Critical Kush - First Time Grow - Coco Coir

Day 16 since flip. What a great stage in the plants development this is. I'm so happy. I can't even find words.

They're defenitly getting a bit taller each day but nothing crazy yet. And I don't expect them to stretch a whole bunch. It's a compact strain.


Here's a few shots of some that are at the far corners of the tent
so they are getting light. I just hope it's enough to get nice colas on the outter edges too and not just the centre.

And some close ups.
finally I have something other then leaves to show.

Clones are alive and warm. They just need some light.

Made another batch of drank..
830 ppm
5.6 ph
6ml per gal
They recommend 8 for the first 4 weeks. Ladies are fine so maybe I'll stay at 6 for 1 more week and see what happens.

Also plan to grab some floralicious or the equivalent as recommended by some of our good friends here. Thank you very much and plz suggest or recommend ANYTHING. Small or big. Just keep em coming. Always got my note pad.

Woo that's what I'm talking about man, swagg is setting up a flower shop! Looking great my man!
That's good. Glad to hear that.
Yea I'd say we're pretty lucky to have everything work out how it did.
Is that just leaves you wanted to make the cbd oil with? Cuz I just plucked a bunch of leaves after the photo shoot.
Thanks guys! We are pretty lucky hey Swagg:) Dog is doing well and is recovering nicely from the ordeal. Thanks for all the well wishes. Sending lots of love.✌️......

The girls look so bushy.
Hey is floralicous a booster or a sweetner?
Hey is floralicous a booster or a sweetner?
I believe it's the equivalent to liquid karma. But not 100%. so it is micro nutes and helps uptake of nutes with humic acid. I think.....
I plan to look it up tomorrow but tmd is usually right so I'm going with his answer for now
All i know is it helps uptake nutrients. And hopefully that's all I'm gonna need. Didn't really wanna get anything more then the nutes I had but sometimes a little extra help goes a long way with these ladies.
I think it's pretty cheap for a small bottle too. I'll be looking into it tho.
I think one of you had also mentioned molasses and maybe something else too for the final stages.
I believe it's the equivalent to liquid karma. But not 100%. so it is micro nutes and helps uptake of nutes with humic acid. I think.....

Hey is floralicous a booster or a sweetner?
Yep! Molasses before flush can act as a naural sweetener to enhance the tastes but more importantly is also a carbohydrate the plant uptakes to help it's metabolism. Lots of nutrient manufactures sell it for 4 times the price or more. I'll check the florolicios for you too. When I was reading about the liquid karma I got it said the floro was more concentrated and at a better price point also. Oops haha
Bacillus subtilis lol sounds pretty laid back-sounds too like you have to introduce your own microbes in order for it to encourage those microbes to be active! Gotta steal them back from Newty ;P

Well it sure sounds good! I was just curious, look into massive by green planet nutes, it's a bloom booster and the only one I'll ever need by the sounds of it! I don't think it's the same but definitely a sexy product to have on your shelf lol

Floralicous sounds like some magic in a bottle to me .
Day 17 since flip

My nute kit came with this

Sounds like it's got some or most of the stuff the other guys got.
I think that's why I got the nutes I did cuz it was all in one kit instead of getting this and that bottle. So I'm hoping what I have is the same sort of thing as the floralicious.

Let's see what's going on this morning....

a close up

And to my pleasant surprise the clones are still alive.

This one on the right starting to brown. H

Underneath is still self pruning. Lots of that stuff is going dead. Another week or two before clearing under or what stage would I do that?

I'm kind of disappointed cuz I wanted alot of those to get some light. But now I know exactly what I need to happen and when so I will avoid this mistake for the next runs. Chalk it up to first grow learning curve.
Munching edibles this morning. Almost time to get into another few bites.
Thanks for all the help and encouragement.
Let me know if u guys think the nature's candy is enough. And if u want, feel free to check out their site to see what's got what. Cuz I have the whole lineup but many of u understand the ingredients and the plants needs far more then I do. I just go by what thier schedule says.

1 week ago.. .
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