Critical Kush - First Time Grow - Coco Coir

New day. New home. 1 gal to 3 gal air pots. They drank the rest of the water I had tmso I gotta make a batch for them tomorrow. As I was watering them I thought to myself. Fuck I hope this water is enough cuz I'm not in the mood to make another batch right now.
Looking good brotha. Nice node growth should be a nice even canopy. Those pots sure create a really nice root zone.
That's the plan. Nice and even n fill the whole scrog net. I was gonna do fabric pots but the hydro store owner I go to and spoke to said for coco he would highly recommend these air pots. Figured why not. I think with the tray it ended up being a few bucks more then fabric but it's all good. Plus I like how they look I just don't know now how I'm ever gonna fit 5 gal pot trays in there. I don't think I'll be able to. Unless what I have now are 5 gal trays. They gave me the 3 gal tray and I told them no. I want a bigger one. But I never asked what size they were. Just took it and left. Hydro stores aren't places I like to be seen or hang out at. Especially when ppl start coming in, it's like okay I gotta get outta here.
I like those pots. May have to give some a try. I'm potting up tonight too. 2 plants down 8 to go. Fuck me. It's taking a lot of coco in these Grow pots. I'm gonna get all new flood trays for the room. Can get 4x4 at the shop for 70.00 each so may as well. Just makes life easier.
If you need 1 gal pots to try I've got the 2 that I just transplanted out of. Could bring em with me to the expo.
Looking great dude.

Are they awkward to get out of the air pots for transplanting due to the shape of the sides of the pot?
Thanks. Appreciate it. Yea it was a bit tricky lost a few of those bumps on the sides. Poor thing. And I shoulda placed them a tad higher. Few lower leaves dragging in the coco. They're burning a bit from that. But oh well.
On point my friend. Torture those ladies they love it! Unless she is an Autoflower, then sweet talk her!
They love the torture. Just teasing them with it so far. They ain't seen nothing yet. All photos for me no autos for now
Thanks. Appreciate it. Yea it was a bit tricky lost a few of those bumps on the sides. Poor thing. And I shoulda placed them a tad higher. Few lower leaves dragging in the coco. They're burning a bit from that. But oh well.
Ah ok, I was wondering because it would be cool if somebody made an airpot that unclips on the sides to allow for easy transplants. Might see what I can do there....
Aww darn it. Just when I thought I had a good idea .

Thanks for sharing though, good to know.
Still a great idea! I drill holes in my solo cup (prior to filling) half inch to an inch up from the bottom around the outside just snip from the hole to the next (connect the dots) and down the side. Bottom comes off set the cup in the up pot, and slide out cup. Low stress easy transplant! Kinda stumbled upon that one by luck but now I can't imagine any other way lol
My air pots are held together by plastic screws and come apart into a flat sheet. Should be relatively easy to transplant.
Yea that's how mine is too. Putting them into the new pot was a bit tricky. That's where a lost a few bumps. The 3 gal isn't much wider then the 1 gal. I was surprised actually. Could barely place them in without scraping my knuckles
The pics never stop here. Made up a new batch but the girls weren't really too thirsty. New batch is at 845 ppm and 5.7 ph. Most of their feed just now was all run off from yesterday with a bit extra from the new batch. I'll check on them in the morning see if they're in the mood to drink a bit more. Temps and rh have been pretty consistent so far. 25-28 (77-82F) for the most part. Celsius ofcourse. RH has been hovering in the 50%range. Lights out rh spikes up a bit. Well maybe more then a bit. Today was 70% and temps for lights out are around 18-23 ish C (64-73F) I'll do the conversions for u guys cuz I'm just that guy. Enough talk. Photo time.


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