Archiweedies Is Back At It! 4x4 Tent, LED’s, Coco & Mephisto Genetics

I think it will too!
As far as running ac and all that, I tried going without and in my space it just isnt gonna happen in a garage. Gotta manipulate the environment at times. This is how I was led to VPD and the importance it has on your plants health.

Man, so I effed my shoulder up good (old ass man!) putting this 4x8 tent up by myself. I got it up though and hung the HPS. Put my equipment all back in and sprayed my clones with destress. I took some photos here and there. I'll post em' when I do my weekly update Sunday night.
The plants responded immediately to the HPS, I swear they grew in front of my eyes! Im sitting at 30" above canopy and lights on temps have been in the steady 24C range all day and night. 45%RH and everything is fine!
You ever think you might want to ask someone to help you at times? What you make in that wood shop, pipes ? How about grow room kits, with build in VPD ?
You ever think you might want to ask someone to help you at times? What you make in that wood shop, pipes ? How about grow room kits, with build in VPD ?

Haha man I wish there was a one size fits all VPD kit lol. Normally I’d have my son help me but he’s off at college. I should have waited... I had no clue how heavy that thing was going to be. I have shoulder issues anyways.

Woodshop, hmm. No pipes yet..on the bucket list though. I mostly build with handtools but I do have a few machines.

VPD and HPS! Stylin' for the winter grow.

Hope the shoulder feels better!
Thanks Shed, it’s feeling better after seeing my Blueberry from Dutch Passion popped above ground!
Stunning work Mr. Craftsman! Just beautiful.
Thank you sir, thank you! It’s very quiet and rewarding work when you use just handtools. Very zen-like for me. Such a shame we took this kinda stuff out of schools.
Woodworking was my favorite in both Junior HS and camp.

I’m actually a third gen furniture maker. Ironically enough, my Dad and my Grandpa both used machinery sand had very little knowledge of “traditional woodworking” as it’s been called. Working with handtools are a challenge unto themselves but children can often have great success with them because they are relatively safe and very accurate. Once you remove the spectacle of 10k RPM saw blades and other aggressive power tools. It becomes very safe to work wood in this fashion. It would take a while to cut anything off with a hand saw. ;) Chisels are a different story, I sharpen mine up to 8000 grit Japanese water stones and then strop them on leather charged with honing compound like a barber used to do with straight razors. They might do some serious damage haha. They are so sharp that you usually don’t even realize your cut until blood starts appearing all over your bench and project haha
My dad has one of those in his toolbox back in NY and that's what I used growing up. I'll inherit it someday!
The very best kind of tool you can get! One from Dad or any family member really. Ive got a few treasures from my Dad like that
Haha man I wish there was a one size fits all VPD kit lol. Normally I’d have my son help me but he’s off at college. I should have waited... I had no clue how heavy that thing was going to be. I have shoulder issues anyways.

Woodshop, hmm. No pipes yet..on the bucket list though. I mostly build with handtools but I do have a few machines. Here’s some of what I worked on in the latter half of 2018. These were all commission projects except the desk. That was a gift for my wife’s retirement from the service.

Thanks Shed, it’s feeling better after seeing my Blueberry from Dutch Passion popped above ground!
You are very talented !! I like the checker board. So cool !!
Haha man I wish there was a one size fits all VPD kit lol. Normally I’d have my son help me but he’s off at college. I should have waited... I had no clue how heavy that thing was going to be. I have shoulder issues anyways.

Woodshop, hmm. No pipes yet..on the bucket list though. I mostly build with handtools but I do have a few machines. Here’s some of what I worked on in the latter half of 2018. These were all commission projects except the desk. That was a gift for my wife’s retirement from the service.

Thanks Shed, it’s feeling better after seeing my Blueberry from Dutch Passion popped above ground!

Beautiful work archi! Love the tea box excellent craftsmanship across the board well done !
Haha man I wish there was a one size fits all VPD kit lol. Normally I’d have my son help me but he’s off at college. I should have waited... I had no clue how heavy that thing was going to be. I have shoulder issues anyways.

Woodshop, hmm. No pipes yet..on the bucket list though. I mostly build with handtools but I do have a few machines. Here’s some of what I worked on in the latter half of 2018. These were all commission projects except the desk. That was a gift for my wife’s retirement from the service.

Thanks Shed, it’s feeling better after seeing my Blueberry from Dutch Passion popped above ground!
I find it refreshing to see people with a true skill that can produce an end product to have pride in. Something our current society has lost focus of.
Beautiful work.:thumb:
Outstanding workmanship there. I am digging the dog crate. That is awesome. Dog seems to dig it. :)
Thanks SS! The client had a babysitting service and needed to lock her dogs away during her working hours. It made a great entertainment center for them as well as a kennel!

You are very talented !! I like the checker board. So cool !!

Thank you SP, those were a couple of end grain cutting board/serving trays. It was made from maple,walnut,and curly cherry.

I find it refreshing to see people with a true skill that can produce an end product to have pride in. Something our current society has lost focus of.
Beautiful work.:thumb:
Yes! This is what gives me such a great deal of joy. We live in such a disposable society, we just toss it when it starts falling apart. I make things, just like our ancestors did, by hand with traditional joinery and materials that have stood the test of time. I use wood glue and avoid screws or nails when I can. For reference, I don’t have any nails.

Beautiful work archi! Love the tea box excellent craftsmanship across the board well done !

Thanks Dutch, that was a tea box for my sister and it’s made from walnut. The ends are dovetailed by hand and the box is a traditional Japanese sliding lid. No hardware.
The Japanese culture has always been very beautiful to me and even to this day, their craftsman are some of the best in the world. Especially their blacksmiths who still make tools from laminated steel. I am very heavily influenced by Japanese joinery and techniques. A lot of people think hand tools are slower but with practice, both sharpening and using the tools, they are quite fast if. It faster in some cases. Add on top of the quiet, no machines running, no dust being thrown in the air, you can see it’s very peaceful and safer.
Mad skills right there, you do good Archie! I worded in sawmills for over 20 years I've met a number skilled furniture makers. I consider it an art form!
Thanks Penny, I look at it as art as well. Im embarrassingly romantic about it all lol
My uncle was a good furniture maker still have a couple pieces he made.
I imagine it’ll last forever if taken care of. That’s the beauty, it could very well survive several generations if made well.
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