Critical Kush - First Time Grow - Coco Coir

It's from dinafem. Scrog is fucked. There's plenty of things that should have been done differently now that I've come to this point. But it's gonna work for this run. All good. Grow and learn.
Idk dude looks good to me! Here come the nuggggs!!
Idk dude looks good to me! Here come the nuggggs!!
It's gonna work no doubt. But like I said. Now that I've been thru veg, I already have a few things in mind to change for next round. 1 of the major things is install the screen much earlier and to train early, which I did, but done a bit differently.

I will say that so far I consider everything a success and that I really really appreciate every single person who posted here to help me out thus far along the way.
Yeah. I think even 10 grows from now you'll still be tweaking things. Always gotta push to improve! There's no doubt you will have a great harves bud. Gotta love this plant. Just takes abuse and springs right back
I've learned so much in such a short time. I had bought a grow bible book before I got going. Haven't read the whole book. Kinda just skimmed to parts I thought were key sorta thing with plans to read along as I grow.. 420 mag took over that spot so the book is a collection item now. That is, collecting dust.

Little quick veg summary.
Aug 26 started the germ process. Soak on water till I poked it and it fell. Then paper towel then cubes. I basically called Sept 1st day 1. So 8 weeks of veg (noobish me figured oh yea 4 weeks max). I did fim 2 weeks in. That slowed them down and turned them into a bush.
Week 3 moved into 3 gal pots. Did another fim and top a month in. Which also put them into a brief pause. Then we had our high run off ppm issue. Plants were fine but run off was over 2000ppm. Did a 2 day flush and when it got back under 5-600 I went back to regular feeds. Then I got the heater and humidifier and they absolutely loved that shit. The temp and rh control, I believe, did help them out to enjoy their surroundings. And they showed it. Also had those little white things floating in the run off and when I water I see them on the surface floating on the water before it goes down. I still have them btw but girls look fine so they can hang out for now. 2 weeks ago moved in 5 gal. And installed the scrog finally. ( shoulda been installed AT LEAST 2 or 3 weeks prior) light was a constant adjustment at first. Then found a sweet spot then started playing with it again as they matured and could handle more light. Right now I think it's 12 inches away give or take an inch or two. They love it. Thought ppm and ph have been 5-900 I wanna say after I started feeding. And ph always 5.5 to 5.8. Sorry for the long post but needed to make a quick self note to refer back to. I don't like writing. Just finished 2 months of trade school and I don't feel like doing anything that reminds me of school. Lol. Have a great weekend everyone. More pics later or tomorrow.
There's always something to learn! I thought I was doing great putting my screen really low. Too late I realized it was going to be nearly impossible to water easily ugh. So spent a good while today trying to rig up an old hose, drilling holes in it trying to make a watering ring, also picked up some 3/4 inch tubing in case the hose is too small or stiff. Ya I bet it would have made a lot more sense to have that in place first oops!
There's always something to learn! I thought I was doing great putting my screen really low. Too late I realized it was going to be nearly impossible to water easily ugh. So spent a good while today trying to rig up an old hose, drilling holes in it trying to make a watering ring, also picked up some 3/4 inch tubing in case the hose is too small or stiff. Ya I bet it would have made a lot more sense to have that in place first oops!
That's y were here. To help each other and learn and evolve. I just leaned about back building on pw's thread. I know, weird, learning on p dubs thread. Go figure. Anyway I will be trying that out also. It's literally just snipping the tip on the bud sometime in the last few weeks or something of flower and it supposed to help the buds swell up.

Before I sneak back in the tent and stare for no reason again....theb eventually water, incase this journal becomes a bit less active, I apologize. Now that I'm done school, it's time to get back on the job scene. What does that entail....a drug test. And since my doc doesn't believe in this plant, I still don't have a legal prescription. So the only way is to stop medicating for 3 to 4 weeks I'm gonna say. Last time I stopped for 3 weeks and I passed the urine test. This really saddens me because I medicate for many different things and knowing I have to suffer again for the next while is, well, kinda depressing. So my chronic pain, inflammation, insomnia, anxiety, etc will be a tough battle for a bit. But I'm ready.
Oh yea. Messed with the timer yesterday so this morning it didn't turn on till after I woke up. Which is 2 hours past thier wake up call. Should I leave the light on for an extra 2 hoirs?
And I just jammed my damn thumb. A puff would do me good right about now....oh wait. I can't. .
Just went in and fondled the girls a bit. Some if the leaves are acting funny. Plucked some of the weird ones and a couple just because they were blocking light

Took a close up of the little white things in the coco and run off. Eww lol
apparently I also broke a few stems I didn't know about
can't see it too good bud yea. Defenitly shirt changed myself there. I even found what was a nice bud spot this morning, just chilling between leaves, dead. And freshly dead cuz till I got in there and pulled it out, I thought it was alive and connected. But no. It was broke and dead. And ofcourse some aerial shots
and underskirt
the thicker stalk girl is wider then a quarter. The other is a bit smaller. Feeding time
wow.. looking like Thrips Larvae to me. I had an outbreak of the and had to fight them constantly. They say that if you put a layer of either sand or diatomaceous earth on top of your growing media they won't come to the surface and climb up or fly to your leaves.

Also check the backs of your fan leaves using a scope and see if you see any little white eggs or thrips. They are really small and can't be seen with the naked eye.
Gorgeous Man, love the sativa influence in the leaves
Thanks guys. Really appreciate the support and feedback. These days, Wanda and pearl and 420 mag are the only highlights of my day. Well, and my real kids ofcourse. But really, you guys are fucking awesome.
Hehehe Swagger the fun is about to begin! In 4vweeks you will be knee deep in a field of dreams Brother!

Gorgeous Man, love the sativa influence in the leaves
Aww little rug rats . your rocking it Man, it's been sweet watching your grow evolve! Really looking forward to the next installment, and what this one has to bring!

Your gunna have some crazy nugs in there Man! .
Cut the bottom off a soda bottle and take the cap off. Put it over your seedlings. It'll trap a lot of moisture and you won't need the humidifier!! K.I.S.S.

Sweet I need to get my humidity up for this same strain right now planting tomorrow in coco. My temp are 81 and rh is 45% can they it to go over it. So I'll try this thanks.
Another day and man are these girls loving the half strength nutes. Might have to bump it up before the weekend rolls around.

Ditching the 2 litre dome since the leaves are too wide Nd touch the edges of it.

Where were your lights at did you end up moving them higher then 30 inches ?
So about my grow.....few things have changed. I'm not doing advanced. I chose instead to try REMO nutrients. His full line up and instead of coco/perlite I chose to go just straight coco. I wish I could edit that on my original post. It's misleading.

Pm teddy Edwards he will fix it for you . You have 420 mins to edit a post .
Pm teddy Edwards he will fix it for you . You have 420 mins to edit a post .
Thx. Someone told me that a while back and I did end up getting a hold of the teddster and he hooked me up

Aww little rug rats . your rocking it Man, it's been sweet watching your grow evolve! Really looking forward to the next installment, and what this one has to bring!

Your gunna have some crazy nugs in there Man! .
thx big. You've already made an impact my man. Must he a motivational speaker or something

Sweet I need to get my humidity up for this same strain right now planting tomorrow in coco. My temp are 81 and rh is 45% can they it to go over it. So I'll try this thanks.
That trick worked wonders. Till they got too big for the bottle. Then I eventually bought a cheap little humidifier. Used for like 10 bucks I think. And a little cheap heater as well. And those 2 have allowed me to stay in range with no issues. Since I flipped I took the humidifier out. Don't think I need it.
Where were your lights at did you end up moving them higher then 30 inches ?
I do believe I did end up having it in the mid to high 30's at one point. 36 or 38 inches I wanna say. But I can go over my notes tomorrow if you want. This should be a nice little journal for you since ur doing the exact same one.
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