Critical Kush - First Time Grow - Coco Coir

Sweating is the best thing. You want the water pass the fat cells that the thc is stored in ( clearly a few of us don't have much of that to shake a stick at). But it has worked for me. Sauna ok exercise is best! It burns the fat too.

And I think women in general hate that men don't out on weight quite as easy hahah
It's part of how were built. Both sexes have amazing and unique qualities. What part is they compliment Each other perfectly which is why when u find that someone, life is so much more enjoyable and you really value and appreciate Each other even more.
It's part of how were built. Both sexes have amazing and unique qualities. What part is they compliment Each other perfectly which is why when u find that someone, life is so much more enjoyable and you really value and appreciate Each other even more.
Well said! You steal that from a Robert frost poem? Na JK. I'm with you. Theres lots.... okay well Some good people out there but the key is finding the match where both individuals bring out the best in one another. Pretty neat how one person's weakness can be the others strength, and together no one would guess either had a weakness.
Jungle fever

My half ass tucking yesterday is showing today. A bunch were a few inches past the screen so had to tuck n weave. Maybe this weekend I'll do a little light plucking of leaves blocking light. Won't go too crazy but just a few I think is necessary the way these girls are. They fill out so fast after every defol I've done. Don't wanna bother them too much tho overall in flower.
Yeah my personal suggestion would be to wait. Defol is normally done a few weeks in. You'll want to strip away all the growth below the screen. That way the plant can focus all its energy on churning out grade a colas above. All 75 of them
And I would also pluck those fans blocking light to flower sites. Just don't over do it because after stretch the plant grows very little new leaves.

Hope your day goes well buddy!
Sounds like a plan. My thinking was just to try and help some of the ones that haven't made it to the screen yet sorta make thier way up a bit. But I will take the sound advice and do as suggested. Thanks
Oh yeah. You can pluck a couple! Sorry. Just try and keep it to a couple. You know how easy it can be to come out with a salad bowl of fan leaves .
As promised

Ok I'm not gonna 12 yr old built it.

Ok ok I'm super late to this party but I plan to catch up as much as I can! We have some things in common so I'm subbed up now. Critical Cure is on my hit list so I'm excited to see how they turn out. Also, I LOVE LEGO! I will keep this in mind when ordering seeds next time lol .Have a great day bud✌️
Ok ok I'm super late to this party but I plan to catch up as much as I can! We have some things in common so I'm subbed up now. Critical Cure is on my hit list so I'm excited to see how they turn out. Also, I LOVE LEGO! I will keep this in mind when ordering seeds next time lol .Have a great day bud✌️
Never too late newty. Glad u made it...ur just in time for the fun part. I just flipped to 12/12 on the 1st of the month.
Oh yeah. You can pluck a couple! Sorry. Just try and keep it to a couple. You know how easy it can be to come out with a salad bowl of fan leaves .
Man, I dunno if I posted a pic the few times I did defol, but boy oh boy. Starts with a couple. Then u move to the opposite side and think that's it but then u look back the first side and say one more. By the end of it, I stick my head outta the tent n there's a mountain of leaves where I was blindly tossing them while plucking lol. I'm working on that impulse reaction thing. I'm getting better, I swear. Lol.
These guys got you covered! Lollipopping with the scrog you've filled in will kill it man! You'll get nothing but high grade sensi!.

Love how lush your scrog is, those remo nutes seem to be working well for you!
These guys got you covered! Lollipopping with the scrog you've filled in will kill it man! You'll get nothing but high grade sensi!.

Love how lush your scrog is, those remo nutes seem to be working well for you!
It's really making me nervous. I can hardly find anywhere to tuck. It's so dense in the middle. I'm trying to get the last few squares on the corners filled but that middle boy, Tarzan might be swinging in the tent next time I open it.

The girls have been loving the remo. I have nothing to conpare to obviously but I can't find a single complaint about the nutes.
. I like your problems lol
Happy Friday everyone. I shall post some pics later before the girls go to bed. I do however have a question... at what point should I just let them go. Am I doing any harm or slowing them down by always bringing them back down away from the light when they poke up outta the squares?

Remember I do plan on having a second tier to my scrog but I'd like to have an idea of where I need to end up so that I can steer them there slowly from now.
So I'm at this point also kinda. I have growths reaching canopy that aren't the main growth tips, but their off shoots. I would start letting those come up through swagg. Try and keep moving thr main ends over one square at a time and once all squares have growth of let it go vertically
So I'm at this point also kinda. I have growths reaching canopy that aren't the main growth tips, but their off shoots. I would start letting those come up through swagg. Try and keep moving thr main ends over one square at a time and once all squares have growth of let it go vertically
Roger that. I dunno if I was excited and seeing things this morning but I swear a few spots are starting to get a little hairy. Pics in a few hours. Just having another lazy day. Bout to kick my son off the ps4 so I can shoot some ppl on cod. Yes, I'm a bit of a gamer. And I'm a clasher too.
Lol take a bunch of clones from your lower growths and veg them for 2 months while you flower XD

Honestly if I was you I'd be letting them go up a bit n just start spacing out your main branches and cutting whatever won't make it off!

Your gunna have so much going on in there, you could probably get a cola in each square if you wanted to XD but yea start moving branches, organizing, visualizing what will come up where so that when you get your second tier you can just let them go up and they'll be relatively sorted out!

TMD is on point, keep your main stems under until the end, make sure those bitches know who the dominant one is Lol, you've got so much branching I think defol will be your biggest challenge! Cause your plants would rock if you just let them go now as is! .
Dude. Cola in each square. Don't tease me like that. If that happens tho, newty's gonna have a nice frosty gift around Xmas. I'll try to control myself from tying them too much and see what happens. It's almost like whoever made to the screen just wants to go and the rest aren't really making much progress. Also found that some of the lower ones that don't get much light are Browning and drying out. Not sure of its from the heater under them or what but they get plucked. No time to support dead weight. And something weird too. Sometimes I see some moisture on a leave here n there ontop of the screen. Kinda trips me put cuz I start looking around as if water is gonna randomly leak from the tent. Lol.
Lol you won't be disappointed with your yield, I can promise that .

Yea trimming up the bottom is wise-itll help with the water your seeing on the leaves too-its the plants breathing! They breath out moisture from their leaves, usually if you see moisture on a plant it's where two leaves are pressed together and aren't getting air flow! Defol will help, so will another fan!

Not so much a problem now, but in flower it'll cause unwanted issues-mold mostly! It's kinda cool your plants are self lollipopping .
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