Archiweedies Is Back At It! 4x4 Tent, LED’s, Coco & Mephisto Genetics

I made a stop at the grow shop to look into RO setups. Grow guys was pushing the stealth ro 150. I have decided to run one more auto flower grow and then switch some things up.

The AC I installed is doing fairly well especially since ambient shave been in the 90s and dipped in the 100s today a little. Keeping things right around 80 degrees. I’m shocked really. I think I’d rather have one of the portable units because it would be easier to exhaust the hot air up and out
That makes it tough for sure, flush with the light nute solution. You don't want to flush with plain water, it can shock the plant. Especially in coco.
Yes, make a mild nute solution. You don't want to give coco plants plain water, you'll shock them.
I empty my dehumidifier on the big girls is that a bad idea? About 2 gallons or so every couple of days?
I empty my dehumidifier on the big girls is that a bad idea? About 2 gallons or so every couple of days?
I dont know, there are guys who "reclaim" ac and dehumidifier water for their plants. I'll just collect it and water my outdoor plants with it.

I was looking into using window ac units and ran across a thread elsewhere that a guy in my neck of the woods was having luck with a window ac unit in a garage.
At first he built a box to divert the air this way and that, but he admitted later that just making a hole in the side of a grow tent would be the easiest way to do things. So, being the handy guy I am, I built a rack for my ac to sit on that I can slide up to my tent. The Apollo tent I have has a side window that I can unzip and I just used a really thick trash bag (the thick lawn type bags) and some heavy duty gorilla duct tape to seal it up to the tent. It worked so well that I hit 59F in less than half an hour cause I left it on its previous setting. Obviously this is more efficient. Ill get some pics up tomorrow.
Makes sense. Had trouble keeping the girls under 90 this summer until i listened to reason lol . Added a window unit. Never run in the summer (upstairs again) for sure .
Well Ive hit a snag with the window unit situation sadly. The ac is cooling but now I need a dehuey lol. So for now Ive gone back to just regular old vented tent in my garage. Current temps are 88F 49%RH. Plants are looking pretty good though so, theres that haha
Just keep them well watered for now, I wish you luck with the temps.
Thanks Penny I have been busy but the pants are doing well. I e got a proper update planned for a little later.
We got three Hubbabubbasmelloscopes to finish up here and despite a rather tough life for a couple of these girls, they look like they are gonna make it to the finish line.
This one had the nutrient issues and required a flush. After the dust has settled I believe magnesium was locked out.

Then we have the one in the 5 gallon (as opposed to three gallon) grow bag. She had to be supercropped multiple times to keep her out of the light. Keep in mind this is an auto flower and a 7’tent. Due to her larger container and late (emergency) training session she is a little behind her sisters. I’d estimate as much as a week behind if not more.


Finally the only plant I didn’t manage to mangle and she looks quite happy to my mind.


Well, with that, I’d say we are in the neighborhood of two to three weeks before anything is going anywhere. I took a small sample of the most mature looking plant to see where we’re at. I’ll report back once she’s dry and ready to vape.

That’s it for now guys thanks for looking!
Man I’m glad it’s the weekend!

I’m prepping for my next two grows already. My next grow will be my last in coco for some time. I’m making the jump to organic soil and I’ve taken delivery of DocBuds Hi-Brix kit, got the recommended ProMix HP, Earth Worm Castings, etc.

I’m very tempted to just grow my genetics and take clones while the soil cooks and skip this coco run altogether. Looks like I got some thinking to do haha. It’s a great problem to have! Cheers!
Top o the morning :ganjamon: ! I wanted to share a pic of one of my buds with y’all. Well 2 of the 3 plants have started a flush and I hope to chop them next Monday, latest Wednesday.


Their trichs are all cloudy with maybe a few clear, despite them throwing new pistils in the last couple days.

I also dropped four seeds today that will soon be taking up real estate in my veg box under t5’s. Not sure I’ll journal it but they are Mephisto Genetics mystery seeds x3 and one BubblyLivers from their illuminautos line of strains.

Thanks for looking and y’all have a good one!
All caught up Archiweedies! If you sharpen the edge of your hand you get a sharper cut with future karate chops ;).

Nice fat buds you have there :thumb:. Not sure I understand how the a/c unit isn't dehumidifying as well...that's where the water output comes from, no? Anyway, I've read that mold can grow pretty quickly in dehum water so keep that in mind before using it on plants.

One last thing...I don't flush (and neither does Penny), as the nutes aren't stored in the flowers of cannabis. The flowers use the sugars produced by the rest of the plant that is using the nutes to produce them. The difference between great tasting buds and not-so-great tasting buds is the dry and cure. Here is an article that 420dabbing pointed me to a year ago June. Interesting read:
A critical look at preharvest flushing
All caught up Archiweedies! If you sharpen the edge of your hand you get a sharper cut with future karate chops ;).

Nice fat buds you have there :thumb:. Not sure I understand how the a/c unit isn't dehumidifying as well...that's where the water output comes from, no? Anyway, I've read that mold can grow pretty quickly in dehum water so keep that in mind before using it on plants.

One last thing...I don't flush (and neither does Penny), as the nutes aren't stored in the flowers of cannabis. The flowers use the sugars produced by the rest of the plant that is using the nutes to produce them. The difference between great tasting buds and not-so-great tasting buds is the dry and cure. Here is an article that 420dabbing pointed me to a year ago June. Interesting read:
A critical look at preharvest flushing

Hey Shed thanks for stopping in man. I appreciate it buddy.

I have the tent in the garage so I like to joke and say it’s an outdoor grow without the bugs. The truth is it can get hot in there during the peak of summer. I’m sure you understand that heat as you grow outside.
Well my tent is set to passively suck the ambient in at the bottom and then scrub it and exhaust up onto the ceiling of my garage. It’s unfinished I should add so it’s just the A frame structure for the roof. Basically, I’m venting into the same space I intake from but it’s a three car garage.

Okay so when I put the ac to the window of the tent and taped it up( I’m from Tennessee dude duct tape of course!), it was obviously sucking the air right out. So I tried turning the exhaust fan all the way down. It made little difference. So I turned the exhaust off and my humidity rose so high overnight :eek: There was water on the walls of the tent because the air wasn’t being exchanged or exhausting I’m not real sure honestly. I believe it was because it was now essentially a sealed room other than the ac unit doing it’s thing. So that means I need a dehumidifier, which admittedly I probably need if I want to be a serious indoor grower. It’s a good tool to have. But money’s tight yada yada. :Namaste:

Fortune has smiled upon me though because you know ambient temps are nice here in My area right now. It was 76F with like 32%RH earlier today which is real nice in flower haha! Do you agonize over temps like I do? I’m sure humidity is more important not to mention rain.

Sorry so long winded, but I just want that whole full transparency deal ya know :cool: Thanks again for popping by man!
Hey Shed thanks for stopping in man. I appreciate it buddy.

I have the tent in the garage so I like to joke and say it’s an outdoor grow without the bugs. The truth is it can get hot in there during the peak of summer. I’m sure you understand that heat as you grow outside.
Well my tent is set to passively suck the ambient in at the bottom and then scrub it and exhaust up onto the ceiling of my garage. It’s unfinished I should add so it’s just the A frame structure for the roof. Basically, I’m venting into the same space I intake from but it’s a three car garage.

Okay so when I put the ac to the window of the tent and taped it up( I’m from Tennessee dude duct tape of course!), it was obviously sucking the air right out. So I tried turning the exhaust fan all the way down. It made little difference. So I turned the exhaust off and my humidity rose so high overnight :eek: There was water on the walls of the tent because the air wasn’t being exchanged or exhausting I’m not real sure honestly. I believe it was because it was now essentially a sealed room other than the ac unit doing it’s thing. So that means I need a dehumidifier, which admittedly I probably need if I want to be a serious indoor grower. It’s a good tool to have. But money’s tight yada yada. :Namaste:

Fortune has smiled upon me though because you know ambient temps are nice here in My area right now. It was 76F with like 32%RH earlier today which is real nice in flower haha! Do you agonize over temps like I do? I’m sure humidity is more important not to mention rain.

Sorry so long winded, but I just want that whole full transparency deal ya know :cool: Thanks again for popping by man!
Gotcha, thanks! I only worry about temps when it gets to the 90s here, which doesn't happen a lot but is happening more than it used to thanks to the Chinese.

If it gets really hot I'll leave them in the shed for the day but there's absolutely nothing to do about humidity outside.

76º @ 32% is money in flower!
Gotcha, thanks! I only worry about temps when it gets to the 90s here, which doesn't happen a lot but is happening more than it used to thanks to the Chinese.

If it gets really hot I'll leave them in the shed for the day but there's absolutely nothing to do about humidity outside.

76º @ 32% is money in flower!

Yea I live inland with a mountain range between me and the sweet coastal air. It can get in the 100s easily. I’ve been intrigued by silica as Penny has instructed me that it can aid in pest and heat resistance.

By the way, I’ve got the link open you posted earlier and I’m digging into it already. You got the greatest like collection of links and stuff Shed!
This one is begging to come down today, her wide open structure is having a hard time supporting the buds at the bottom. I’ve already started using random junk to tie her up. The box behind the plant is 48” tall for reference


So, it’s gonna be hard to see but here’s the other plant that can come down any day.


Finally, the one in my five gallon smart pot:

Damn good thing you have the height in that tent! How dense are those bottom buds?
Yes I’m glad for the 7’ tent for sure! The bottom buds are the size of golf balls and very frosty. They are quite heavy on the branches it seems. This strain is like a bushy OG type structure. Lots of space between internodes. Thank goodness I only did three of this strain cause they are space hogs haha. I put a bungee cord on the one that has a little longer to go to help keep it from leaning too hard.
Important Update guys. I mixed my soil and I have it cooking. I harvested what appears to be the smallest HBSS from my tent and I plan to harvest another tomorrow. The last one, the one in the five gallon has just a couple clear trichomes here and there. I expect she’ll be coming down soon as well.

Today is also day one for my next grow as I have 4/4 germination success. I germinate with the paper towel method. I put the paper towel in a empty blu ray case and wrap it in a T-shirt. Then I place it at the top of my tent. Once I have a taproot, with Mephisto usually less than 24 hours after a seed sinks in water, I plant in the final pot.
This time I decided to use up some of my old rock wool cubes from my hydro attempts. Because I didn’t have the proper pots, I’m using 1 gallon containers and I’ll transplant later.

Thanks for looking guys!

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