Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

I got this from the Alchimia blog. FYI for me as well.

Potassium excess
Symptoms of potassium excess:

  • Blocks the absorption of other elements such as calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron.
  • Given this situation, you should flush the roots with at least triple the amount of water than the capacity of the pot; you can also add any component that helps to flush the salts away and leach the substrate. Then, you should water with a light, complete and balanced nutrient solution.
These deficiencies are usually more evident and frequent in Indica strains, which are often grown without much knowledge since their flowering stage is much faster than Sativas, and the maximum demand for potassium is centralized in no more than 1-2 weeks, depending on the strain.

Since Sativa plants take much longer to flower, their nutritional needs are more progressive than in the case of Indica genetics. Still, it should be noted that Sativa strains are more susceptible to be over-fertilised than Indicas, so you should pay close attention to their needs to have a crop free of deficiencies and excesses.

To me VG's plant looks a lot like this one, and they call this K def. This one is mostly the lower leaves, yet hers has a lot on the top.
Why didn't I listen to myself? I lack confidence.:confused:

The thing that bothers me about the Blue Shark is that she probably the G13 Haze and vice versa.

Looking at plant descriptions it would make sense. Scent profiles are contrary as well.
Blue Shark smells like if you mixed a stick of Juicy Fruit gum with a little Double Mint. Interesting.
G13 has some really nice buds. The pistils are just starting to change.
And these are the clearest close-ups of the GZ that I could manage.

I'm running low on smoke. She might be coming down really soon.
Just beautiful! It amazes me how they taste of all the most wonderful flavors ever.
Just beautiful! It amazes me how they taste of all the most wonderful flavors ever.
Terpines are wonderful things. Wish I knew for sure what plants I'm growing. This is just typical.SMH.
How is it you don't know?
My magical They weren't sent in breeder packs.

Blue Shark is supposed to be 60% indica and the Haze is supposed to be 80% sativa. One of them definitely looks a lot more sativa.
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