Critical Kush - First Time Grow - Coco Coir

8 by 8? That's an entire bedroom ! Ahhh maybe one day I'll have a bedroom to grow out. I get 6 vegging 6 flower but if you do veg right I'm sure that you could fill a 8 by 8 for flower alone no problem!
I'm one of those impulse buyer kinda ppl. See a deal and my spidey senses go crazy. When I the time comes to rig it up, no I haven't even tried to yet, if I find it won't work or whatever then I figure I can sell it or trade someone local for a couple smaller ones or something. Lots of options. But if it works out then boy oh boy is it gonna be a party.

Thinking about my next grow, I'm not sure coco is gonna happen again for me. I would like to try something less needy. Cuz once life gets back track, I won't be able to keep up with multiple feeds and all the other little details of love making to them.
Are these the pistils or pre flowers or something ? Whatever it's called that tells u they're female?

Yes seeds are feminized but wondering if that's what I'm looking at

First picture is not anything. Those are not hairs.

Second picture does look like female hairs though. You should start to see more of those popping out over the next week. They are looking pretty good Swag, I hope your renter situation ends up fine and you don't have to pull them down. You get so attached to the damn plants that it sometimes can be hard to make the safe decision but don't risk getting in trouble. It's really not worth it in the end. Hopefully you can get it all sorted out and come up with a good reason but be smart homie.
I'm one of those impulse buyer kinda ppl. See a deal and my spidey senses go crazy. When I the time comes to rig it up, no I haven't even tried to yet, if I find it won't work or whatever then I figure I can sell it or trade someone local for a couple smaller ones or something. Lots of options. But if it works out then boy oh boy is it gonna be a party.

Thinking about my next grow, I'm not sure coco is gonna happen again for me. I would like to try something less needy. Cuz once life gets back track, I won't be able to keep up with multiple feeds and all the other little details of love making to them.

Maybe you can support your habit by selling camping space in your forest. All I need is a pup tent and a sleeping bag. :woohoo:
Here's what mine look like at day 16 from flip. You can see how the bud begins to form. Yours don't look far behind to me.

I'm about a week behind you. Today is day 8.

I thought these pest clowns are coming this Monday but it's on the 20th. So I've got time to plan.

How's the smell in there. Is it getting stronger as the buds are developing?

This Monday woulda been better for them to come while these girls are still not buikding buds.
Smell shouldn't be too bad. I normally don't start getting a real deep weed smell until week 4-5 with this strain. You should be good.
Awesome thanks. Starting to feel less stressed out about this all now.

Thank you all for helping ease my mind. No meds for a week now. It's starting to show. N my doc says he doesn't believe it has any medicinal value. Smh.
I think I rember you saying Edmonton correct? That's your 420 neighbor. :high-five:
No meds?!?! The juevos on this guy!!!

I found you a friend....
Newty's Coco Coir & Compost Bag Seed Grow Journal - 2017
I'm job searching so once I get a call they're gonna send me for a piss test. That's y I haven't been medicating. Someone today told me I could use my son's piss and it'll work. I wonder if there's any truth to that. U know sone clinics here can detect fake piss. Not sure if a child's urine would be any different in a test then mine.

Pretty sure I'm subbed there but I'll double check. Thanks tmd.
I think I rember you saying Edmonton correct? That's your 420 neighbor. :high-five:
Some memory u got bro. Nice.
I feel your pain brotha. Hydrate A LOT and try some tea. I'm not sure what your body mass is or metabolism but it plays a big role in passing a test. I've passed and failed tests depending on a 30 Day cleanse compared to 2 weeks. But I'm only a buck thirty soaking wet. Good luck man.
In my, well when I was younger I passed after 5 days. Not saying I reccomend risking a job on that but yeahhh.

You can use your sons no problem! No way at all they would know. Unless they watch you pee.

If there is a temp strip on it your test I would take it warm you want it 92 degrees about, I believe. Don't ask how I know all this long story. Lmfao
You can use kids piss, just make sure its warm.
Oh fuck yea. Now we're talking. Temps are least of my worries. Years ago I had to use a coworkers piss to pass a test. Long story for another day.
I feel your pain brotha. Hydrate A LOT and try some tea. I'm not sure what your body mass is or metabolism but it plays a big role in passing a test. I've passed and failed tests depending on a 30 Day cleanse compared to 2 weeks. But I'm only a buck thirty soaking wet. Good luck man.
I've only got 20 pounds on you on a good day. I'm just a skinny fucker. I passed on 3 weeks clean before so that's kinda my range that I know from my own personal experience. What a stressful day that was.

I try to stay hydrated but some days I really slack. Metabolism is not normal I swear. I can eat as if food is running out of style. And I used to be much worse. My mom used to tell me there's ants in my stomach or something eating whatever I eat. Cuz I would just keep eating. Then eat whoever's left over who didn't finish thier plate. Thank God for my metabolism tho cuz otherwise I'd be severely obese.
I'm the same way when it comes to eating. Needless to say my wife hates me for that.
God bless her. Poor woman.

In my, well when I was younger I passed after 5 days. Not saying I reccomend risking a job on that but yeahhh.

You can use your sons no problem! No way at all they would know. Unless they watch you pee.

If there is a temp strip on it your test I would take it warm you want it 92 degrees about, I believe. Don't ask how I know all this long story. Lmfao

5 days. Yikes. I'd be scared to try that. I know all about the temperature. It was a big part of that long story for another day that I mentioned earlier. Man, thinking back. Wow. Some of the things I've had to do. Ahhh. Life is great.
You can flush, you drink around 8 - 10 litres of water a day for a 2 or 3 days, this can (stress CAN) work.
I've heard that too. But sometimes they refuse urine sample for being " too diluted". My cuz was telling me the other day his buddy tried something similar to that and they sent him away and he had to rebook
Sweating is the best thing. You want the water pass the fat cells that the thc is stored in ( clearly a few of us don't have much of that to shake a stick at). But it has worked for me. Sauna ok exercise is best! It burns the fat too.

And I think women in general hate that men don't out on weight quite as easy hahah
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