Archiweedies Is Back At It! 4x4 Tent, LED’s, Coco & Mephisto Genetics

Spread the knowledge, spread the love. Nice work.
Checked my container with my DBHB soil cooking and it’s nice and sweaty on the inside of the lid! Yes!!!!
Hey all Happy Friday! Lots of stuff happening this week, lets take a look.

Mephisto Genetics 24 carat Day 45-ish

Shes kinda unimpressive but healthy! I failed at building her roots in this 2 gallon bag. I know she doesn't have the proper root system to support a proper flowering. Its cool, still gonna keep feeding her and loving her. She is my last plant in coco for the foreseeable future. Everything else from here on out is in soil. Shes currently getting RO water with calmag added to about 80 ppm, AN Micro/Grow/Bloom (0.5ml/ltr), AN Carboload(0.75ml/ltr), and AN Overdrive(0.5ml/ltr).

Next I've got my last autoflowers for the foreseeable future. They're all in 1 gallon containers after starting in rockwool. Currently around day 12 I believe. Roots Organics 707 soil. The plan is to fill these containers with roots and then uppot hopefully just as flower sets in. These are Mephisto Genetics Auto's. Three are mystery seeds, one is Bubbly Livers.

They are getting some ponytail training today in hopes of bushing these guys out some. I believe Ill top these at node five which is almost here.

Here's a look at what is to come after our auto run. We've got In House Genetics "Slurricane", Girl Scout Cookie x Afghan(x2), and GSC x Auto Purple. These are photoperiod plants and that's where my grow is headed next. The one above ground akready is the first of the GSCxAfghan. She had a friend, my last Super Lemon Haze bean, that didnt make it. Pity..
The others all have a tap root and some Recharge sprinkled on their germination holes with RO water.Building good microbes in the soil from the beginning I hope.

Some non-420 gardening I'm playing with, but it is still somewhat relevant. Fired up the Dewey Cloner and turned on one of the lights in the 4x4. Those are just some succlent cuttings I took to try things out....thinking about it now though, usually they have to dry out to start Cleaned the tent and put the flood tray in. Im also trying to germinate some broccoli seeds in the tupperware. Saw someone try it on youtube and thought Id give it a shot while I have the heat mat under the dome.

Whew, hope everyone's week has been good and let's have a great weekend!
Great update Archiweedies! Looks like it's going to be a smooth transition to Doc's kit with the last of the coco starting to frost.

I want to watch those broccoli seed grow. It's pretty much my only vegetable. Oh, and I just stick succulent cuttings in soil and keep it damp for a while, or in a cup of water in the shade. I don't think I've lost one yet!
Thanks Shed! I’ll give that a shot with the succulent. I’ve got one that will have a leaf fall off onto the soil, as the top of the soil dries a little baby succulent starts at times. I’m probably telling you what you already know!
Man Im vaping this bubble hash in my silver surfer vape and its so great! Im glad I gave making bubble hash another try! I do have some hash that I couldnt get off a couple of the screens.
Yea, I hear ya. I did a little planning ahead to make the hash making less work, like stockpiling ice from my icemaker for a week prior to making it.

I like smoking it too, but the problem is I started coughing all the time. Sometimes, if Ive given it the best dry and cure Im capable of at this point, I can get by smoking a hooter without any trouble. Other strains, it seems to me atleast, no matter the dry and cure it will irritate my lungs when combusted.
Water pipes, of course, rarely make me cough. Its just...Im the best joint roller I smoke with ( I normally smoke alone :() HAHAHA!
Yea, I hear ya. I did a little planning ahead to make the hash making less work, like stockpiling ice from my icemaker for a week prior to making it.

I like smoking it too, but the problem is I started coughing all the time. Sometimes, if Ive given it the best dry and cure Im capable of at this point, I can get by smoking a hooter without any trouble. Other strains, it seems to me atleast, no matter the dry and cure it will irritate my lungs when combusted.
Water pipes, of course, rarely make me cough. Its just...Im the best joint roller I smoke with ( I normally smoke alone :() HAHAHA!
You may smoke alone but you're not alone. That's always a plus!
Well this seems like the good time to jump in:battingeyelashes:

i like the garden:welldone: how big is that cloner? it looks tiny, wich is interesting considering a small space i grow in...
Welcome at any time friend! The Dewey bucket is a 2 gallon bucket and if you get a little air pump and all the fittings. I drop some Hydroguard in there to keep things clean. Its very small, and allowed me to clone in the past very successfully as a first timer. It is very easy to build your own version of this. Look no further than Sheds Cloninator!
Welcome at any time friend! The Dewey bucket is a 2 gallon bucket and if you get a little air pump and all the fittings. I drop some Hydroguard in there to keep things clean. Its very small, and allowed me to clone in the past very successfully as a first timer. It is very easy to build your own version of this. Look no further than Sheds Cloninator!
Mine is an aero cloner but also in a 2 gallon bucket. Completely self-contained because the submersible pump sits on the bottom! I got a timer set that runs the pump 1 minute on and 15 minutes off, but you can set it at any interval you want. I tried 24/7 but it got the water too warm for my liking.
Yea I usually estimate 4 liters per gallon. That’s how I measure nutes and stuff.

I meant to say above that the Dewey Mister comes with the pump and hoses, etc.
The most important thing about the mister is that it doesn’t heat the water at all. The pump is outside of the cloner. You can also aerate compost teas and organic nutrients are no problem. They have systems for 5 gallon buckets along with a lot of other options. I use it to aerate my nutes before feeding sometimes.

It’s been sitting collecting dust as I’ve been just doing autos.
Lol! Here he is next to a 5 gallon bucket for reference.
Whats up 420?!
Little Update today:
Ordered a dehumidifier for the tent. Its a 30 pint with garden hose hookup for draining made by Ideal. Growshop gal uses one just like it and talked me out of the 80 pint, which I clearly dont need that much for such a small space. Anyone got any tips on how to store it out of the way? I'd hate to only run 3 plants in flower at a time becaue I need room for the dehuey lol.

We've got the 24 carat from Mephisto at roughly 55 days.

Next up weve got our last auto run for a while with 3 Mephisto "mystery beans" and one Mephisto Bubbly Livers. Day 16.

In the veg box are the two Girl Scout Cookie x Afghan. They are the first photos Ive grown in a while and Im excited to get back into photos for a while. I hope to clone these, flip the clones to 12/12 to check for sex, and then we'll decide how many Ill run. The plan is to do four plants, going from solo cups> 1 gallon> 2 gallon> 10 gallon.

Stay out of your kids Halloween candy guys, you’ll just regret it when bikini season is here ;)
Mephisto Bubbly Livers
That's a strain of plant? Yuck! Looks great though so there's that :).

beez said:
Actually I believe I read somewhere that the cuttings don't have to be rooted to throw them into the flowering tent to determine the sex of the parent plant. Just cut them off, put them in some PH'd water, and stick them in the flowering tent. I've never done this myself, but am pretty sure I've read it a couple places.

If it proves to be true/accurate it will save about 2 weeks time in determining the sex of the parent plant.
I know huh! Its a cross of blueberry and bubblegum if I remember correctly.

I read that in Beezs' journal and I might try it, I suppose it cant hurt really. might just flip em' 12/12 right in the Dewey Cloner!
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