Archiweedies Is Back At It! 4x4 Tent, LED’s, Coco & Mephisto Genetics

Hatch some chicks in the corner of the tents hahaha
Yea no kidding it’s like a heat lamp. You’re right, I think this is perfect for winter for me. It might be a bit excessive, but I’m American... we do excessive pretty well ;)
That DE 1000 should be more than enough light indoors for about anything. If you can keep it high enough to not burn anything and the heat is not an issue they can be had for pretty inexpensive. I think about HID from time to time but I don't think I can get rid of the heat well enough.
That DE 1000 should be more than enough light indoors for about anything. If you can keep it high enough to not burn anything and the heat is not an issue they can be had for pretty inexpensive. I think about HID from time to time but I don't think I can get rid of the heat well enough.

Big fans and ac! Lol
One of the biggest improvements you can make is environment. Control environment and you'll have it dialed in close.

That is where my head is Penny. Right now I have my main tent staying 68 lights off to 73 lights on. Running a 4" inline ductet into the bottom of the tent and a 6" pulling air out through the top with the Mars light. The air turnover in the tent is allowing this to happen so I don't ant to rock the boat changing much at this time.
The 1000 should kick some ass! I look forward to seeing what you can do with it:high-five:
I think it will too!
As far as running ac and all that, I tried going without and in my space it just isnt gonna happen in a garage. Gotta manipulate the environment at times. This is how I was led to VPD and the importance it has on your plants health.

Man, so I effed my shoulder up good (old ass man!) putting this 4x8 tent up by myself. I got it up though and hung the HPS. Put my equipment all back in and sprayed my clones with destress. I took some photos here and there. I'll post em' when I do my weekly update Sunday night.
The plants responded immediately to the HPS, I swear they grew in front of my eyes! Im sitting at 30" above canopy and lights on temps have been in the steady 24C range all day and night. 45%RH and everything is fine!
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