Archiweedies Is Back At It! 4x4 Tent, LED’s, Coco & Mephisto Genetics

For those unaware, here PW’s plant I’m talking about.

So delicious looking :eek:
Yum! And I think I have to go to foxtails anonymous...I love buds with foxtails!

@InTheShed morning brother, I found the humidifier I have. It’s only 1.5ltr’s but other than that it kicks ass. I need to grab a humidistat to use with it I suppose that would extend the life a bit.
If it's working for you that's great. But you could get two of the Vicks for that money and they'll put out steam for heat and higher RH as well (leave them on all day and the walls will be dripping!). And the moisture is sterile because it's steam. With misters, the water in the tank can breed fungi and bacteria.
How much heat does it put out ?
The Vick’s machine.

Yum! And I think I have to go to foxtails anonymous...I love buds with foxtails!

If it's working for you that's great. But you could get two of the Vicks for that money and they'll put out steam for heat and higher RH as well (leave them on all day and the walls will be dripping!). And the moisture is sterile because it's steam. With misters, the water in the tank can breed fungi and bacteria.
:yahoo: I know I’m teasing. I’ve witnessed your appreciation for language arts in other places! I don’t mind, it is good to continue pushing ourselves to exercise the mind. Break the stoner stereotypes!!
So I might have to get one of them Vick’s guys. How often do you need to fill it would you say?

Oh and let my try this: You’d never hear her say he’s a nice boy, ol’ grandma!
:yahoo: I know I’m teasing. I’ve witnessed your appreciation for language arts in other places! I don’t mind, it is good to continue pushing ourselves to exercise the mind. Break the stoner stereotypes!!
So I might have to get one of them Vick’s guys. How often do you need to fill it would you say?

Oh and let my try this: You’d never hear her say he’s a nice boy, ol’ grandma!
You need to soften up your grandma a bit. They're usually good with the gifts!

I'd put the Vicks on a timer (check the wattage first) because it puts out a lot of moisture!
I’ve wondering about getting a timer I can control in like 5 minute increments? Do those exist? Ideally I’d like to get a programmable humidistat so that I can set an upper and lower threshold for humidity.
I might just go get one and get off my ass. ;)
I just decided I need a new hygrometer for my veg box too, In the interest of accuracy and all. I think maybe I will get a vicks for the flower tent if the timer can handle it. Ill check the specs on the vicks.
Alright guys new gear porn! I’ve. For those of you following thus far, I’ve been winging it with my environment pretty much since my first grow. I was cheap, I thought I could grow without manipulation of my environment.

Well, I’ve seen the light and my research into growing better has proven time and time again that I cannot ignore it any longer. During the course of this current journal I have purchased the following: 30pint dehuey, two more COBs, oil-filled radiator, reverse osmosis filter, and a window AC unit. The only thing I can’t think of is CO2 and previous discussions here have persuaded me to get my other environmental parameters in check.

This all is perpetuated by the fact I purchased DBHBB soil and cooked it. To make the transition back to photoperiod plants predominantly, I also had to purchase some more genetics.

I’m probably 900 bucks in on this stuff at this point. Well although I purchased all this stuff there was a missing link. I had no way to control it all.

This is the AutoPilot by Hydrofarm. The device is analog, 15’ temp probe with photocell built in, controls heat, air, dehumidifier/humidifier, and Co2 if I ever add it.
I plan to install this tomorrow and start dialing it in over the course of this current grow. Doc Bud mentions emphatically that if environment is not under control, you’re wasting your time. Maybe he didn’t say wasting your time, but that’s the gist.
I expect to have some snags here and there with dialing the controller in, but I feel like it’s necessary given that I grow in my garage. The veg box will not be covered only my 4x4.
Anyone have any experience with this controller or have some thoughts on manipulation of my environment? Maybe I’m overlooking something?

Have a great evening!
Look up Vapor Pressure Deficit and find a good chart. It's a good place to start.
I have started seeing VPD mentioned more and more lately. I have questions, but I’ll research it first to see if I can find the answers.
No experience (obviously) but what a cool looking bit of analog gear. Only thing missing is the tubes :). Play well!

Oh, here's one:
Thanks Shed!
I’ll get to studying VPD and start shooting for those ideal numbers
Appreciate the input PW and Shed. :thumb::thanks:
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