Critical Kush - First Time Grow - Coco Coir

Nice crafting there swagg! The term lollipopping does refer to a type of flower defoliation. But I think they're saying, for instance, if your bottom nodes are slow growing and not likely to produce good nugs or reach the canopy to cut them sooner than later. Since your girls are so stout now I personally wouldn't defol because I have faith in your lowest branches. And leaves are your energy converters like a dam. More turbines more production of power. That may be a horrible analogy but that's how I understand it haha. Obviously it's a little different in flower if a huge fan leaf is blocking a potential flower site. And I could be wrong but that's how I interpreted my research lol.
I defoliate in veg all the time. Nothing crazy but when the plant is aggressively growing I probably defoliate once a week. Doesn't slow them down for me at all. I give them a full week before flipping to flower to let them regrow healthy leaves for storage of nutrients and stop plucking.

In flower it is much more important when you are defoliating because the plant will not regrow leaves at the same rate as in veg. Leaves store all the nutrients which is why you flush at the end of the grow and make the plant consume anything it has stored. You will then see the leaves get really light yellow. Lollipopping is a great idea and should be done right after stretch (Just did it about a week or two in my journal and took some good pictures of where I stopped at on the plant if you want to check it out. I think it was Day 17.). Any big fan leaves can be pulled at this time too. Also get rid of any branches that aren't going to make it. After they stretch it's pretty clear which ones are at the canopy and which are going to be weak and not get much light.

As you can see a lot of opinions on the matter and your head is probably spinning. I think everyone agrees that lollipopping or something like it is a good thing. Looks like I'm the lone ranger on defoliating in veg but you'll just have to go with your gut and see what happens. I feel like I get some pretty good sized plants in flower for a 6 week veg from seedling with one topping, weekly defoliation and constant LST. Whatever you end up doing you will gain valuable experience either way and that is something you just can't pay for.
I like this post ^ your not alone .
I defoliate in veg all the time. Nothing crazy but when the plant is aggressively growing I probably defoliate once a week. Doesn't slow them down for me at all. I give them a full week before flipping to flower to let them regrow healthy leaves for storage of nutrients and stop plucking.

In flower it is much more important when you are defoliating because the plant will not regrow leaves at the same rate as in veg. Leaves store all the nutrients which is why you flush at the end of the grow and make the plant consume anything it has stored. You will then see the leaves get really light yellow. Lollipopping is a great idea and should be done right after stretch (Just did it about a week or two in my journal and took some good pictures of where I stopped at on the plant if you want to check it out. I think it was Day 17.). Any big fan leaves can be pulled at this time too. Also get rid of any branches that aren't going to make it. After they stretch it's pretty clear which ones are at the canopy and which are going to be weak and not get much light.

As you can see a lot of opinions on the matter and your head is probably spinning. I think everyone agrees that lollipopping or something like it is a good thing. Looks like I'm the lone ranger on defoliating in veg but you'll just have to go with your gut and see what happens. I feel like I get some pretty good sized plants in flower for a 6 week veg from seedling with one topping, weekly defoliation and constant LST. Whatever you end up doing you will gain valuable experience either way and that is something you just can't pay for.

I'm with you brotha. Grower friend of mine says you don't want to cover up the sexy legs of your ladies. Makes me laugh when I think of the it. Agreed you can only learn how much or how little by getting in there and snipping.
All input has been noted and will be taken into consideration. I do feel it's still a bit early to be taking out any leaves but it annoying that some of the big leaves ate blocking some light. There's still lots of growth happening down low so I'll keep an eye on it. When it slows down I'll be there with some snips waiting.

The misses is being pissy so Dabby I don't think that's gonna work for me today. Lol.

This grow is all about the feedback I get from YOU all. And I'll be experimenting with different things at different times. So don't be surprised if impulsive things happen in the coming weeks.

Now to the flush..... ph'd some water I have sitting in my 5 gallon Gatorade jug. 5.8 ph. 1 gallon each. See for yourself

Tomorrow will be back to regularly scheduled programming. I'll be watering a bit more then usual. Using the dumping method instead of what I've been doing with the monijet syringe. Yea I know I know. Wtf. I learned before anything happened so it's all good. Hopefully that's all the excitement around here for a little while. Sometimes no excitement is a good thing. Thanks again fellas for all ur input and help. This coulda really been bad if it had been left unattended.
Oh jeeze they're beautiful, your a lucky parent :')
Oh jeeze they're beautiful, your a lucky parent :')
Thanks strange.
They look great brotha. Tons of nodes all close to the top. Really no need for any lollipop for you now.
No not yet. I don't think I'll be really touching them for a while. I'm waiting for all them lowers to to grow out to the edges then start heading northbound all together. At this rate another 3 or 4 weeks of veg I'm thinking. But obviously just going with the flow.
Thanks strange.

No not yet. I don't think I'll be really touching them for a while. I'm waiting for all them lowers to to grow out to the edges then start heading northbound all together. At this rate another 3 or 4 weeks of veg I'm thinking. But obviously just going with the flow.

Same here I don't think I even keep track of veg. Always have to look to see when they popped. I just wait for them to say they are ready.
Same here I don't think I even keep track of veg. Always have to look to see when they popped. I just wait for them to say they are ready.
My first grow so I have all the dates down on my notes. Real meticulous this round. I'm sure I'll ease off once I get some confidence and experience. For now tho my noobish ways will prevail.
I started that too after you suggested it. Especially because I didnt want my journal to become to dulled down with boring stats. I think it's a great practice personally. Helps us tokers keep track of things if something goes weird....

Girls are looking bushy :)
I think if you let them go for another 2 or three weeks they may surprise you with how big they grow! And dont forget to leave room for tucking through stretch if your going to scrog. I'm getting excited just thinking about it haha. I foresee many frosty nugs in your future good sir!
I started that too after you suggested it. Especially because I didnt want my journal to become to dulled down with boring stats. I think it's a great practice personally. Helps us tokers keep track of things if something goes weird....

Girls are looking bushy :)
I think if you let them go for another 2 or three weeks they may surprise you with how big they grow! And dont forget to leave room for tucking through stretch if your going to scrog. I'm getting excited just thinking about it haha. I foresee many frosty nugs in your future good sir!
I sure hope so. Scrog net is complete. Debating on making a second tier to it.

So back to my ghetto rigging out the window. That shit has got to go. Was only around freezing temp overnight and it's noticeably cold in here. And if I notice it, my wife notices it x1000. Any idea what I can do. I don't know if just leaving the fan on a higher setting but still exhausting in the room will be enough or not. Or if I can seal that window somehow better but I doubt it
I sure hope so. Scrog net is complete. Debating on making a second tier to it.

So back to my ghetto rigging out the window. That shit has got to go. Was only around freezing temp overnight and it's noticeably cold in here. And if I notice it, my wife notices it x1000. Any idea what I can do. I don't know if just leaving the fan on a higher setting but still exhausting in the room will be enough or not. Or if I can seal that window somehow better but I doubt it
Bump,I'm gunna be running into this and will need to find a solution, any ideas from pros?

My only thought at this point is to get that 1"thick insulative foam, jam it in the window and cut a hole for exhaust, hoping the foam would be a good enough insulator but I have yet to try it :S

Will let you know if I end up doing this and how it works out!
Okay. As many of you know we live in Alaska. I've been having this mental debate for a while and maybe you other cold climate-ites can give me some feed back.

I'm growing in a bathroom. So my solutions are different but here's what I've been thinking if I ever do a tent in the guest room.

A direct hole to the window will be too much cold air. So the obvious solution is to make a smaller hole. Well then you have air flow problems and still the inevitable heated air escaping out. So what if one were to buy say 20 feet of ducting, connect it to said air inlet, and run it along, near or around a heat source. And then over to the intake of the tent. I'm thinking in "warmer" cold climates the movement through the duct near warm inside air would do enough on its own to heat the air inside the duct over a long enough space.

Certianly makes sense to me but I'd love to hear others thoughts. Also in the winter I'm thinking why waste warm moist air. (Many fellow Alaskans have to pay for humidifiers as the cold air holds far less moisture almost none at 40 below). I plan to pump our oxygenated warm humid air back into our home. Why waste money for things my grow will offer all naturally? If you don't have a air scrubber aka carbon filter I could see this as null and void swagg but maybe a thought if you plan on getting one for flower?
I have a little 4x12 carbon filter rigged up in the top of the tent. I think I'm just gonna deal with the cold that's sneaking in for noe till it starts to get really cold then switch it up. I dunno if it's a shitty filter or what but how I had it just blowing back into the room was causing complaints. But I wasn't running it very high. Maybe that's y? More air was leaking out the tent then there was getting sucked into the filter
Yeah you can try a heat exchanger on the intake like a Whole House air exchange system. This might be weird but if you have a portable oil radiator heater you can box it in and run the air into the top corner and out the bottom corner on the other side. It will need to be slow enough to actually heat the air though. Another thought is a Y connector with one side coming from your heater? Put a damper in place and you can effectively "mix" the amount of heat.

The 1" foamboard is a good idea. Double it up if you can.

Just my thoughts on this. I'm pretty far north and getting towards really cold temps myself so have been mulling over how to utilize it.
Yeah you can try a heat exchanger on the intake like a Whole House air exchange system. This might be weird but if you have a portable oil radiator heater you can box it in and run the air into the top corner and out the bottom corner on the other side. It will need to be slow enough to actually heat the air though. Another thought is a Y connector with one side coming from your heater? Put a damper in place and you can effectively "mix" the amount of heat.

The 1" foamboard is a good idea. Double it up if you can.

Just my thoughts on this. I'm pretty far north and getting towards really cold temps myself so have been mulling over how to utilize it.
The y idea sounds great. Some of the ideas are not able to be visualized by my simple mind. I'm more of a visual learner. This piece of shit place I live at has those base board water heaters or water they're called. Otherwise I'd try the y. The foam idea I have to look into aswell. Happy wife happy life.
Girls are still chugging along with no side effects from the high run off or the 2 day flush. I just set those bitches in the tub and gave em a gallon each both days.

At this point I'm not sure if I should do anything on the top half. They aren't really getting too much taller for now but I'm keeping a close eye. Don't want them to start taking off before the lowers finish catching up. Still a few lower branches that I want to go out a little ways. Lots of branches are getting arthritis from the tying. I love it. All this bends sideways and up then they get again then try to fight it for another day.

Couple shots of the original fim on Sept 15 when I did the very top

And couple overall shots
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