Archiweedies Is Back At It! 4x4 Tent, LED’s, Coco & Mephisto Genetics

Most commercial growers only run co2 during late flowering. Everything else has to be dialed in perfectly to see any benefit with co2.
Thanks Pen. I think I’m backing off the notion of adding co2. I’ve got plenty more to learn and get better at before worrying about adding more to it. I’ve got my doc buds kit nearly cooked and ready to go for my next run. That’s a whole other process to get familiar with.
Hi Arch, I hope I haven't missed your decarb with your new MB2 toy. I was away for a long time, so I'm just getting back now. And remembered, that I wanted to check out your decarb. Also I think Troy is gonna be back any day now from his cruisin' so it'll be cool to swap stories. I'm just gonna chill in the back and watch your grow. Hope that's cool with you.
Well what a nice surprise Lady G2HM, I trust you are well? Yes, decarb went wonderful although I would say if smell is an issue a turkey bag is still nice to have on hand. The magical butter decarb box does not contain the smell, but it is worth its weight in gold for calibratiing your oven. I discovered my oven was off by over 25 degrees!! o_O

I made some canna oil with 2 cups coconut oil, 28 grams flower, 1tbsp soy lecithin. Filled some capsules and I think I must be immune to canna caps lol. I gave my son a nice handful to take with him and he said 2 caps and he was feeling great. Ive taken 6-8 caps and feels like a real light CBD feeling almost. Very mellow. I have a theory that the removal of my gallbladder has something to do with this. I plan to make some cannabutter, fill some capsules and try that. Same amoint of flower, just butter rather than coconut oil.

Ive researched alot on this and I cant seem to find much about the lack of a gallbladder and coconut oil not working. I get very stoned from the few dispensary edibles Ive had. I can take 1/2 tbsp of water cured AVB and be very stoney. Any thoughts?
Heres a shot of whats happened so far this week.

Loving the bubble hash!
Pearly white roots!
Shes pretty even if I didnt get to realize her potential...yet I still have 4 beans of her for one day

Remembered the mykos!! :rofl: Actually its Great White brand. Im transplanting these autos because I have been convinced that transplanting properly can avoid stunting in autos, and there may be an associated growth spurt if done well. I think they are happy in their new homes. I didnt want to flower them in 1 gallon pots anyhow. If I start to notice root issues before the stretch is over, Im prepared to upcan one more time. This move was from 1 gallon to 2 gallon. I realized how silly that was about halfway through the process. I should have went 1 gallon to 3 gallon and called it done. Live and learn!
Thanks Shed, you've been like a big brother to me man! I appreciate everyone that has checked in on me here, thank you. It means more than you can imagine.

I got my hands on some Everclear finally! Im going to also be giving the MB2 a workout making some tincture. Ill take some pics if anyone is interested. Is there anywhere locally one might find some colloidal silver for reversing sex (on plants not me ;))? I have like a vitamin shoppe real close to me is why I ask.
Right on man yeah I’m looking for some CS. I guess I can jus t Amazon it. What ppm is best 50ppm?

I’ll get some photos going for the decarb and the tincture process. I need some dark dropper bottles too.
50 ppm is what beez is using and he's our current seed-making guru!
I’ll probably just order it from Amazon. Just thinking, my plants will be setting flower soon. If there’s even a remote chance I decide to go for it, I need to have it like yesterday. That’s why I was looking to find it local ;)
Alright. Ordered the same one Beez is using. I found an 8oz bottle on the manufacturers site so All told right around 16 bucks with shipping.
I’m starting to get my head wrapped around the idea of making seeds without affecting other plants in the room. Keeping pollen away from other buds on the same plant could be tough as well. I’ll be watching some YouTube vids on the subject this evening over a nice bowl.

Did some science on myself today.

First time I’ve used this toaster oven so I did a quick .5g decarbing. Sprinkled it over some graham crackers and Hershey bars. Got pretty baked. Way more than my coconut oil pills. I think I’ll decarb a couple ounces tomorrow and make a quick tincture.
I like the decarb box and all, but I have a laser thermometer as well and that is all I had to decarb with before. I will say it’s easier to adjust the oven with this thing because there’s no opening the door. Just adjust and let the oven come to rest where it may.

The 2 cup minimum is a bummer. I did 28g of flower and 2 cups coconut oil when I made the last oil batch. If I do the same thing, but this time with butter, it should be a fairly equal test. The outcome, I hope, will prove my theory that my lack of a gallbladder stands in the way of canna coconut oil not being very effective on me.
Yessir, I’ve spent some time over there. I’ll do a search through the thread and see if my question has been covered or not. Thanks for the reminder.
Thank you Shed, I had a read through the results and I haven’t found my answer specifically. It appears there are individuals that have had their gallbladder removed but appear not to have any issues absorbing the oil. I’ll make a post in the thread.

Meanwhile lights came on and I had a peek at my LST job I hastily did on a couple of the plants and I think one of the mystery seeds is a boy cause I’m near certain it’s displaying balls. I put it in the veg box just in case. I don’t think he could be close to have viable pollen at less than 30 days.. what day am I 25.
It had some interesting things going on from early on. Alternating nodes that led me to stay away from topping it were the first clue something was weird.

What should I do with it? It almost looks like it’s a hermie
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