Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

Why didn't I listen to myself? I lack confidence.:confused:

Sorry VG, I guess my epsom salt idea wasn't very good advice. You had the answer right from the beginning.
Sorry VG, I guess my epsom salt idea wasn't very good advice. You had the answer right from the beginning.
I don't think it was that hun.
I'm in control over my own grow and I make the decisions. Any mistakes were my own.
Like I said, I lack confidence but I also lack in experience. I've only flowered 11 plants so far. Including these. I'm bound to make some epic f*** ups.
I'm doing slurry tests
Hanna instruments said to use 2:1 distilled to soil. I'll let you know my first reading in about 15 minutes if I am doing this correctly.
Lmao, that happy face is cracking me up! And yes, yes I did eat a cookie. :laughtwo:
After these results, I think I'll join you. I can eat three cookies a day and not gain weight, right? If that's all I eat?
Lmao, that happy face is cracking me up! And yes, yes I did eat a cookie. :laughtwo:
You can set parameters on this meter and if the pH goes outside of that it turns red and I think you get a sad face.
I cannot vouch for this and others may legitimately shoot it down, but I did find this:

"Mix 1 teaspoon of lime or calcium carbonate into 1 gallon of water. Pour the mixture into the pot until the soil is completely moistened. This will raise the pH a half unit -- for example, a pH of 6.5 would go to 7. Repeat the procedure in two weeks if the pH needs to be raised further. "
I have an article saying something very similar. I didn't read that article you posted fully yet. The one that I read uses potassium bicarbonate to change the soil at a cation level. It's essentially a rescue dip.

I'll go back and read what you posted.
I think that you can dip and redip the potassium bicarbonate in quicker succession than two week intervals. I'll have to find the article.
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