Critical Kush - First Time Grow - Coco Coir

Thanks KJ. It's either that or tell em a relative is in there sleeping and has a new born baby or some fuckin thing.

I called and told them to how ass backwards this all is. I have zero pests. Nothing at all. Why the fuck would I want someone to come here and put something in my home that WILL ATTRACT roaches. Bitch wouldn't budge. So they want us clearing out all cupboards and drawers everywhere. Closets. Bathroom kitchen bedroom. U name it and everything a foot away from the wall. Told her we have kids and were busy......her reply is, if the ppl have to do it when they come then I'm gonna get charged for that. So all around a lose lose for me yay. Woohoo. Who wants to celebrate. Moving is defenitly on my to do list. Stupid was management they have here.

Sorry. Rant over.

I'd look into to your rights as a renter man contact your township or mpp mayor etc .

You'd be surprise I know in Canada we have more rights almost then a home owner does if you rent here in Ontario anyways it's insane .

Something to consider bud.

You have rights .
I agree. My lease has no restriction about growing.... I mean it's totally legal so idk why that would be in there anyways, but that's always the best place to start. YOU have privacy rights (Well you should), Assert them!
I'd look into to your rights as a renter man contact your township or mpp mayor etc .

You'd be surprise I know in Canada we have more rights almost then a home owner does if you rent here in Ontario anyways it's insane .

Something to consider bud.

You have rights .
I just tried that. No dice. Not sure if it's cuz they're doing the while building or not but the dude told me I can't refuse them.
What about throwing up a ladder and a painting drop sheet over it and the tent n have a bunch of random painting shit around

Just be like once you assholes are out of the way I can get started painting this whole room lol

Just make a mess to cover it up XD
Just curious - isn't growing medical marijuana legal in Canada?

In California we can grow up to 6 plants with a MMJ Card. The state is about to legalize recreational marijuana on Jan 1, 2018 but many cities like mine have passed legislation restricting to indoor growing only and limiting to 6 plants.

I had a contractor over to do some work and he wasn't concerned about my grow and actually was very conversant on his favorite pheno. Most people when they see my tent sitting in a corner of the garage don't even question it.
Swag do you have any friends with a legal grow card? If so borrow their grow license and have it handy when inspection arrives. Then your legit. It doesnt have to be your license in Canada, just any. Our greencard grow licenses are designed so growers can team up under 1 roof
I unfortunately do not have any buddies where I live with such a thing.
I agree. My lease has no restriction about growing.... I mean it's totally legal so idk why that would be in there anyways, but that's always the best place to start. YOU have privacy rights (Well you should), Assert them!
Apparently in this particular circumstance I have no rights dude.
Swag how far from Brampton On are you?
About between 3500 and 4000 kms is my best guess. If only I still lived in Ajax I'd have those things at ur place before nightfall.
What about throwing up a ladder and a painting drop sheet over it and the tent n have a bunch of random painting shit around

Just be like once you assholes are out of the way I can get started painting this whole room lol

Just make a mess to cover it up XD
Unfortunately I do not own a ladder but I can certainly bring in random tools and things like that up here so I it can still be a shelf I'm building under the sheets. Or as previously stated, could be my memorial of fallen family members.
Just curious - isn't growing medical marijuana legal in Canada?

In California we can grow up to 6 plants with a MMJ Card. The state is about to legalize recreational marijuana on Jan 1, 2018 but many cities like mine have passed legislation restricting to indoor growing only and limiting to 6 plants.

I had a contractor over to do some work and he wasn't concerned about my grow and actually was very conversant on his favorite pheno. Most people when they see my tent sitting in a corner of the garage don't even question it.
Lucky you. It's legal if you apply for and have the proper documentation....which I currently do not have and am in the process of trying to obtain. Appt on the 21st I believe with the clinic here. Aiming for at least 7 gr/day limit. Which would eventually equate to 35 plants indoor. But that's a whole other step and process to get the growing permit AFTER u get a cannabis script. My understanding is that it's a SLOW process. Thanks health Canada. Really looking after my health that way. At some point next year is when it will actually become legal across the country to posses and grow without a license is my understanding. I forgot the gram limit they are allowing. I think 30 gr flower and 4 plants. Numbers could be way off I'm just going off memory, which these days is..... selective, to say the least. As in let's not select anything to remember.

On a bit of a side note. Since I flipped I thought why don't I try to clone for the fuck of it. No intentions of keeping it but just for the experience. And without asking or researching....

Ok u can't laugh.

....i plucked a couple fan leaves. Yes I said fan leaves, n though yea right on these should root in a week or something.... Apparently that's NOT how cloning works. Lmao. I'm still laughing about that. Just looking it up a few mins ago n just shaking my head at myself. What an idiot.
<3 Lol swag you put a massive smile on my face .
Yeah not a bad idea. Now your are comfortable with the process right??? So consider the fan leaf clones as a "pre practice warm up" lol. It's scary to cut off branches! So you'll be nice and practiced for the "real thing". It's a great idea to practice the cloning. SO when you do want to keep them you'll be a pro!
Lucky you. It's legal if you apply for and have the proper documentation....which I currently do not have and am in the process of trying to obtain. Appt on the 21st I believe with the clinic here. Aiming for at least 7 gr/day limit. Which would eventually equate to 35 plants indoor. But that's a whole other step and process to get the growing permit AFTER u get a cannabis script. My understanding is that it's a SLOW process. Thanks health Canada. Really looking after my health that way. At some point next year is when it will actually become legal across the country to posses and grow without a license is my understanding. I forgot the gram limit they are allowing. I think 30 gr flower and 4 plants. Numbers could be way off I'm just going off memory, which these days is..... selective, to say the least. As in let's not select anything to remember.

On a bit of a side note. Since I flipped I thought why don't I try to clone for the fuck of it. No intentions of keeping it but just for the experience. And without asking or researching....

Ok u can't laugh.

....i plucked a couple fan leaves. Yes I said fan leaves, n though yea right on these should root in a week or something.... Apparently that's NOT how cloning works. Lmao. I'm still laughing about that. Just looking it up a few mins ago n just shaking my head at myself. What an idiot.

Wow... the process does seem time consuming and laborious. I hate to tell you that for me, I logged onto a website filled out a form checking boxes against the medical conditions I suffer from. I had to upload a picture, a photo of my drivers license and 10 minutes later I received a letter from the doctor. The laminated MMJ card arrived a couple days later in the mail.

My MMJ Card expires in 2 weeks and although I will be away for the remainder of the year (when it becomes legal) I renewed it. It seems that the state is still struggling on implementing recreational and many cities are blocking stores until they get a better handle on it.

I was laughing with you on your first attempt at cloning. When I was lolipopping my plant I stuck a couple in my DWC bucket and even though they had flowers on them rooted in about a week.
Yea I didn't even wanna mention it but it's so priceless I had to share. And maybe it'll help someone else lmao. Oh man I'm still laughing to myself.

Wow troy u guys got it good. If I had a family doc who wasn't against it then I think I would have got one by now. I could get one anytime by paying 50 bucks a gram. If I want a 5 gr/day script... 50 bucks X 5 gr= 250 bucks. And it's a full year script. The clinics I'm going to is 3 months then go back and renew. Annoying but free. And I doubt they hand out any significant scripts. So realistically I'll probably get under 5 gr/day.

Reason I want/need more is for when I move I don't want any delays in starting my forest of dreams. Already scooped up a 8x8 tent anticipating the next place I move to be a house with a nice basement for my medicine to flourish.
Oh jeeze pre subbing for that ride! God damn Swag you know how to do it!
Are these the pistils or pre flowers or something ? Whatever it's called that tells u they're female?

Yes seeds are feminized but wondering if that's what I'm looking at
8 by 8? That's an entire bedroom ! Ahhh maybe one day I'll have a bedroom to grow out. I get 6 vegging 6 flower but if you do veg right I'm sure that you could fill a 8 by 8 for flower alone no problem!
Oh jeeze pre subbing for that ride! God damn Swag you know how to do it!
Go big or go home. My wife still isn't on board with this show but ain't no stopping me now. As long as I have the means and space for it, I plan on doing big things. This has been an amazing journey so far and I have zero regrets
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