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Not much change in the flower room... RH is spiking a bit with our recent changes in weather, but is manageable.


Today is day 19 post flip. Looks like all plants are done stretching now & settled in for the ride. 🤙
So much green I can no longer see the stickers. Your plants are looking amazing. How do you handle the different heights with the lighting?
So much green I can no longer see the stickers. Your plants are looking amazing. How do you handle the different heights with the lighting?
I don't generally worry about it unless the taller plants start shading over the others, in which case I'd just set the shorter plants up on a bucket or milk crate.
Comments were removed when Preston said he wasn't after a fix just putting it out there 👍
Not seeking unsolicited advice is a bit different than not fixing a problem. I've got my affairs in order; when I'm looking for help, I reach out & ask.
Just so everyone understands, there are no hard feelings over here. I made a post that was going to lead to questions & opinions all day long.
I removed the post because I was not in the mood to field questions all day.
@InTheShed and I spoke offline & he asked if he should pull his posts to avoid confusion.

Not as dramatic as it seems, but I also come off as a dickhead, so I understand.
Just so everyone understands, there are no hard feelings over here. I made a post that was going to lead to questions & opinions all day long.
I removed the post because I was not in the mood to field questions all day.
@InTheShed and I spoke offline & he asked if he should pull his posts to avoid confusion.

Not as dramatic as it seems, but I also come off as a dickhead, so I understand.
But we in the know knows better bro. CL🍀 Edit: meaning you’re not a dickhead.
Just so everyone understands, there are no hard feelings over here. I made a post that was going to lead to questions & opinions all day long.
I removed the post because I was not in the mood to field questions all day.
@InTheShed and I spoke offline & he asked if he should pull his posts to avoid confusion.

Not as dramatic as it seems, but I also come off as a dickhead, so I understand.
I do not know you as coming off like a dickhead ever. If you ever piss someone off, it happens. We all take that chance every time we write something.
I do not know you as coming off like a dickhead ever. If you ever piss someone off, it happens. We all take that chance every time we write something.
I have good days & bad... I tend to be very direct, or even a bit rude when I'm in a foul mood.
I was a bit pissy & figured it easier to pull a post down instead of spitting fire back at every comment.
Definitely an issue w/me, not y'all. I try to keep that shit reeled in.
I have good days & bad... I tend to be very direct, or even a bit rude when I'm in a foul mood.
I was a bit pissy & figured it easier to pull a post down instead of spitting fire back at every comment.
Definitely an issue w/me, not y'all. I try to keep that shit reeled in.
Just so everyone understands, there are no hard feelings over here. I made a post that was going to lead to questions & opinions all day long.
I removed the post because I was not in the mood to field questions all day.
@InTheShed and I spoke offline & he asked if he should pull his posts to avoid confusion.

Not as dramatic as it seems, but I also come off as a dickhead, so I understand.
Well that’s disappointing.

I live for the drama of others.

I was going to suggest you both strip down and fight it out in a jelly pit!
I have good days & bad... I tend to be very direct, or even a bit rude when I'm in a foul mood.
I was a bit pissy & figured it easier to pull a post down instead of spitting fire back at every comment.
Definitely an issue w/me, not y'all. I try to keep that shit reeled in.
This is exactly why you are my people bruv :)

Hell hath no fury like a mildly inconvenienced Trala…

Sounds like he's out of weed or needs a smoke 🤣🤣
That’s your opinion.

My opinion, he’s a guy who was having a shitty moment, then apologised.

Personally I think that makes him awesome.

See that’s the thing about opinions. They’re like clits. Every cunt has got one.

Just so everyone understands, there are no hard feelings over here. I made a post that was going to lead to questions & opinions all day long.
I removed the post because I was not in the mood to field questions all day.
@InTheShed and I spoke offline & he asked if he should pull his posts to avoid confusion.

Not as dramatic as it seems, but I also come off as a dickhead, so I understand.
Just fuggetaboutit and get back to the plants, dickhead! :laugh:
That’s your opinion.

My opinion, he’s a guy who was having a shitty moment, then apologised.

Personally I think that makes him awesome.

See that’s the thing about opinions. They’re like clits. Every cunt has got one.

I agree still sounds like he needs a choof
"Sounds like he's out of weed or needs a smoke 🤣🤣"
That’s your opinion

See that’s the thing about opinions. They’re like clits. Every cunt has got one
Just because you stood in dog shit this morning don't take it out on me , there's nothing derogatory in that comment of mine .
We all have shit days, its how  you treat others that counts !
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