Critical Kush - First Time Grow - Coco Coir

Thx. Someone told me that a while back and I did end up getting a hold of the teddster and he hooked me up

thx big. You've already made an impact my man. Must he a motivational speaker or something

That trick worked wonders. Till they got too big for the bottle. Then I eventually bought a cheap little humidifier. Used for like 10 bucks I think. And a little cheap heater as well. And those 2 have allowed me to stay in range with no issues. Since I flipped I took the humidifier out. Don't think I need it.

I do believe I did end up having it in the mid to high 30's at one point. 36 or 38 inches I wanna say. But I can go over my notes tomorrow if you want. This should be a nice little journal for you since ur doing the exact same one.

Yeah still trying to get as much info and notes off here so I can be prepared you know.

Sorry about all the questions will be continuing to read more today .
Yeah still trying to get as much info and notes off here so I can be prepared you know.

Sorry about all the questions will be continuing to read more today .
Ask away bro. I kept notes in a notepad too so if u don't wanna read 800 posts then ask and I nay have the answers in my notebook. Don't feel bad dude. Ask away.

It's my first grow ever so I would just keep that in mind.
Ask away bro. I kept notes in a notepad too so if u don't wanna read 800 posts then ask and I nay have the answers in my notebook. Don't feel bad dude. Ask away.

It's my first grow ever so I would just keep that in mind.

It's a really good idea to keep notes Bc every strain acts different
Just went in and fondled the girls a bit. Some if the leaves are acting funny. Plucked some of the weird ones and a couple just because they were blocking light

Took a close up of the little white things in the coco and run off. Eww lol
apparently I also broke a few stems I didn't know about
can't see it too good bud yea. Defenitly shirt changed myself there. I even found what was a nice bud spot this morning, just chilling between leaves, dead. And freshly dead cuz till I got in there and pulled it out, I thought it was alive and connected. But no. It was broke and dead. And ofcourse some aerial shots
and underskirt
the thicker stalk girl is wider then a quarter. The other is a bit smaller. Feeding time

What's that in your run off, is it eggs from pest I am guessing fungus gnats?
Hope I'm not too late for the ride! Subbed
Ask away bro. I kept notes in a notepad too so if u don't wanna read 800 posts then ask and I nay have the answers in my notebook. Don't feel bad dude. Ask away.

It's my first grow ever so I would just keep that in mind.

That's fine the plant isn't harvested yet is it? Sorry not reading a lot of the current comments until I get there about to read up more now I don't mind taking g notes and screenshots bud .
I agree, it's not all that bad anyway, it will come right out of it on its own.

I agree it will get bigger which will regulate more cal mag so it would just take from
Where there is excess no?
No idea what they are. They bounce all over the surface of the runoff sometimes. When I was taking that close up they were moving. Gross. I've have them now I'd say at least a month and I haven't seen any ill effects from them so I'm gonna assume for noe they're harmless. Altho when I look at my leaves, many of that have little ends missing or random little holes in them. Perhaps I'll do a couple close up this week. But again, overall there green and happy so I'm not gonna change anything for now
Swag research springtails. It sounds like thats what you have. They are worrisome for some plants but I dont believe cannabis is a problem. They are probably in your coco from when you bought it as decaying coco is something they like but shouldnt be an actual problem to your grow.

What's that in your run off, is it eggs from pest I am guessing fungus gnats?
That's what you were waiting for yes/no lol. If they look good don't push just coast .
It's minor but now you know.
Burn can come on fast if your not careful, your coco is loaded up now. Time to coast lol

So I see tips go burn I need to just water and cal mag only ? Or just lower nutrients what I'm putting in ppm wise?
That's fine the plant isn't harvested yet is it? Sorry not reading a lot of the current comments until I get there about to read up more now I don't mind taking g notes and screenshots bud .
No sir. Just flipped to 12/12 exactly 1 week ago on November 1st.
No idea what they are. They bounce all over the surface of the runoff sometimes. When I was taking that close up they were moving. Gross. I've have them now I'd say at least a month and I haven't seen any ill effects from them so I'm gonna assume for noe they're harmless. Altho when I look at my leaves, many of that have little ends missing or random little holes in them. Perhaps I'll do a couple close up this week. But again, overall there green and happy so I'm not gonna change anything for now

If I was you i would show your local Hydro store that pic and they will have something to add to your coco to get rid of it but I hate bugs in my colas it drives me nuts
Swag Ive never grown weed in coco but Ive used it for years in other plants. If the larvae are hopping around its definitely springtails. They wont hurt you but the only place I personally have ever got them from is in coco bags. Likely from a warehouse somewhere and a bag with a puncture.
If they're harmless then I'll let em be.

Just got a notice that Monday they're sending past control to all the units here. And they will be going in all the units to do whatever they're doing. I dunno who has pests but I don't have any and they can just fuck right off. But something tells me that's bit how it's gonna work. So I have less then a week to figure something out. Throw a sheet over the tent and tell them I'm building a shelf if they Ask? Cuz there's no fuckin way I'm taking it down and taking the girls out. That's gonna be a MAJOR chore that I have no plans on executing. Plz help.
I'm sure I'll figure something out.


I'd put a sheet over it and drop cloth say it's ashes from loved ones over the years and you only opening it when you want to talk to them that should mess them up bud.
I'd put a sheet over it and drop cloth say it's ashes from loved ones over the years and you only opening it when you want to talk to them that should mess them up bud.
Thanks KJ. It's either that or tell em a relative is in there sleeping and has a new born baby or some fuckin thing.

I called and told them to how ass backwards this all is. I have zero pests. Nothing at all. Why the fuck would I want someone to come here and put something in my home that WILL ATTRACT roaches. Bitch wouldn't budge. So they want us clearing out all cupboards and drawers everywhere. Closets. Bathroom kitchen bedroom. U name it and everything a foot away from the wall. Told her we have kids and were busy......her reply is, if the ppl have to do it when they come then I'm gonna get charged for that. So all around a lose lose for me yay. Woohoo. Who wants to celebrate. Moving is defenitly on my to do list. Stupid was management they have here.

Sorry. Rant over.
Hmmmm. That is a tough one.... I think saying your sister in law and niece are sleeping is a good call! Idk tough call. I would just cover the tent and put lots of junk around it I doubt they'd say anything.

You could also let them know your not comfortable with them spraying chemicals in there. Say your mom sleeps in there and she didn't want it done. I mean I doubt the person will run and tattle to management.
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