Well-Known Member
Yea so either I have an astronomical tolerance or the oil isn’t potent enough. I dosed 1 mil, slight effect. 2 mil little more. In frustration I tried a full tsp. I’m not super stoney, but my back pain is a distant memory and I’m not feeling any stress! Not bad. I think the oil could be more potent. Just have to decide how much more bud to add.
Surprising to hear that you were not getting any effect from your batch oil. I've not tried making oil yet. I make tincture with everclear at least monthly and really happy with the results. What I like about Alcohol Tincture is that it can be evaporated down to the strength you desire. Only warning will all edibles is to wait before increasing dose it often takes up to 1 hour to start kicking in.
I determined my tolerance level by buying some 5 mg gummies and then tried two. For me it was a little week so the next night I had 3 and found my sweet spot at 15 mg.
Each batch of Tincture I make I have to play around with to determine dosing. The last couple batches I have evaporated down to about 30 mg / ml and dose at 1/2 ml.