Critical Kush - First Time Grow - Coco Coir

My name is swagg, and I'm and addict.
quick morning shots. Gave em both a run off water feed this morning. I swear every time I look in the tent they grow. I almost wanna retract my precious statement about to seeing any action from the fim location. But I'll wait till I have more growth before I report my findings to the masses. Hope everyone has a fabulous weekend.
Swagg, they look to be doing exactly what they should, forced those side branches out while the top worked out its damage. They look great!
Thanks sun. Appreciate the reassurance. They will still continue getting taller at some point or does the fim put an end to vertical growth?these ladies need to get up to the scrog lol. I know it may be a silly question but hey, silly questions must be asked. They say "if ur thinking it then someone else must be too"
New day. New home. 1 gal to 3 gal air pots. They drank the rest of the water I had tmso I gotta make a batch for them tomorrow. As I was watering them I thought to myself. Fuck I hope this water is enough cuz I'm not in the mood to make another batch right now.

Haha I always feel like that bro! I bet these love their new homes too
Of course she will come back, then it comes a time where all that leaf you see there will be tidied up and gone.
Big frosty nugs are waiting to bust out of that plant ..
Don't tease me like that sun. Buds are still a ways away unfortunately. For a normally impatient guy this is really helping me train myself at being patient.....till I get in my car and start driving. Oh don't get me started.
Good day everyone and a happy Sunday to each and every one of you this morning the ladies really showed noticeable growth up top. I was pleasantly surprised when I woke up to feed them and seen them. So I gave them a good feed and as I was feeding I thought to myself. Look at all these new potential fim/top locations. The longer I sat there watering ( using a monojet syringe) incase ur wondering why it was taking long to water, I thought to myself why don't I do a little more experimenting. So what I decided to do is fim 1 new location on both ladies. AND why don't I top 1 location on both girls aswell. So that's what I did. And that puts us at 1 fim on both girls on the very top last weekend. And now the each have 1 new fim location on the lower parts. And also 1 top location also on the lower parts. Hope they don't mind a double whammy. We shall see. Also retied the big was leaves again. Anyhoo enough blabber.....
oh yea I marked the locations so I can tell which was a fim and which was a top just for my own reference. And being my top, I kinds liked the pop sound it makes when u take the top off. I just bent it 90 degrees till it "popped" oh the little things in life. NFL Sunday. May ur respective teams achieve victory today.

Your girls are looking fantastic! I dare say much better than mine. She is a tall skinny one lol. Looking forward to seeing the progress on the fim and top locations.
Could be genetics that are playing a role in how our ladies are growing. Mine really bushed out in the lower sections after the fim but I think by next weekend I'll be able to really tell how many new spots she has up there. I thought they'd start growth sooner but I guess that's not how that works.
Could be genetics that are playing a role in how our ladies are growing. Mine really bushed out in the lower sections after the fim but I think by next weekend I'll be able to really tell how many new spots she has up there. I thought they'd start growth sooner but I guess that's not how that works.
Oh for sure to at least some degree. My girl is a Sativa and yours are dominantly Indica which grow short and wide. When it comes to looks, your girls will definitely take the cake. Well... if we weren't SCROG'n it. Sooner or later they are bound to look relatively similar. Haha.
On a side note, I "won" a $50 gift card from gorilla seeds from another member (thx grizz) and let me tell you. AMAZING customer service. I dealt with a lovely lady by the name of sherry from here and she hooked me up. I was able to order:
1 chem dawg millionaire
1 gorilla glue
1 northern high lights
Waiting to see what freebies she sends on top of that. I would recommend anyone shopping to have a look and consider them.
On a side note, I "won" a $50 gift card from gorilla seeds from another member (thx grizz) and let me tell you. AMAZING customer service. I dealt with a lovely lady by the name of sherry from here and she hooked me up. I was able to order:
1 chem dawg millionaire
1 gorilla glue
1 northern high lights
Waiting to see what freebies she sends on top of that. I would recommend anyone shopping to have a look and consider them.

Great Choices. Gorilla Glue is by far my favorite strain all time and Chemdawg is probably a close 2nd. Anything bred with Northern Lights has been awesome in my grows and I'd say is some of the easiest to grow. I highly recommend this Purple Envy they have. Sherry send me a couple with my winnings for Plant of the Month for May and I am currently growing it. It looks amazing. Love Gorilla Seeds. Everyone who deals with them raves about their customer service and it makes the whole process so much better.
Great Choices. Gorilla Glue is by far my favorite strain all time and Chemdawg is probably a close 2nd. Anything bred with Northern Lights has been awesome in my grows and I'd say is some of the easiest to grow. I highly recommend this Purple Envy they have. Sherry send me a couple with my winnings for Plant of the Month for May and I am currently growing it. It looks amazing. Love Gorilla Seeds. Everyone who deals with them raves about their customer service and it makes the whole process so much better.
Sweet. Glad I made some good choices the gorilla glue was on my must have list. Then penny got me on the chem bandwagon. The northern high caught my eye n had a nice description. Sherry twisted and bent the numbers to make it all fit into the 50 bucks. Shipping and stealth options all included. Even gave me a few pointers for the gorilla glue.
On a side note, I "won" a $50 gift card from gorilla seeds from another member (thx grizz) and let me tell you. AMAZING customer service. I dealt with a lovely lady by the name of sherry from here and she hooked me up. I was able to order:
1 chem dawg millionaire
1 gorilla glue
1 northern high lights
Waiting to see what freebies she sends on top of that. I would recommend anyone shopping to have a look and consider them.
What you won that??? I was gonna enter but figured no one would waste seeds on a newbie like me... I was going to make an entry for eyes4grandpa but then I forgot. Oops at least you got them tho swagg! Good shit! The girls are looking strong they definitely slow down after a top or fim but it seems worse than it is because when the auxins head back south your girls are working to grow 3 4 5 or 6 main shoots at once instead of just the 1. But they look super healthy and happy! You won't be disappointed my friend :)
What you won that??? I was gonna enter but figured no one would waste seeds on a newbie like me... I was going to make an entry for eyes4grandpa but then I forgot. Oops at least you got them tho swagg! Good shit! The girls are looking strong they definitely slow down after a top or fim but it seems worse than it is because when the auxins head back south your girls are working to grow 3 4 5 or 6 main shoots at once instead of just the 1. But they look super healthy and happy! You won't be disappointed my friend :)
Man I love having you guys around. Such a simple concept and it makes sooo much sense. Snip then they focus down low then have to work hard the top going again. Ofcourse it's gonna take time. What was I thinking.

I didn't expect to win it really. I just entered a smart ass sort of reply/reason of why I wanted it. And bing bang boom next think I know the SwAggNiFiCeNt one was awarded the grand prize. So I wasted no time shopping. And boy was I pleased with thier endless selection. And as I mentioned the service from sherry was second to none. In the future I would highly suggest looking into them and if possible to get sherry to help. She will do her best to make sure each customer walks away smiling.
Girls woke up to a rude awakening today. Soon as lights came on I got right in there and started tying they're assess up thx for the motivation tj.
pics don't really show it very well but u probably notice alot of green twist tie. I'll keep adjusting the ties each day and see what I can get from them. I'm really tempted to pull a few of these big ass leaves off but I think I'll wait a bit. I think when they're this young, these leaves actually serve some kind of purpose.
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