Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

OK so the consensus would be the water is fine. It's going to drive me nuts if none of us can figure out why. Too much salt? Flushes were done and no improvement. The last feeding they got worse which had more K but it also had more P. Slightly more N as well to keep a balance.
Maybe too much K now has caused the plants to lockout other macronutrients. All four plants, albeit the GZ being the worse, showed signs of the GZ's symtoms before the feed was changed, so it doesn't seem logical that it was a MC problem. If anything it was made worse by adding too much of the other micro and macro nutes. Back to the environment we go. What is common between all the plants?
The water, the feeding, the lights, the medium, the containers, the RH, the temp, critters and whatever else anyone can think of. There's nothing we can do now to make it better and thank goodness her bud quality and yield doesn't look affected, but it obviously would be good to know why.

Seriously, it's driving me nuts. I troubleshoot for a living and this will eat me alive.
I'm still puttering around but I got to here.
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