Critical Kush - First Time Grow - Coco Coir

I guess I was a little late there hahaha I'm not worried. I think you caught it way before anything happened girls look great
I guess I was a little late there hahaha I'm not worried. I think you caught it way before anything happened girls look great
And that's why I never bothered to even check it. Even tho I remember both u and sun telling me about checking ppm and ph. But here I was thinking naahhhhh. They look fine. Fuck it lol. I'll keep the ppms low for now till things stabilize and even after that I won't really bump it up too much.

This is obviously for dwc but he said it's applicable to any soilless medium.
And which one do I call under.
Falling rising static

Which says just to lower EC or another measurement of stuff in your water like ppm. So your on the right track!
Falling rising static

Which says just to lower EC or another measurement of stuff in your water like ppm. So your on the right track!
Right. Makes sense. Really really appreciate everything. U guys have helped me along more then you'll ever know. And we're just getting started
Would it be okay to even just give plain ph water for a day or two or is that a no no. This shit is bothering me maybe I'll have nightmares with wands and pearl killing me or something.
Your good to do that man! Just check your ph and ppm at the end of the run off, preferably isolating that water by picking up the pot or something, and that way you'll know once it's safe to start feeding again. I'd say maybe do another 1 g flush once they get a bit lighter and see where that puts you!

Plants are good man, they're resilient at this point and they aren't burnt so I think you'll be fine to give plain water until your back down to 4-600! It's easy to stress these little things on a first grow, it's even easier to make a knee jerk reaction that has further repercussions. Slow adjustments, dialing it in, that's the phase your in bud!

You'd little plant fam will be fine with such a fine care taker :cheesygrinsmiley:
It's funny that you say that BnS. When I didn't know about ppm's and ec it was so much easier to grow. Now I'm checking temps of water ec ppm and all this shit that I learned on this God forsaken website! I love to hate this "hobby"
It's funny that you say that BnS. When I didn't know about ppm's and ec it was so much easier to grow. Now I'm checking temps of water ec ppm and all this shit that I learned on this God forsaken website! I love to hate this "hobby"
That tells me you have a gut instinct!

Listen to it, don't over think it and learn to read your ladies. The rest of it is just about optimizing for higher whatever, but the art of the grow is really in understanding your plants and working with them to keep them comfy.

Once you know what your ladies are saying and how they like to be treated then straightening out the rest of it becomes easy! Of course we tend to get excited and jump feet first so sometimes we only have heinsight, but live and learn!

So many rabbit holes to dig Into, which one will we choose today? Lol

In all seriousness your good, trust that gut, combine it with knowledge and the tools at your disposal and you'll be teaching the next generation in no time!
Quick check this morning emptied the tray then gave them a litre or two before I left. One was down around 800 ppm and the other still a bit over 1000. Much better consdering they were at 1600 ish and the other over 2000. And they still showed no signs of anything. They're just loving life. I'll have some pics tonight after I give them another flush. I'll try either even lower then 300 ppm of just ph'd water tonight. Depends on how I feel.
Good stuff swag. I'm dialed in at 500 currently. Every plant is different just as is every circumstance. Just need to find your sweet spot :) I honestly don't think you were too far off. You may have to experiment some but my guess is just adjust back to your previous ppm (after your flush) and go from there cause your plants look great, and looked great even at higher ppm. That's a great sign. Keep it up bud!
Good stuff swag. I'm dialed in at 500 currently. Every plant is different just as is every circumstance. Just need to find your sweet spot :) I honestly don't think you were too far off. You may have to experiment some but my guess is just adjust back to your previous ppm (after your flush) and go from there cause your plants look great, and looked great even at higher ppm. That's a great sign. Keep it up bud!

Would totally agree. Think it seems like more of a watering issue. Gotta make sure your getting some run off and not let them get dried out in coco. Gotta find that sweet spot like the Dabber says with watering as well. Consistency is the key I find. They have look fab so far can't see the feed level being off too much.
This was my thoughts too. Maybe since I can't get under the Bush really well I probably don't water them evenly all the way thru. And the run off I'm getting is just from the exact spot where the water is trickling out. So I think I have to put a better effort into more even watering perhaps. Because this could lead to very bad things if I hadn't checked the ppms. Once run offs are back to a better range I may just stay at 6ml/gal or even drop to 5 just to shave off the little extra juice. Also feeding them run off a few times a week probably wasn't the best idea. As suntana said, dirty bath water lol.
Pick up a 1 or 2 gallon horticultural sprayer,great because it has a wand that lets you get in and under your monster bushes! Mine has a spray guard to direct the spray down so it makes it easy to gently, and easily water until they turn into trees and you can just dump that shit in there XD

Also great for measuring and mixing nutrient solutions!

Is it too early to remove a few leaves here and there?
Nope,just remember defoliation will slow growth down a little in veg, it's great for training branches to grow evenly as you can slow down the biggest ones to let the others catch up!

Also try to limit stressing factors,I.e. solve your salt problem then move to the next one. On that note your girls seem really healthy so personally I wouldn't be afraid to! :cheesygrinsmiley:
Hey swag just a personal opinion. I only "defoliate" to slow my plants down when they aren't ready to flower yet. That's the only time I'll hack leaves off the top of the plant.

HOWEVER I lollipop a lot. Which takes all the lower growth and strips it. I take the bottom 2/3 of the leaves and chutes that won't make it to the surface. The result is big fat colas up top. Leave 1/3 of the plant at the top and take the rest.
^agreed, I'm personally more on the lollipopping train myself, especially if you can train a bunch of bud sites above a scrog :cheesygrinsmiley:
Hey swag just a personal opinion. I only "defoliate" to slow my plants down when they aren't ready to flower yet. That's the only time I'll hack leaves off the top of the plant.

HOWEVER I lollipop a lot. Which takes all the lower growth and strips it. I take the bottom 2/3 of the leaves and chutes that won't make it to the surface. The result is big fat colas up top. Leave 1/3 of the plant at the top and take the rest.
Isn't lollypopping for further down the line I thought. I was just thinking a couple of the big was leaves cuz I think they're blocking some of the light from getting down to the new growth but I'm not in too much of a hurry. My plans for Xmas bud have already went out the window so it doesn't matter how progress goes now.

My wife's been bitching about the smell cuz I don't normally turn up the exhaust fan very high so I guess the smell is leaking out pretty good. So I did some ghetto rigging. Wait till she sees this and she's gonna freak that winter is coming and it's gonna be snowing and I have this going on....
took the thing from the little ac I have in my room and voila
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