Critical Kush - First Time Grow - Coco Coir

So weird! I noticed this yesterday. I'm like why is that leaf wet!?!?!? It's not Monday spray day today.... I think it's the transpiration of leaves lying atop one another. No biggie I'm sure. And and think that's Browning can go. Just the plant naturally pruning itself imo.....
So weird! I noticed this yesterday. I'm like why is that leaf wet!?!?!? It's not Monday spray day today.... I think it's the transpiration of leaves lying atop one another. No biggie I'm sure. And and think that's Browning can go. Just the plant naturally pruning itself imo.....
U lose track of the days?. It's Monday tmd. Don't u remember telling us u sprayed this morning lol.
Lol you won't be disappointed with your yield, I can promise that .

Yea trimming up the bottom is wise-itll help with the water your seeing on the leaves too-its the plants breathing! They breath out moisture from their leaves, usually if you see moisture on a plant it's where two leaves are pressed together and aren't getting air flow! Defol will help, so will another fan!

Not so much a problem now, but in flower it'll cause unwanted issues-mold mostly! It's kinda cool your plants are self lollipopping .
I did not know this. Very interesting. Thanks for sharing. Very good to know. Cuz it happened a few times now and I always just shrugged it off but I figured someone has to know soemthing.
It's easy to visualize this way- as your plant grows and there's more foliage your humidity goes up right?

Your still giving them a constant amount of water at one time, be it more frequently, the plant is drinking, taking up nutrients to help build cells.

Some of that water becomes part of the plant but the rest of that gallon or more in some cases gets evaporated into the drier atmosphere through osmosis. An difference in pressure/or water content in this case, that causes water to evaporate from an area of high water content to air with low water content, flowing in the path of least resistance so to speak. Evaporation through the leaves is easy because of all the veins!

That's why it's important in early veg to have high humidity, increases water retention and speeds up vegetative growth since that's where they need it when they are young!

Lol that's my understanding on that matter, kinda makes sense to me!
Wow. I'm reading all proud that I understood all this already then I read the last part. Learn something new everyday! Great stuff thanks for the wondeful explanation big!
It's easy to visualize this way- as your plant grows and there's more foliage your humidity goes up right?

Your still giving them a constant amount of water at one time, be it more frequently, the plant is drinking, taking up nutrients to help build cells.

Some of that water becomes part of the plant but the rest of that gallon or more in some cases gets evaporated into the drier atmosphere through osmosis. An difference in pressure/or water content in this case, that causes water to evaporate from an area of high water content to air with low water content, flowing in the path of least resistance so to speak. Evaporation through the leaves is easy because of all the veins!

That's why it's important in early veg to have high humidity, increases water retention and speeds up vegetative growth since that's where they need it when they are young!

Lol that's my understanding on that matter, kinda makes sense to me!
Makes perfect sense. Thanks for this Information big.
Wow. I'm reading all proud that I understood all this already then I read the last part. Learn something new everyday! Great stuff thanks for the wondeful explanation big!
Happy to attempt relaying my thoughts clearly and concisely XD

TMD I promise I'm working on your journal, it's just slow going XD and I don't like jumping in till I'm all caught up .

I have some running around to do, but your still my mission for today!
So informative Big! Thanks for this discussion. I am liking my humidity at 70% and temp is 20ish, is that good in early veg or should I make it more humid?

Also I love presents especially frosty ones❄️ I think our friendship is off to a good start Swagg! ..Lol
70 % is golden for the first 2 weeks, then I like to drop it 5 percent roughly every 10 days after that so if you veg for a month after seedling your humidity ends up around 55 then you can drop it to 50 for the start of flower, may be 2 weeks, the 40 to 50 is spot on, lower humidity will increase resin production in later weeks of flowering .
Thanks Big.
If ur interested in them air pots and don't care to run out and buy one, I've got 2 1 gallon pots and 2 3 gallon pots. Just sayin. And maybe I might need your help in acquiring some top notch medicine. Almost 6 years here and I have yet to find a steady supply of quality. Sometimes the ppl disappear or they change their number or it goesout of service. Such a chore. Back home I had a whole contact list of all A++ grade any time of day.

So I've been slacking on proper feedings the past two days and I knew it would spike the run off ppms. And sure enough I checked. Ughhh. 1700 ish on one and the other was a tad higher so I gave em both a gallon of ph water. Brought it back down to reasonable numbers. And will continue feeding in the AM. Sorry I didn't get a chance to have a photo session today but I will tomorrow for sure. Not much changed anyway.

Stay safe and stay warm folks. Enjoy a nice Friday night.
If ur interested in them air pots and don't care to run out and buy one, I've got 2 1 gallon pots and 2 3 gallon pots. Just sayin. And maybe I might need your help in acquiring some top notch medicine. Almost 6 years here and I have yet to find a steady supply of quality. Sometimes the ppl disappear or they change their number or it goesout of service. Such a chore. Back home I had a whole contact list of all A++ grade any time of day.

So I've been slacking on proper feedings the past two days and I knew it would spike the run off ppms. And sure enough I checked. Ughhh. 1700 ish on one and the other was a tad higher so I gave em both a gallon of ph water. Brought it back down to reasonable numbers. And will continue feeding in the AM. Sorry I didn't get a chance to have a photo session today but I will tomorrow for sure. Not much changed anyway.

Stay safe and stay warm folks. Enjoy a nice Friday night.

Yes!!! I'm sold on those air pots and will gladly borrow your 2 3 gallons for my 2 girlies. I have a great contact and could hook you up for sure. Do you have dogs? I have two big guys.Maybe we could hit a dog park this weekend with some prd's aka pre rolled dubes. I have a great one close by that's like being in the woods...Terwilligar Off Leash park. I like to pop a chocolate and chill in the woods with my dogs on the weekend smoking prd's and doing whatev. This way we can meet and not worry about getting murdered etc...I'll bring some stuff for you to try and we can go for a walk and talk about weed.. I'll message ya dude
Yes!!! I'm sold on those air pots and will gladly borrow your 2 3 gallons for my 2 girlies. I have a great contact and could hook you up for sure. Do you have dogs? I have two big guys.Maybe we could hit a dog park this weekend with some prd's aka pre rolled dubes. I have a great one close by that's like being in the woods...Terwilligar Off Leash park. I like to pop a chocolate and chill in the woods with my dogs on the weekend smoking prd's and doing whatev. This way we can meet and not worry about getting murdered etc...I'll bring some stuff for you to try and we can go for a walk and talk about weed.. I'll message ya dude
No dogs but I'm down. A few kids tho. As long as they don't eat me, I'm good. I'm a few waits away from trewilligar. Woot woot. There will be no murders occurring here. Only murdering food from the munchies I'm gonna have. Prd's hahaha. Me and my buddies used to call them pr's. Pre rolls. So it's funny u have a similar name too.
Can't wait to see the next round of pics bud! Rest easy . .
Can't wait to see the next round of pics bud! Rest easy . .
I shall try. I've really been having troubles sleeping the past few weeks. Oddly enough it got worse when I stopped medicating. Before that it was from anxiety and nervousness about passing school. Not that I didn't think I knew the material, but it was because last year in my first round of school I failed the gov't exam on my first try. Passed on the second try but that's was always in my head the whole 8 weeks I was in classes.

But yea tomorrow pics FOR SURE. ✌
Hopefully soon you can medicate like a mofo on your homegrown! For now I'll wish you peace and a calmed mind! Inknow how that whirlwind can get :/ you deal with it well though, if your plants are any tell of who you are, your dedication to what you love will get you through the tuff times, n you know how they say the grass is greener after harvest . it'll turn up, just like your Swagnifficent plants!
Hopefully soon you can medicate like a mofo on your homegrown! For now I'll wish you peace and a calmed mind! Inknow how that whirlwind can get :/ you deal with it well though, if your plants are any tell of who you are, your dedication to what you love will get you through the tuff times, n you know how they say the grass is greener after harvest . it'll turn up, just like your Swagnifficent plants!
Thx big. Appreciate ur kind motivating words. My spidey senses tell me that my new friend will be taking care of my medicinal needs till harvest rolls around. Shout out to newty !!
Thx big. Appreciate ur kind motivating words. My spidey senses tell me that my new friend will be taking care of my medicinal needs till harvest rolls around. Shout out to newty !!
No doubt g word up to the homies! That's what is so great about the rasta culture ;)

Thank God good people still exist .
Hey Swag I gotta give you some Kudos Brother... In one of your posts somewhere here on 420 during a defoliate or not conversation you said something to the effect of "Instead of defoliating a leaf couldn't you just super crop it and have the best of both defoiliating and not defoliating?" and I had one of those palm to the forehead "Well Duh!!!" moments and I have done it for about a month now. It works fantastic. The leaf stem heals to a knuckle and the plant shows no ill effects at all. The only thing I can add is that the healing process props the leaf back up about 25% so supercrop it farther than you need. Awesome idea Man!
I shall try. I've really been having troubles sleeping the past few weeks. Oddly enough it got worse when I stopped medicating. Before that it was from anxiety and nervousness about passing school. Not that I didn't think I knew the material, but it was because last year in my first round of school I failed the gov't exam on my first try. Passed on the second try but that's was always in my head the whole 8 weeks I was in classes.

But yea tomorrow pics FOR SURE. ✌

I’m a horrible insomniac, even with meds. I feel for you.
Hey Swag I gotta give you some Kudos Brother... In one of your posts somewhere here on 420 during a defoliate or not conversation you said something to the effect of "Instead of defoliating a leaf couldn't you just super crop it and have the best of both defoiliating and not defoliating?" and I had one of those palm to the forehead "Well Duh!!!" moments and I have done it for about a month now. It works fantastic. The leaf stem heals to a knuckle and the plant shows no ill effects at all. The only thing I can add is that the healing process props the leaf back up about 25% so supercrop it farther than you need. Awesome idea Man!
It's probably something I read and just spat back out. If it's helps 1 person, that's good enough for me.
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