Archiweedies Is Back At It! 4x4 Tent, LED’s, Coco & Mephisto Genetics

Hey Archie! Thanks again for the nomination! I've been seeing you around in brix journals so was expecting to see you using it but seems like you're in coco? Is that still the case? Are you considering the kit? Sorry, I follow so many journals now my head Is spinning! :rofl: what's one more right!?! I'm actually just about to move my girls inside from my freezing garage so theyll be much happier soon. I have been keeping temps in the tent up with a hair dryer on a sensor but that thing is working overtime!
Hey Archie! Thanks again for the nomination! I've been seeing you around in brix journals so was expecting to see you using it but seems like you're in coco? Is that still the case? Are you considering the kit? Sorry, I follow so many journals now my head Is spinning! :rofl: what's one more right!?! I'm actually just about to move my girls inside from my freezing garage so theyll be much happier soon. I have been keeping temps in the tent up with a hair dryer on a sensor but that thing is working overtime!
LOl @InTheShed haha.

Ween I started this current journal in coco, I have one Mephisto 24 Carat left in it and I’m just waiting for lots of Amber on her as I’ve never done that on purpose. It’s a science thing :thumb:

She gets AN three part 1/2ml/ltr, AN Carboload 1/2ml/ltr, AN Overdrive 1/2ml/ltr, and CalMG1ml/ltr. I stressed her and she’s a tiny one. Never really got her roots to the point needed to build good size flowers but never fear I got four more beans and some CS I’m gonna be playing with.

The three autos that are just starting flower are about 30 days old and in FFOF with OC+. These plants mark my return back to soil and serve as a bridge between coco and Docs kit. I’ve given nothing but RO water and I got back to doing some LST. They’re nice and flat and frustrated cause I keep tying the tallest cola down lol.
Two of the plants are Mephisto mystery seeds, one is Mephisto “Bubbly Livers.”

The two smallest are from the mastermind @Rich Farmer. It’s been dubbed Bedroom Cookies and has been grown by Pennywise, very well I might add! It’s a cross of GSC Extreme x Afghan. These are my first Photoperiod plants since my 2nd grow. My plan changes, and I’m open to suggestions, but the plan was to take cuts of the more beautiful of the two and keep one as a mother. The downside is I have like twenty something seeds on their way here and...well lots of exciting choices. :laugh:

Long and short:
I’m transitioning to Docs kit but using this grow to dial in my new environmental controller and put in practice some of the fantastic lessons I’ve learned. My run in Docs kit will be documented, but I’ll do a separate thread for it!
I would like to try the kit eventually but until I get more seasoned I will stick with what’s working for me! Looking forward to learning though woop !

Hey Dutch! I did 1 grow then switched to the kit and will,never grow with any other system! One of the beautiful things about it is how easy it is, then there is loads of support, no ph up,or down!!! No flushing! Oh, then there is the top quality produce you get. Can you tell i love the kit!? Ha! :rofl:
I would like to try the kit eventually but until I get more seasoned I will stick with what’s working for me! Looking forward to learning though woop !

Well, I’d it makes you feel any better I’ve been told even a poor run in docs kit will be better than what I’m used to. I’ve also been encouraged not to fret, as there are lots of great growers here to help.

OK, got it! Let us know when you start the kit journal! Bedroom cookies, I get it, because his handle used to be Bedroom Farmer, correct? Pretty cool you have an enviro controller, what kind do you have?

Yep that’s him!
Yea so the controller:

Time will tell if it takes care of my needs but I’m off to a good start! RH and lead surface temps have been in perfect VPD since I dialed it in.

I’m working on writing up an article/post on VPD and how beneficial it is to our plants health and vigor.
Rich asked me to name his new strain and Bedroom Cookies was a tribute the Rich.
Nice! I hope this isn’t inappropriate, but I’ve not seen him around much, he still doing thangs?
Time will tell if it takes care of my needs but I’m off to a good start! RH and lead surface temps have been in perfect VPD since I dialed it in.
I’m working on writing up an article/post on VPD and how beneficial it is to our plants health and vigor.
Congrats on getting that "dialed" in!
Hey Dutch! I did 1 grow then switched to the kit and will,never grow with any other system! One of the beautiful things about it is how easy it is, then there is loads of support, no ph up,or down!!! No flushing! Oh, then there is the top quality produce you get. Can you tell i love the kit!? Ha! :rofl:
I dunno, Magoo's seems so sad whenever he posts a pic of it.
Top Secret Government Lab: High Brix Quadline: G13 Haze!
Congrats on getting that "dialed" in!
Thanks Shed! RH is able to be locked in to very accurate numbers!
He still pops in and updates his journal.
Okay just wasn’t sure if he was as active as before. I wandered off for a few months around February to September and haven’t seen his posts in the usual spots I’d expect to find them.
Anyhow, looking forward the cookies!
Hi Shed! As I said before, that plant is going to explode when it gets more soil. I don't see a sad plant at all, look at the beautiful green color and how vigorous it is even though it's been pretty harshly trained. Did you by chance see Rich Farmers 1st kit grow? His plants looked really, really bad and bounced back and turned out pretty great! I've never seen a bad kit grow, well there was 1 but it was major user error and that grower really did not try too hard for his own reasons but did say he would be back eventually.

Kit grower for life yo!

Have a great weekend shed Archie and all!

I think your going about it the right way archi. Don't want to many new variables to deal with. You know how your other grows went with the temps and rh you had, now get that dialled in and compare them then when you go to docs kit you have that out of the equation. One thing of concern is if your exhaust fan is only running to get rid of your excess humidity how are you replenishing your co2 while it's off? Cultivator always said that airflow is one of the most important things to look at and since I've really turned up my exhaust fan and did some heavy defol to the bottoms and center of my pants I've seen a big increase in my production numbers.
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