Critical Kush - First Time Grow - Coco Coir

Little venting before wake up pics of the girls later....just sent to renew my plates. 700 damn bucks. Apparently I didn't pay a couple fines. That was an unpleasant treat for the day.
couple random shots. My little clip on loupe came in the mail. Couldn't help myself.
Hey Swag!

Sorry to hear about the fines, it's a shame that money's going to the man instead of a bigger tent . just got all caught up and will sub! I'll be here till the bitter sweet end!

Looking good man, those ladies love being manhandled, keep it up!
Little venting before wake up pics of the girls later....just sent to renew my plates. 700 damn bucks. Apparently I didn't pay a couple fines. That was an unpleasant treat for the day.
couple random shots. My little clip on loupe came in the mail. Couldn't help myself.
Here in Australia we pay a yearly registration fee, the State Government adds 55% in a mandatory 3rd Party Insurance - its about $350 ! So that uninsured drivers are covered in accidents. It boils my piss. Anyway, rant over - that clip on Loupe is excellent.
Here in Australia we pay a yearly registration fee, the State Government adds 55% in a mandatory 3rd Party Insurance - its about $350 ! So that uninsured drivers are covered in accidents. It boils my piss. Anyway, rant over - that clip on Loupe is excellent.
That's odd for uninsured ppl to be covered by other ppl who have to pay for it if I understood u correctly.
Hey Swag!

Sorry to hear about the fines, it's a shame that money's going to the man instead of a bigger tent . just got all caught up and will sub! I'll be here till the bitter sweet end!

Looking good man, those ladies love being manhandled, keep it up!
Thanks for coming by. It's my own fault. Ticket was almost 2 years ago so I forgot about it. Then as I was driving home I remembered exactly what it was. Running a red light. But it wasn't even red. It was yellow and a rainy day. So even if I slammed on the brakes when it was yellow I woulda stopped in the middle of the intersection. Asshole piece of shit cop. I remember that fucker. Oh well. It's my own fault at the end of the day still. And I refuse to let it interfere with my budget for lights or a tent. Just fed the girls again. And readjusted some of the ties. I feel like if I don't do that everyday noe that the growth will get away from me. I can already see some stems shooting up right after tie wraps so then I move it to the end again to straighten them out. I enjoy it. Quality time with my ladies. ✌

So I've taken the advice from my brother suntana to ppm and ph my runoff. I've been procrastinating for some time now. seems to be just fine. 5.8 on the run off after I just watered. Ppm on the other hand. Not good sun. It's fuckin high. The one is 1700 or a bit more. And the other is in the 2000 ppm range. So I think I'll be watering with lower ppm for a few days and see where I'm at. I dunno if I need to water more then I am now cuz usually when I get the pots out they're light. I feed put em back in then when I come back the next day or the following morning I swear it's light again.

Ur input here folks. Thanks.
I would say straight water next time then see how it comes out so you get an idea of what they're eating! Then make a decision from there!

I've heard of coco needing to be watered 2 times a day before, of course in flower but still. Typically 1400 ppm is the recommendation I've seen for week 4 flowering and later so it might be worth a flush, but I'll leave that recommendation to someone with coco experience.

Either way they still look damn fine but best to catch this stuff early and avoid lock out due to excess salt build up. Again coco is a different beast but I'm thinking General rules are similar!
So I've taken the advice from my brother suntana to ppm and ph my runoff. I've been procrastinating for some time now. seems to be just fine. 5.8 on the run off after I just watered. Ppm on the other hand. Not good sun. It's fuckin high. The one is 1700 or a bit more. And the other is in the 2000 ppm range. So I think I'll be watering with lower ppm for a few days and see where I'm at. I dunno if I need to water more then I am now cuz usually when I get the pots out they're light. I feed put em back in then when I come back the next day or the following morning I swear it's light again.

Ur input here folks. Thanks.

Those are some incredibly high numbers for runoff. I checked your last post and it didn't seem to show too many signs of nute burn so that is good news. If you are feeding daily then you really should look into feeding twice a day if they are that dry. In veg I usually feed once a day and it's more like 500 ppm.

The classic sign of letting your coco dry out is high runoff ppm. Water is absorbed and salts are left in the soil to burn the roots and the plant. When the next watering comes they get flushed out and when you read it they will be incredibly high. I try to make sure my runoff is only a couple hundred ppms higher then what I am putting in at most. Plants in veg are fighters though and it's probably a good thing you are learning about this now and not in the middle of flower. I think it was great advice given by Suntana to have you do all this.

Also props on lifting up your plants and knowing light vs full. It's a great strategy and tells a lot about whats going on with a plant. Humidity spikes in weather and all sorts of things can effect how much the roots want to uptake and there are times where I skip a feeding in flower if it rained all day because the pots just aren't light like they are used to. Good catch on that as I do think that is the root of your problem.
Thanks guys. Really appreciate the feedback. I honestly wasn't gonna even bother checking just cuz the girls are doing fine but I think since I moved them to the 3 gal pots, the water isn't being every poured maybe cuz they're so dense and bushy it's hard to see where I'm watering. I will keep you guys updated. Gonna mix up some 300 ish ppm and feed them that with a little more then normal run off for a few days. My feeding chart says max ppl should be 1200 in veg at 8ml/gal. I'm only using 6ml/gal. For Flower it says 1900 ppm max also at 8 ml/gal. Better to do this now then to wait till problems start. Again thanks fellas. Like I said before this is a community 420 grow.
I just gave em both a 275-300 1 gal flush each. Hopefully that wasn't over doing it. Run off ppm down significantly. The one that was at 2000+ is down in the 1000 range now. So I'll leave em for today then tomorrow I'll give them another low dosage and hopefully by the 3rd day I'll have my shit in order. Shoulda just listened from day 1 when everyone said to check ppm and ph run off. The good thing is they're still doing great and I'm correcting the problem that never happened yet. Kudos to you guys.
General flushing rules are 1-3 times your container size in water so you should be good to go! Sounds like it'll flush down to where you want it pretty quick too, which is real nice to see!

Glad to hear the plan is working!
General flushing rules are 1-3 times your container size in water so you should be good to go! Sounds like it'll flush down to where you want it pretty quick too, which is real nice to see!

Glad to hear the plan is working!
I didn't wanna keep dumping water on em go I figure since there is no reason to worry in terms of the plants health then my 2 or 3 day plan should suffice. I was just scrambling like a mad man up and down. Time to take a deep breathe watch a bit more football and catch some zzzz's
I feed sometimes 3 times a day in late flower. When the lights come on to runoff then 4 hours in a little more then 2 hours before lights out I feed again and sometimes a couple drips. I get a good 6 ounces runoff on the first water. Always keeps the ppms right at what you are feeding. Does go through the nutes though.
Yea after this incident I have a bit of fine tuning to do that's for sure. My lights come on at 6 pm so usually an hour after they wake up I feed then sometimes in the morning before I head out around 630 of so I give em another little splash. We'll see tho. Work in progress.
Your doing good bro, you saw a problem and dealt with it. Between that and giving our girls time to do their thing there's nothing else we can do as growers but hope for the best.

Your doing yourself a solid by recording all of this in a journal too, makes it easier to come up with a feed schedule that'll work for you!

They'll come back all supercharged and ready for more!
Starting a Journal was the best thing I have done. Its let me chart the growth, get some fantastic advice and share my knowledge that I have picked up. Its amazing how many variables there are - lighting, feeding schedules, nutrients, grow mediums and places to grow - these make almost every grow different in some way. With the spreading of knowledge we are helping more and more people help themselves. If Cannabis is grown by more people at home (in places where its still illegal) the money is taken out of the illegal trade, this stops it being a commodity that is traded illegally and viewed in such a negative way. This can only help the legal status change.
Starting a Journal was the best thing I have done. Its let me chart the growth, get some fantastic advice and share my knowledge that I have picked up. Its amazing how many variables there are - lighting, feeding schedules, nutrients, grow mediums and places to grow - these make almost every grow different in some way. With the spreading of knowledge we are helping more and more people help themselves. If Cannabis is grown by more people at home (in places where its still illegal) the money is taken out of the illegal trade, this stops it being a commodity that is traded illegally and viewed in such a negative way. This can only help the legal status change.

I'll be around bud
Your doing good bro, you saw a problem and dealt with it. Between that and giving our girls time to do their thing there's nothing else we can do as growers but hope for the best.

Your doing yourself a solid by recording all of this in a journal too, makes it easier to come up with a feed schedule that'll work for you!

They'll come back all supercharged and ready for more!
Thanks I appreciate that. The journal is definitely a great tool. This forum in general is just an amazing knowledge bucket where u can sip as little or as much of the knowledge coolaid as u want. I also keep a little notebook to document EVERYTHING. Ppm. Ph. How many ml/gal. Light height. Fims/tops. Dates and all.
So I've taken the advice from my brother suntana to ppm and ph my runoff. I've been procrastinating for some time now. seems to be just fine. 5.8 on the run off after I just watered. Ppm on the other hand. Not good sun. It's fuckin high. The one is 1700 or a bit more. And the other is in the 2000 ppm range. So I think I'll be watering with lower ppm for a few days and see where I'm at. I dunno if I need to water more then I am now cuz usually when I get the pots out they're light. I feed put em back in then when I come back the next day or the following morning I swear it's light again.

Ur input here folks. Thanks.
Yeah that's cause they're drinking but not taking nutes. Sun posted a chart over in my journal :) so if I understand correctly just give them like 150 to 200 after flushing them check there and adjust. Right?
Bullseye . your on point Swag, ain't no thang but a chicken wang:p
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