Archiweedies Is Back At It! 4x4 Tent, LED’s, Coco & Mephisto Genetics

Nice, thanks for the support guys! Shed, you'll be happy to know day one is today man! Im starting it! I gotta head out, but Ill post officially in the thread this evening. I'd like to share my story in that thread so that others may benefit if they come in search of similar answers I seek.

Dutch is definitely good people! I got a great feeling we're gonna be growing together for a long time.
I'm very thankful as I wake and read the boards this morning I am filled with an immense amount of happiness and optimism. A rare occurrence for me these days!


Dam right we are! We got years of growing ahead of us and lots of knowledge to build and share ! I’m glad you are seeing the light! Onwards and upwards my friend.

Good luck with day one! It feels good after completing the detox and then being able to start medicating again.
Nice, thanks for the support guys! Shed, you'll be happy to know day one is today man! Im starting it! I gotta head out, but Ill post officially in the thread this evening. I'd like to share my story in that thread so that others may benefit if they come in search of similar answers I seek.

Dutch is definitely good people! I got a great feeling we're gonna be growing together for a long time.
I'm very thankful as I wake and read the boards this morning I am filled with an immense amount of happiness and optimism. A rare occurrence for me these days!


*I'll cheers to that...:passitleft:
I’m great. Researching some final questions I have regarding Doc Buds kit before embarking on that journey. How’s that Peyote? School me on critical, I see that often in chemovar names.
I’m sitting with the dogs, wife has school (online) so she’s doing that and my daughters a moody teenager :rolleyes: So yea im just reading and trying to learn ;)

Hey guys. The humidity has been really low here lately and my 24 Carat is just about finished flowering. She’s really packing on weight for as little as she is and she’s pretty frosty. Trichomes are cloudy with no ambers in site. I’m looking for couchlock from this one so she’ll stay put for a while.



The Mystery Seed gals are looking good and I’m pretty happy with the training for the most part.


Of course we lost one of the mystery seeds to hermie :rip:
This Bubbly Livers looks to have the same structure as HBSS. She is one of the parents so... makes sense. I’m glad to be out ahead of her this time with training to keep her contained.

Last but not least is what I’ve discovered has been referred to as Bedroom Cookies by @Pennywise and the breeder is our very own @Rich Farmer ! I’m impressed by what I’ve seen of it grow so I am planning to grow these out, take cuts, flip the cuts to 12/12 immediately for science to determine sex and then pick a mother. If the cuts survive this cool, if not science loses this time. I’ll be rooting in my Dewey Mister cloning bucket.

Bedroom Cookies
Day 22.

Bedroom Cookies
Day 15

Have a great week :green_heart::420:
Nice structure on the Cookies and nice frost on the 24 Carat. Are you looking for couchlock awake or couchlock for insomnia?

Will you be topping the Mystery seed any more or letting it grow as is (with training)?

So many questions so late in the day!
Heya buddy I’m liking the short internodes on the BC’s and they look like what I’d expect from a chemovar with Afghan in its lineage.

24 Carat is an experiment for me in that I’ve never had the patience to really let an indica get nice and amber. We’re going for insomnia meds here!

No more stress to the autos at this point. That is unless I need to supercrop one. I doubt that’ll be a problem.

By the way temps have been quite steady now that I have that heater working. Though humidity continues to be lower than I’d like.
We’re going for insomnia meds here!
Not sure if you're aware of the science of couchlock, so if you are you can skip this next paragraph...

The three stages that trichomes go through are clear, cloudy, and amber. Clear is when the THCa is developing in the trichomes. Cloudy is peak THCa. And amber indicates that the THCa has begun to degrade to CBNa. It's CBN that creates couchlock. Besides allowing a plant to ripen well past its cloudy state and into amber, a shitty cure will also enhance the amount of CBN present in the buds. That would probably mean curing in the heat and light, two things we usually avoid!

beez0404 gave me the method he uses to create his insomnia meds, which I'll paste below (with all credit to him for passing this along to me):
"A couple things about the way I grow. First......if the flowering cycle of a plant is 7 weeks I flower my plants for 9-10 weeks. So by the time I start the flush (my system) the plant has reached it's full potential. The buds are as big and resin covered as they're going to get.

Second........During the three finishing weeks (8-9-10) I slowly decrease the amount of water the plant receives after it is flushed. This plant was grown in a 10 gallon tote. Flushing for me is slowly pouring 10 gallons of water making sure to pour over the whole surface of the pot to wash as much nutrients out of the soil as possible.

So the plant was flushed 2 weeks ago. She barely drinks any liquid at this point. She got her last "feeding" with Bembe yesterday. Between now and next Monday when she is harvested she will get a total of 75ml of water. Her leaves will be all drooped over and she will have lost about 25% of the water inside of her.

The Bembe does indeed continue to feed the buds which by now are starting to turn the THCa into CBNa. This increases the narcotic effect of the final product. I grow in this fashion to produce medicine for my insomnia. The 2.5 to 3 extra weeks and cleansing of the plant seems to work for me.

Something too. Not all strains are the same. Some do not have to go 3 weeks. A few strains I've grown have gone 4 weeks longer for the same effect.

I find the finished product to be smoother and cures with a sweeter flavor which I attribute to the Bembe (honey, molasses both do the same thing) putting the sugar to the plant in it's final stages."

Though humidity continues to be lower than I’d like.
I keep recommending Vicks Vaporizers as a cheap way to raise the RH. It will have the added benefit for you of adding heat as well!
Thanks Shed! That’s some great info! I was aware of the ideas behind it as far as letting it go a couple weeks past it’s date, just never tried it. I’m always too impatient to wait ;)

I’ll look into the Vick’s Vaporizer, I’ve got a small little humidifier but I have to fill it pretty often and it just seems as though it doesn’t have the strength to really fill the tent.
Those B Cookies turn out really nice, cross your fingers for a purple phenotype.
Yea I searched your thread that you grew em out, I believe your words were “ they practically grew themself” they were chunky and had a great yield considering the GSC is reputed to be a small yielder.
I hope I can get them to fatten up as well as you did :goodjob:
Rich Farmers and mine both were heavy yielders. It's a 3 way cross between Cookies x White Widow x Afghan.

I failed to find a smoke report as my jaw was left wide open when I saw your harvest. I get distracted easily ;) How was it?

@InTheShed morning brother, I found the humidifier I have. It’s only 1.5ltr’s but other than that it kicks ass. I need to grab a humidistat to use with it I suppose that would extend the life a bit.
Mine was to the Afghan side in taste and effects, very nice late night med, will be interesting to see other phenos pop up.
Yes! That’s what I need! I hesitated stating what chemovariety it was as I wasn’t sure RF wanted it “out there.” I happened upon it while perusing your journals and found it!
I thought the buds on the one you grew looked very white widow with specs of the Girl Scout, if that makes sense.
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