Archiweedies Is Back At It! 4x4 Tent, LED’s, Coco & Mephisto Genetics

Aww yea! I got to try the scissor hash man and it’s badass stuff haha. Slightly sweet on the inhale. Smooth on the exhale.

By the way guys, the next run should be exciting. I have three mystery seeds from Mephisto and one bubbly livers. This is likely to be my last serious autoflower run for the time being. I may pop a couple outdoors in March. We’ll see
Thanks Shed! Aww man I’m all embarrassed lol, but thank you for showing me how to fix it.
I am so excited to start growing some organic buds. I have a few decisions to make regarding what I’ll grow in Docs kit, but I got time while the soil is cooking. I might start a few seeds and do some cloning in my veg box while this grow gets going.

I’ve never grown a clone out but I do have a Dewey Mister cloner that I have successfully made clones for my neighbor before. I’ve got to get him locked on to LOS. He needs something he can water and keep on trucking.
Fire up the Dewey (that's what Derby uses) and give your neighbor something to do! Idle hands are the devil's workshop :).
Hey hey brother I must’ve missed this. Yea he uses a little fish fertilizer and seaweed kelp here and there. I gotta question his soil. Especially after everything I’m learning about soil and microbes. He’s a great pal though and he dabbled in shrooms every once in a while ;)

I am excited to show some of what’s had me so busy but I want to do it in a proper update.
Did some harvesting yesterday and got them hung in the tent. This will be my first shot at hanging in the tent as I usually do the brown paper bag method. It’s so dry here, think around 15-30%RH that I decided to try leaving most of the sugar leaves intact. I plan to dry trim before jarring and that will be another first. Worst case scenario is I lose some trim but I think I. We’d to slow the drying down as much as possible.


Five gallon plant on the left, three gallon on the right.


Preflowers showing on this plant. 24carat from Mephisto. I started this plant for my neighbor and decided to just keep it since it’s in coco he will kill it in no time. She’s about 30 days in and I just did some LST over the last week or so to keep her small and flat. Currently feeding her at 1/4ml/ltr of AN MGB and she got her first taste of AN Carboload at 1ml/ltr. I’ve been really bad about keeping her substrate as wet as it’s supposed to be. Shame on me.


Day 3 of our new grow. Top right is Bubbly Livers, the rest are from a mystery pack from Mephisto. I transplanted the mini rockwool cubes to these 1 gallon containers and used great white in the hole. They appear to not even blink at this but they are so young it’s hard to tell. It’s weird I get lines in my photos like an HPS. It must be the 3500k spectrum these LEDs put out.


Early weigh in for the harvest looks like this:

HBSS A - 10 oz
HBSS B - 8 oz
HBSS C - 10 oz

Total trim weight 20 oz ( placed straight into freezer for either hash or edibles or both!)

These weights are of course wet. In my experience the 75%reduction in weight after drying is pretty accurate.

I bought an RO unit so now I will have cleaner water for the plants and I am completely ready to embark on organic growing.

I’ve got 4 spots in my tent and a couple options for seeds. I have one reg super lemon haze leftover, one fem Slurricane from in House Genetics, and a couple of seeds from a grower here who crossed Girl Scout Cookies and Afghan.
Help me decide won’t you?


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Would it be worth turning the humidifier on and turning the exhaust fan down to a minimum?

Ahh yes good question about which is which. A &B were in 3 gallons. The conclusion is there’s plenty of other factors that can affect your harvest and I can’t say if there’s any real world difference between the two. I think the buds that came from the plant in 5 gallons look bigger and better overall. Plant A had a flatter canopy than the other two and it looks like that could be a factor. Plant B was the only one that did not have any deficiencies the whole grow and it was the lowest yielded.

Enough about yield though right? I’m used to getting 1 oz per plant so this is a step in the right direction for me.
Alright popped the humidifier in the tent and turned the exhaust fan to low.Let’s see what happens.
Headed to the gym. I’ll check the tent in a couple hours to see if the humidifier is making a difference. It’s just a little baby humidifier so I’m not expecting Tennessee humidity or anything.

@InTheShed I was thinking about making hash from all this trim. Ever use hash in edibles? I was thinking maybe seeing what I get and maybe using some of the higher micron bag hash for edibles.
I haven't made hash for anything! I've watched tutorials on bubble hash with the stirring and the ice and the bags in bags. Looks like a shit ton of work but if you're a hash person then I guess it falls on the right side of the cost benefit analysis.

However...personally, I can't see going through all of that just to blend it back into food. Infused oil is so easy to make it seems odd to use anything else for long as there's a place for the oil. As newty pointed out, if you're doing hard candy or need a very concentrated solution then I can see using QWET. But I don't even know if hash dissolves in whatever you would be using to cook with.

Long enough answer ;)?

Good idea on the humidifier. Fast drying isn't the best way to get the chlorophyll out of the buds!
Thanks Shed, I figured it would be more work than it’s worth. I usually always go straight to the freezer with my trim. Recently, I read that frozen doesn’t isn’t recommended in the MB machine. That’s from Magical Butters website. I imagine it has something to do with the water released during the infusion.
Anyways, I’ll probably just try that extra strong batch we were talking about.

Either way you slice it, I’ve finally made up for my poor harvest last go around. DWC gone bad, real bad.
Thats a great point Shed. Decarbing would take care of it... hmm we might have to make a little of both haha. Hash and Edibles! I’ve got about 800g fresh frozen trim. I think I’ll make bubble hash from the trim and just use buds for my oil. I got time to figure it all out so no biggie. Just glad to be stocked up. Beautiful thing growing your own man.
Greetings! Got into some bubble hash making yesterday and early indicators are pointing to some real delicious hash.

The nice thing is this was all from larfy buds and sugar trim. The taste is sweet bubblegum on the inhale and beautiful almost dab like taste on the exhale. Can’t wait for some more of it to dry. Why have I never made hash before!

So I have been absent in this journal for a couple days and man... I’ve just been lost in all this knowledge here on the site. Guys, if you’re reading this, don’t go to other websites man. It’s all on here. I’m finding new (to me) threads from growing masters.

I’m starting to finally feel like I’m nailing certain aspects of growing, with plenty of room for growth of course. That’s nice though because it allows me to focus on other aspects of growing that maybe I’m not nailing.

For example, I recently read a post on properly watering containers written by Emilya. Holy crap, it’s like a lightbulb turned on for me. I realize now that I’ve been incorrectly watering my plants for as long as I’ve been growing. I’ve just been drowning them with whatever predetermined amount of nute solutions I dictated they needed. It’s all wrong man haha. But I have seen the light guys.

Everyone have a great night! Who’s watching baseball tonight?
Not surprised Boston took the lead in the series. Happy Wednesday everyone at 420!

This plant is so special. I’ve recently reconnected with my best friend from Nashville. We grew apart the last twenty years or so. I was serving in the military and raising a family and we just neglected our relationship.

We got to talking and we couldn’t help but notice we are dealing with a lot of the same issues in life right now. Naturally, I told him about me returning to cannabis and growing my own. He was intrigued but lives in a prohibition state and has a fear of anything related to cannabis. I get it, and I don’t take for granted that my state is legalized. Even though it’s legalized, that don’t mean normalized.

I convinced him to get a little 2x4 and set up an indoor grow. He’s got everything I explained to him and is getting ready to start growing. That’s a good feeling man. Plus my homie needs cannabis. He’s been pumped full of anti-depressants for years and when he first started toking again, he played with lowering his prescription meds and found he could eliminate them as long as cannabis was available. Sadly Tennessee isn’t a medical state yet either. Even if it was people still have to work, pass drug tests, etc.

Anyhow man, long rambling story with no real point other than: We know this plant heals and it feels good to shed light on that healing. If we can share that knowledge with just one person, we ccould really help others. It’s beautiful. Later 420
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