accordingly, and will keep you an all the guys updated on her progress, with a pic or 2, later in the wk, but Im over the moon with what Ive learned so far, given my experience, and Im enjoying having another hobby, esp 1 at home, so thanks guys its been amazing experience so far, just look what I will belike, when it comes to harvest time, so hope you all had a good wkend, and all the best an good luck for the wk ahead, so stay safe, be happy and have a blast my friends
She's looking really nice, and I love the way you have her spread out. Lots of nice colas peeking out of there! How much more space do you have? How long until you plan on flipping to flower?
She's looking really nice, and I love the way you have her spread out. Lots of nice colas peeking out of there! How much more space do you have? How long until you plan on flipping to flower?
Hi there my friend, thanks for stopping by, so yeah regarding space, got plenty just the 1 plant in 2x7x8 closet, and regarding flipping to flower, she an auto so do I still need to flip to 12/12 as 18/6 now, but she just going into flower I think, can see little white hairs on nodes, so she female, no balls pmsl, been watching for any sign of early flowering, but she a long auto this one, 13-14 wks in wk5 now, so its time would you say? so with it being an auto, do you still flip it to 12/12 or leave it at 18/6 straight through,
You are right, you should leave her at 18/6. She is a really pretty auto, can't wait to see how she buds.
You are right, you should leave her at 18/6. She is a really pretty auto, can't wait to see how she buds.
Thanks my friend, quite impressed with how ive got on, esp with topping an the LST, so learning so much each wk, an loving it, esp seeing the growth on a wk by wk scale, and see it actually grow as been great, and all the things that its got be doing as been great for MH, and given me something positive to do, so its just about picking up as much info as poss, and learning everything I can, about growing, and every detail that comes with it, so then when I know what Im actually doing, then i can expand an increase everything with new lights etc, but so far so good, all ready planning an looking into the next grow already, but always willing to listen an learn an take in advice, so yeah thanks my friend been a pleasure joining this network, and its done so much for me, so thanks guys loving being here an learning, and cant wait to continue to do more grows, thanks to you guys on here being so nice an friendly, so thanks guys pleased with the plant esp the LST, and cant wait to see how she develops, so thanks for stopping by means alot, an lets me know if im doing things properly, so thanks guys enjoy your wk and be happy and have a blast
Quick update on the W/W
well she been out doors now for 2wks, been in flower about 10 days or so, she tiny, but she getting there, esp to say I snapped her stem after 2wks, didnt think she would make it, but she going to be super tiny, but shes a strong un, so we will see how she does over the next few wks, but her buds are on there buddy way pmsl

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like wow won a HLG 600 R last night, like wow what a light, its awesome and also needs alot of space, but did a swap with a fellow grower who was the finalist, so did a good deed for the day, but he will get the most out that beast, I still got beast of a light an extras, but works for me, so Im over the moon we were both winners, and means I can take my next grow up a level, cant wait, buzzing an flying high right now, I dont win owt, over the moon
well she shooting up fast now and filling out like a good un, so for my first go she looking great, still got a long way to go, but where getting there, so looking forward to see what she becomes, so heres a few pics to see how she is


Looking great spab.you've got this vegging lark sorted.
Congratulations wining a light, that's a right bonus. What light did you end up with?
yeah got a bloom plus 4000 400 watts, which is more then enough for me, and thanks my friend yeah quite pleased with how have done so far, but its this bit that matters the business end, so we will see! but so far so good,
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