Archiweedies Is Back At It! 4x4 Tent, LED’s, Coco & Mephisto Genetics

I'd love to hear if HPS woudl be a good winter move for me and if I should go 1k or run 600WHPS in conjunction with my COB LED's. They are 3500K spectrum if it matters.
That sounds quite tasty sir! Pass it left, please!

Yea no doubt. I've got more than that invested in my LED's but if they don't fare too well in my environment that I'm working so hard to give the plants, they gots to go!
AW, I think your theory is sound, but that you should apply it to the whole garage. If the temp and rh in the garage is right, then the tent or tents, would be automatically the same. Just seems to me that it would be easier to control a large space, than trying to control a 4x4x6.5 space. Might be worth insulating that garage !! And for lights, I'd go with Phillips 315 cmh 3100, one covers 3x3 feet, so you do math. you could leave your leds and mix in 2-3 315 cmh, in that 8 foot tent . Although I believe led tech. is almost there and coming real close to pulling even with hid, cost remains a huge factor. And If I ran leds, then I'd have to heat my room during lights on and off. I have the 630w which runs a little too hot for my 4x4x6.5 tent, so I only use it during winter months. I'm getting two new bulbs for it tomorrow, $170 for two. Got 4 more inzane in the membrane clones, to put under it.
I have a tough time controling my grow room rh, because my apt. is heated with gas space heater, works fine, but takes the moisture from the air. Grow room is upstairs, and keep door closed when trying to control rh. only in winter months do i have a problem with low rh. I've got room air conditioner in only window in grow Room (about 10 by 20 and with 3, 4x4.6.5 tents.) I run a small elec heater in the afternoon during lights off. But when temps. go down to where the elec. heater isn't keeping up, then the door has to be opened. And in comes all that dry air. Today was like 40f/45rh, but starting thanksgiving day -0. If anyone knows of a way to control my climate in described room, without investing a lot of $$, let me know. Trying to grow in a wrong climate is like Irritating as hell, AW !!
AW, I think your theory is sound, but that you should apply it to the whole garage. If the temp and rh in the garage is right, then the tent or tents, would be automatically the same. Just seems to me that it would be easier to control a large space, than trying to control a 4x4x6.5 space. Might be worth insulating that garage !! And for lights, I'd go with Phillips 315 cmh 3100, one covers 3x3 feet, so you do math. you could leave your leds and mix in 2-3 315 cmh, in that 8 foot tent . Although I believe led tech. is almost there and coming real close to pulling even with hid, cost remains a huge factor. And If I ran leds, then I'd have to heat my room during lights on and off. I have the 630w which runs a little too hot for my 4x4x6.5 tent, so I only use it during winter months. I'm getting two new bulbs for it tomorrow, $170 for two. Got 4 more inzane in the membrane clones, to put under it.
I have a tough time controling my grow room rh, because my apt. is heated with gas space heater, works fine, but takes the moisture from the air. Grow room is upstairs, and keep door closed when trying to control rh. only in winter months do i have a problem with low rh. I've got room air conditioner in only window in grow Room (about 10 by 20 and with 3, 4x4.6.5 tents.) I run a small elec heater in the afternoon during lights off. But when temps. go down to where the elec. heater isn't keeping up, then the door has to be opened. And in comes all that dry air. Today was like 40f/45rh, but starting thanksgiving day -0. If anyone knows of a way to control my climate in described room, without investing a lot of $$, let me know. Trying to grow in a wrong climate is like Irritating as hell, AW !!

Hey SP!
Man I wish I could insulate the garage, but I rent. :confused: Yea plus it’s a 3 car garage, I’d need a mini split more than likely. The tent upgrade was provoked by all the gear I have acquired to let me manipulate the environment. Thanks for the suggestions though, I’m a self-employed furniture maker in the other side of the garage and believe me I’d love to have AC in the summers here.

The CMH do interest me, but the fixtures I’ve seen locally are pricey unfortunately. I’ll have a close look at your lights and take some notes. The downside, if there is one, to getting an upgrade on size, is that I have to light it all now haha. The LED’s I have are meant for a 3x3 space as well so I think I’d need 2 fixtures at least. I imagine I’d realistically need at least two 600w HPS, if I went that route. Ugh, you’ve made this harder SP!:laugh::rofl:
Take a look at these 2 monsters Stage grew in a 4X8. He got over a lb per plant!

Hey Stage: Where Ya Been? Fall 2017 DBHBB Perpetual
Holy crap! That’s some of the largest plants I’ve seen indoors I think.
Ive seen some giant monsters outside 8’ and larger. I’d love to grow 2 monsters like that just for the giggles. I’d like to keep a 2x4 spot all the way to the right of the tent for my AC,dehu,etc.
Those plants make a good case for CMH. CMH, I imagine, run cooler than HPS?
I've heard a lot of growers have good luck with a $14 Vicks Vaporizer. Pure steam so you get some heat as well.
I havent forgot. Ill need one for sure in the new tent.
Speaking of RH, SlowPuffer asked about environment. SP, Im sure you've heard of Vapor Pressure Deficit. Check the link in my sig, if not. RH is a challenge in the winter, much like heat is a challenge in the summer for most. I would look into Shed's recommendation first. If you want to try something free, some people hang a long towel (beach towel maybe?) from the top of the tent down to a 5 gallon bucket as a wick. Ive seen people just get towels and wet them and hang them in the tent. Ive heard of people actually dumping water on the removable floor that comes in most tents.
There's all kinds of stuff out there to do it, the trick is learning how to control it and get your environment in the happy fun time VPD zone. :thumb:
Same to you and yours Shed and everyone here! My son came home from school last night and we gave 24 Carat a shot. The hasty dry and cure was evident but she was very afghani. I slept hard but I may have just been tired. I’m gonna save it just for bedtime and see what happens. :thumb: Did y’all get rain up there?
We did, poured for quite a while! Got somewhere between a half and three quarters of an inch I think. It's mostly clear now so the solo cups are getting a taste of sun on the ping pong table :).

Did the rain get inland?
Yessir! Woke me up around 7 and we all rejoiced as we remembered what rain looks and sounds like hahaha.
I’m planting some non420 stuff. Romaine, onions, kale,etc. gonna start em’ in root riots or whatever they’re called. I’m debating about growing the lettuce in an old hydro container I’ve got sitting around. Six sites and I still have hydro ton and all that Jazz.
The broccoli I planted has been neglected but seems to be turning around. I planted some tulip bulbs outside as well but it may be too cold still. May have to bring them in the garage at night.
Update Day 43 Mystery Flowers

The 24 carat is done, chopping tomorrow. The two BC’s are two different phenos. I hope one is the purple pheno. There is a noticeable difference in their appearance, to my mind, just a week ago.
What's not a mystery is how good they look!

I'm with you on the two phenos btdub :). Have a good chop.
Thanks Shed! The real mystery is why it took me so long to take control over my environment. I feel like a pretty significant skill has been learned, so to speak, with this grow.
I also told myself no more natural growing plants, get back to LST so I can control these plants a little.

From a “have I learned anything” standpoint, this grow has opened my eyes to just how important environment is. Now that I know about environment and am not scared of it, I see And hear of problems that can be blamed on poor environment.

Meanwhile, I saw you are working on getting spun up on the newest light tech. I hope your paying attention so you can explain it all in English to me :slide::rofl:
I may need more LED’s in the warmer months, but I’m still considering a 600watt HPS for the tent. I really think the extra heat could be handy in the colder months in the garage. Every time my space heater turns on I cringe cause I know I’m losing humidity. Better to lose humidity than to halt growing altogether due to too cold temps.

I think I mentioned my concern for my seed order from Seedsman. They emailed me back about my inquiry and explained that my order was shipped on the 12th which is a week later than I had expected so I must wait a little longer as I’m barely at two weeks from shipment. I’m pleased so far with my experience with them but I’m already considering ordering direct from the breeders next go around.
If I don’t receive my order until mid December, I may have to reconsider what my next grow will look like or when it might happen.
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