Critical Kush - First Time Grow - Coco Coir

Lol you two are funny . so cool to have such good neighbors!

Swag if those lights do nothing else, they sure make pictures look cool as hell! Looking full like me after a free buffet! .
I honestly don't know if they're makon any difference. I'll give it a week maybe. Then move them up top. Maybe not a week. Mid week I'll move em. Still gotta build that damn screen. Got caught up doing a bunch of stuff around the house. Oh well. That'll be a mid week project too.
Productive days are the shit
Sounds like a plan man . that's what it's all about .
Haha yep I've got a few confirmations ..tonight
Stretch ? What stretch?

Morning everyone. Hope you all had a good well resting weekend.

Now the question becomes...wheb do I just let them go. Genetics say this strain is a small to medium plant so I don't think I need to worry about them stretching to the roof but some guidance on that would be appreciated. Forgot to do a close up but defenitly getting hairy on those tips.


Looks better and more noticeable with the naked eye.
Lol I'm no scrog expert but personally I'd be too lazy to do anything more on that first layer!

Id pop a second tier in and lettem ride a bit ;P

Looking dank as f&^k man! Hairy little beaches, before you know it you'll be looking like a coke factory with all your colas ;P
Ah look at those hairs popping!!! I agree with big. I'd say you've got that screen filled, no devoured by the plants! Great job. I'd let them go vertical now. Should be a great show! I brought popcorn poofs and blunts....
I'm only on my second scrog so no expert either.. But I would say you are pretty much committed now! Honestly I don't know about the second tier, probably because I have never tried it but it seems like it would just be in the way. Perhaps you can prove me wrong though! Looking really good man, they look healthy and happy! Our bud formation is pretty much a tie by the look of your closeup. How many weeks is yours supposedly? Mine says only 7 but I am skeptical about that.
I keep trying to help with your questions but I have to try and search through the journal to find out what day you are on after flip. If ya added the flower day in the beginning of your posts it'd really help out. I follow a number of people and it's hard to keep track of where everyone is at without an easy reminder.

With that being said I think you should just let them go. I bet you are at a point where they won't stretch too much more and I doubt you will need the 2nd tier of your scrog. Most people who need a 2nd tier (or are planning on it in advance) aren't using the net right. You have done a very good job using your net and I just really don't think you'll need it. If they do stretch a ton you could always just use a flimsy garden trellis net for support but the training is done already with what you did on the first net. When they stop stretching I would get under that net and do a big defoliation. If you don't you will end up with a lot of leafy buds and "larf" as I like to call it. Popcorn nugs at best and I'd rather get rid of it early and let all the energy go to the colas that can see light. It will also help with air flow as it can get really dense under the net and later on cause mold problems if there isn't really good air flow from below and above.

Just my 2 cents for you... These look pretty damn good and just trying to help ya knock it out of the park.
Oh yeah they're mature now Swag ;) definitely let them go they will reward you very well!
Absolutely gorgeous canopy and plant, can't wait to see them flower out :circle-of-love::cheer:

Gonna be a gerbil wang orgy in there in no time
I'm only on my second scrog so no expert either.. But I would say you are pretty much committed now! Honestly I don't know about the second tier, probably because I have never tried it but it seems like it would just be in the way. Perhaps you can prove me wrong though! Looking really good man, they look healthy and happy! Our bud formation is pretty much a tie by the look of your closeup. How many weeks is yours supposedly? Mine says only 7 but I am skeptical about that.

Don't go off of seed manufacturers recommendations. They cut the cycle short by 2-3 weeks because they want you to buy more seeds. Those last couple weeks are key for density and yield. The best way is to check the trichomes with a magnifier. It's the only true way to tell when your plant is ready to be finished. The same concept happens with nutrients too. 9 out of 10 times the recommended amount on the bottles is way too much. The more you use the more you have to buy. If you use the recommended amounts on most bottles it'll burn the plant and hinder it but you'll finish with a sub par grow. Business is business no matter if it's weed or selling cars, people are out there to make money and you have to sift through the BS marketing that is out there.
. I think swag will be measuring with gigawangs as I saw PW say the other day .
Don't go off of seed manufacturers recommendations. They cut the cycle short by 2-3 weeks because they want you to buy more seeds. Those last couple weeks are key for density and yield. The best way is to check the trichomes with a magnifier. It's the only true way to tell when your plant is ready to be finished. The same concept happens with nutrients too. 9 out of 10 times the recommended amount on the bottles is way too much. The more you use the more you have to buy. If you use the recommended amounts on most bottles it'll burn the plant and hinder it but you'll finish with a sub par grow. Business is business no matter if it's weed or selling cars, people are out there to make money and you have to sift through the BS marketing that is out there.
Ya I take most sellers claims with a grain of salt for sure, 7 weeks is pretty short. I have a magnifier kicking around from last grow, the girls will be alive as long as necessary for max yield and ripeness to make the most of my small space lol.
Ya I take most sellers claims with a grain of salt for sure, 7 weeks is pretty short. I have a magnifier kicking around from last grow, the girls will be alive as long as necessary for max yield and ripeness to make the most of my small space lol.

I just always get so disappointed when I see someone veg for 2 months and then flower for 2 months and cut their plants short for the last two weeks. They probably lose close to 1/3 of their potential yield. Such a tragedy, all because most of the seed companies lie. I've never had a non-auto finish in less than 9 weeks after flipping to 12/12, plain and simple.

Also Base Nutes + root enhancer (in veg) + some sort of humic/amino acid product (a little throughout the whole grow to help the plants breakdown nutrients better for easier uptake) and unsulphered molasses (after stretch in flower) is all you need. I highly recommend a PK booster or you will go through a ton of flower base nutes (phosphorous/potassium). It's amazing how nutrients are marketed to us and when you truly learn about nutrients you realize that so much of it is just the same stuff when you read the labels. Stop by my journal and take a look if you want to see what I use. It's pretty basic and I feel like I get some good results.
I just always get so disappointed when I see someone veg for 2 months and then flower for 2 months and cut their plants short for the last two weeks. They probably lose close to 1/3 of their potential yield. Such a tragedy, all because most of the seed companies lie. I've never had a non-auto finish in less than 9 weeks after flipping to 12/12, plain and simple.

Also Base Nutes + root enhancer (in veg) + some sort of humic/amino acid product (a little throughout the whole grow to help the plants breakdown nutrients better for easier uptake) and unsulphered molasses (after stretch in flower) is all you need. It's amazing how nutrients are marketed to us and when you truly learn about nutrients you realize that so much of it is just the same stuff when you read the labels. Stop by my journal and take a look if you want to see what I use. It's pretty basic.
Cool thanks, I have browsed yours but will sub up... I am using AN sensi coco nutes, the label claims to have humics/fulvics and a bunch of aminos. My last went around 10 weeks and that was marketed as 8, came around 0.8g per watt with a 400 hps in the end.
I like the root mass expanders with molasses firat 2 weeks of veg and flower. Voodoo juice pirhana and molasses form a symbiotic environment in the roots that allow for surface area to increase and the plant to uptake more nutes and explode with growth.
Wow thanks guys and gals. Lots of nice information sharing here.

Been a bit busy since yesterday's visit with newty!! What a wonderful human to be around. Really glad we got to hang out and the goodies she brought me. My oh my. Can't wait to get into the edibles. The pre rolls ...

Ase sorry I didn't even realize how such a simple thing like adding the date from flip in my posts would be so helpful for everyone even myself . Thanks brother. Lots of thinking to do with the second tier but for now I think I'll let the lazy me win and hopefully it works out. But since I have the materials already I think I'll be able to rig it up later if I need to. In the back of my mind I think I may. I'm hoping for big donkey d1ck colas. Pardon the term.

What's this stuff you guys are talking about to help uptake the nutes and make me use less nutes. I'm all about using less nutes.

The strain description says 7-8 weeks but I've got my loupe and will only be determining the chop time by the looks of the trics.

Pic updates coming soon. I'm liking how the ladies are coming along tho.

Hope everyone's having a great day. Lots of catching up to do later. ✌

Off to puff some more of newty's blue dream. Such a pleasant smoke. So is the chemo kush. All smiles here.

Wife's scared to try edibles but I'll convince her
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