Critical Kush - First Time Grow - Coco Coir

In my auto's room I am running a 30Pint dehumidifier (3.5'x5') but I also have to run ac to keep it at 77F. The humidity in room is 48-50%. When my intake air was high humidity (It's down to 50% now but was above 75% a few weeks ago) I had to slow the exhaust fans down some or else I was working against the dehumidifier. Maybe play with the air setup a little too. Just a thought.
Yes it's gonna be a process of trial and error for sure. I just leave the flap open at the bottom of the tent at the back I don't have any intake air fan just 2 clip on's for circulation and the exhaust fan. N heater at the bottom.
Just talking to one of my buddies from back home in Toronto..... he's trying to hook me up with a job at a licenced producer government facility. Funny cuz I was just talking about how I'd love to work at the one massive facility they're building here in Edmonton. Decisions decisions. My wife is gonna hate me for even speaking of such a thing. Move again across the country.
Do it lol just do it
Some won't amount to much I do realize that but hey, still possible. I actually wouldn't mind if after harvest there's a bunch of lowers that didn't produce to go back into the tent for a second round of flower.

Just went on the dinafem site to peep some reviews and strain into. Supposed to pack on the frost around week 3. Fast potent and high yielding strain they say. Petrol, lemon flavor profile. Haven't been able to find much about different phenos. But I suppose I could just see what traits critical + and og kush have to get a general idea but at this point I'm not really caring about phenos. Just c'mon 7 weeks and gimme lots of frosty nugs. If there's no snow on Xmas, newty and I will still have a frosty one for sure !!

Confession..... I'm scared to try her edibles.
First off, your set up looks outstanding .I love the lights and their names! .I'm now sending extra weed prayers for your 78+ buds;)
Only be scared to have a blast

Sounds like a tasty harvest to me ;) I like lowers too, nothing wrong with trim and popcorn buds in my book!

Hehe can't wait to see your review on her edibles .
I'm so nervous about reviews. stay tuned

Yes absolutely. Which is why I'm thinking I better start looking for a little cheap one from now cuz I know it's only going to get worse.
I have a cheap little one you can borrow. it's not fabulous but was ok, I'll bring it to the park on Monday✌️.
I'll be up and about everyone's journals now.
Have a great night fellas .
Just talking to one of my buddies from back home in Toronto..... he's trying to hook me up with a job at a licenced producer government facility. Funny cuz I was just talking about how I'd love to work at the one massive facility they're building here in Edmonton. Decisions decisions. My wife is gonna hate me for even speaking of such a thing. Move again across the country.

I'm so jealous it's my dream job no to grow great medicine .
Looking good in here. Thank goodness I'm done moving. It's nice at Grandpa's place! I grow weed. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Lucky u grandpa. No such luck here. There will be a few more moves for us I'm sure over the years.
Do it lol just do it
... easier said then done.

First off, your set up looks outstanding .I love the lights and their names! .I'm now sending extra weed prayers for your 78+ buds;)
Only be scared to have a blast

I'm so nervous about reviews. stay tuned

I have a cheap little one you can borrow. it's not fabulous but was ok, I'll bring it to the park on Monday✌️.
I'll be up and about everyone's journals now.
Have a great night fellas .

Thanks appreciate the kind words. I'll defenitly borrow that dehumidifier just incase. You think you'll need a humidifier ? Or do u got one already. It gets pretty dry here in the winters.

Scared to have a blast. Pffff. More like buckle up and get ready to get blasted off into space.
I'm so jealous it's my dream job no to grow great medicine .
I think most of us here would love to get paid for doing what we love
All good in the tent here. I'm starting to notice more and more little hairs beginning to grow. Even called my wife over to have a look. She has no interest but I try to show her certain stages of growth in hopes of peaking her interest. She's always asking when they're gonna bud. Lol. She doesn't even smoke or anything. Couple times a year maybe. Lol.
Customary aerial views



If you look close enough(the above 2 pics) I wrote thier names on the pvc cuz the name tags I made were getting ruined n beat up.


It's not actually green in there either incase anyone was wondering. It's blurple but with the addition of the white light, when I use my green shades to make the blurple clear, the white light appears green. Oh well. Better then blurple. That's all for now. Time to eat some breakfast, maybe clean up a bit. Gonna be a lazy day. Again
Oh yea. So I'm playing PlayStation last night and catching up with one of my buddies from back home, there was another one of his friends too chatting it up with us....come to find out his buddy also grows and makes his own strains/seeds... so maybe in the near future I may get a gift bag with that guys beans. Sure sounded like he knew wtf he was talking about. So that would be another fun endeavour.
Haaaay. looking so amazing!! I'll borrow you humidifier if you don't need it...than we can swap back when I flip and you harvest! The timing is pretty perfect Swagg .
Sounds like a great plan. If u think of anything else, let me know. Magical butter machine? Ph pen ? Root booster ? Timers ? I've got a few extra things just laying around that I won't need or use this run. Seeds. Digital temp gun. I think that's it. Oh also a 4" inline fan you could use for exhaust or whatever you fancy.
Really??!! I could really use an exhaust fan if you don't mind, than I can spend a little less this month and wait to by my fan in a couple months! Wooooot thanks man! We're going to be like 2 kids at Xmas tomorrow ..You want to try some GTH?? I have a few seeds to share? They were free in my medicine from Aurora
Good job swag it's hard to watch this journal now that my kush seeds failed me.

But I love how explosive they are .
Good job swag it's hard to watch this journal now that my kush seeds failed me.

But I love how explosive they are .
I know what u mean Joe. The poor things. I'm sure you'll rock you headband so don't sweat the loss of the baby. This grows for you joe!!
Really??!! I could really use an exhaust fan if you don't mind, than I can spend a little less this month and wait to by my fan in a couple months! Wooooot thanks man! We're going to be like 2 kids at Xmas tomorrow ..You want to try some GTH?? I have a few seeds to share? They were free in my medicine from Aurora
absolutely u can use the fan. Gth? No comprende. I'll take a couple. Why not. I've got some gorilla glue, northern high lights, and pink kush ( from Dabby duck). If you want I can give you a couple of each.
I know what u mean Joe. The poor things. I'm sure you'll rock you headband so don't sweat the loss of the baby. This grows for you joe!!

Thanks bud . keep killing it .
Alrighty, I rushed right over lol and changed my mind...I'll take a sample of your seeds! All stuff on my hit list. Ghost train haze! I'll bring a few . yay! From your new #weedbestie, newty.✌️.
Sweet. I'll bring u 2 of each. That's okay I hope. If ur unsure, you could check out the strain traits and attributes and see if it will help you medicate in any way. That way you can select exactly what YOU need and not just what I have kicking around. No sense growing soemthin that ain't gonna help u treat ur ailments. I think I've got everything all set in a pile now but I'll hit you later with what I've got in the pile so u can check and see if I forgot anything. Memory was never something I was good at. And yes I'll take 1 or 2 of the GTH. I like variety.
Lol you two are funny . so cool to have such good neighbors!

Swag if those lights do nothing else, they sure make pictures look cool as hell! Looking full like me after a free buffet! .
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