Aaron Quix
Well-Known Member
Bro thank you thats what i have been trying to say. Please dont give twelve anymore bs info about those pics not fuck fuck fucking him. Its a wrape if they find out or read this journal.oh h NO!!!!!
First off, no one here is delivering "BS" to 12's door step. I usually don't step foot into these little arguements, but here's the deal...
Everyone here who has put their two cents in has an interest, 12's....
I'm not a lawyer, but I should have been. During an...extended hiatus, I spent more hours in a law library reading about things of exactly this nature than you've spent thinking about them. I've also experienced first hand the steps taken by the "man" to investigat, charge, and convict a person. I can tell you, from EXPERIENCE, that there is protocol to be followed in a situation like this. It's called, an INDICTMENT. In MOST states, there is very little crooked activity by low level police, (Which is who will recieve this picture(s).... Unless you're a complete fucking dumbass, a picture cannot, and WILL not, put you away.
Hey brother...not saying the pics are a good thing... all I'm saying is that by themselves they mean nothing. The detective that is shown the pictures has no way to verify where they were taken or when they were taken. All he knows is that she, or somebody else had that camera someplace and took pictures. He now has to build a case, if Twelve is currently legit there is no crime for him to find.
Let me put it another way... Say you are a cop, and someone comes up to you and says, here's these pics of an illegal grow located [insert address]. If all you had to do was go kick a door, what would happen if the person gave you the address of someone that had done nothing wrong? Have you ever had a woman call the police and make up some complete bullshit to get you in trouble? I have... Police know that serving a warrant can end in death for anyone involved...even the resident of a wrong address, and they would start trying to build a case... once again he's legit now, so what are they going to build a case with?
If there is not a current crime, then there can not be any additional evidence. That means the entire case is some pictures and an ex-wife/girlfriend as the only witness, who by the way if this went to court would also be an accused blackmailer. With caseloads what they are, I can't imagine a prosecutor in the world that would move forward wit that alone.
But let's say I'm completely wrong...and he's totally screwed. Now what do you suggest?...
If he's screwed from those pics there's nothing he can do about it other than what he already did, right? So what is the point of fear-mongering? I am simply trying to convey to a friend that maybe it's not the end of the world, so he's not completely freaking out. Will he have to be more careful in the future? Absolutely. Is he at risk of loosing his freedom? Probably not.
That being said, I take everything TS says to heart, he doesn't chime in without considerable forethought... What he said!
Well said, + reps for speaking up