1 Plant With 1 Goal

damn I'm high, thought you have Christmas lights hang on the right side of the plant in this pic... and I was like... dude, Happy is so high he hang christmas lights in the mid summer? lol
than I zoom and saw Im high...

Looking good, 28C and ~50%rh, what light schedule you go on?
damn I'm high, thought you have Christmas lights hang on the right side of the plant in this pic... and I was like... dude, Happy is so high he hang christmas lights in the mid summer? lol
than I zoom and saw Im high...

Looking good, 28C and ~50%rh, what light schedule you go on?
Bro I just checked over the photos looking for the lights..... They not there :rofl:..I realized your referring to the bread ties that I have tied to undo quickly....jeeeez I haven't even smoked yet today.

But I'm on a 18/6 light schedule currently due to trying to fully get the sex of two photos I have in tent.... will be going back to 24/0 as soon as I move the others.
damn I'm high, thought you have Christmas lights hang on the right side of the plant in this pic... and I was like... dude, Happy is so high he hang christmas lights in the mid summer? lol
than I zoom and saw Im high...

Looking good, 28C and ~50%rh, what light schedule you go on?
But to be honest don't put it past me to do something silly just to make people be like "wait what....is that what I think it is?" Lol
Bro I just checked over the photos looking for the lights..... They not there :rofl:..I realized your referring to the bread ties that I have tied to undo quickly....jeeeez I haven't even smoked yet today.

But I'm on a 18/6 light schedule currently due to trying to fully get the sex of two photos I have in tent.... will be going back to 24/0 as soon as I move the others.
nah mate, made a big one for morning coffee and abit sleepy also and thought this are some christmas lights or something like that, lol

View media item 1870824
Also check on my phone screen the magazine, not on desktop so pics are smaller in preview + me high and sleepy... nvmd :))
nah mate, made a big one for morning coffee and abit sleepy also and thought this are some christmas lights or something like that, lol

View media item 1870824
Also check on my phone screen the magazine, not on desktop so pics are smaller in preview + me high and sleepy... nvmd :))
Hey I'm right with ya.....I just need to finish work (30minutes) and I can go home and partake.

Enjoy your day growmie thanks for the morning chuckle.
DAY 27

So just a drive by update.....miss Zulu is moving along nicely, she's grown about an inch in both direction so she's close to 16" across....if I do my math right I'm getting 1" a day horizontal and then times another 25 days of training.....should leave at about 41" across (give or take with stretch phase) which puts me about perfect for the 4ft I'm trying to achieve..... if all goes well lol. But here she is couple profile pics tops, side , and I turned the plant around and took a long, and it made it look like a weed palm lol

But as always thanks for stopping and have a dope night. :headbanger:





Looking good Happy! @Light Addict used to to do this back in the day and had a few threads that were awesome. He called it fluxing. The bondage he put those girls through was an art form. I have never tried growing autos and didn’t think you could do this to them since they flip to flower in short order.

Do you think you get a better yield this way? Or do you just do it because it is fun?
That's awesome!! Should the main branches be able to hold up those satellites when it gets 4' wide.?
Hey Tim thanks lol no prolly not but the long wooden rod I'm getting should help with that.
Looking good Happy! @Light Addict used to to do this back in the day and had a few threads that were awesome. He called it fluxing. The bondage he put those girls through was an art form. I have never tried growing autos and didn’t think you could do this to them since they flip to flower in short order.

Do you think you get a better yield this way? Or do you just do it because it is fun?
Wutz up sobergrower, that's awesome I'll definitely go check out a few of his threads.

But honestly I'm just trying different training techniques each grow.... I saw a few photo online of what I assume we're photoperiod plants done this way...and figured I would try it with an auto and see what happens. So far I'm happy with how it's growing.
DAY 29

What's up everyone happy Wednesday. Just a quick update, not to much has happened except I tucked a bunch of leaves under the new growth....and slid the ties further up the stems. She hasn't grown to much in length last two days but she's fluffed up... So I'll take it.

She has started to get pistils I'm a few spots, so I should be expecting the stretch phase to start two weeks or so.....and honestly I cannot wait....that will be the point where I'll really be able to see her really grow.

She was watered yesterday as she felt light, no other nutrients or additives. Temperature and humidity all stable, no real drops or spikes.... And no pest or deficiencies.. so all is great.

But anyways that's all to report, I appreciate you stopping by and hope you have a dope night..... now onto the good stuff....the pics. :headbanger:






DAY 31

Hello, hope everyone's worlds and gardens are doin well and being prosperous.....so for today's up date I'm coming to a realization ....so another member asked on this journal if I think it possible to do what I wanted to with the training on an auto?.... And I said yes I think it's possible....key word possible lol well I'm starting to see the horizontal growth slow down... Now she's focusing on the inner mini colas I've created training her along an even plane, instead of growing wide like initially intended.

So I will see what she can do from this point. Sorry to disappoint in the training I was going for, but..... I will try to beast her out just like I did before. So please be patient with while I reconfigure what's going on....as I know the early flower stage is about to start.....stretch baby stretch.

So for now she has been drying out since last water. Next water I will give last veg dose of a 1/3 cup and I will add a 1/8 cup of bloom.... I've done this in the past and it really kicks them into gear.

Temps and humidity has been very constant which is great(28c/82f---%40-%50rh) and no pest or deficiencies....soooooo there hasn't been to much to do lol so luckily I've had other stuff to occupy my time. Lol.

But all in all I'm happy....she's happy... And all is good. I appreciate y'all for stopping have a great day and rock out with your calyx out :headbanger:










Oh and not to say that she won't do the look I'm going for I'm just clarifying that I DONT SEE IT happening lol... Maybe with a photo over time that's possible but autos are just sooooooo quick....no room for error or fuckery.
Oh and not to say that she won't do the look I'm going for I'm just clarifying that I DONT SEE IT happening lol... Maybe with a photo over time that's possible but autos are just sooooooo quick....no room for error or fuckery.
dont lose hope, still has time to stretch in this "preflower" maybe not as much as expected, but still... :Namaste:

She's looking damn good and healthy!
Good job! :ganjamon: and carry on
Now she's focusing on the inner mini colas I've created training her along an even plane, instead of growing wide like initially intended.
Can you just bend those new branches down horizontal? You could keep her growing wider that way- not exactly the mainline look you were initially going for, but it seems early to just let her go vertical...
my 2cents...
Can you just bend those new branches down horizontal? You could keep her growing wider that way- not exactly the mainline look you were initially going for, but it seems early to just let her go vertical...
my 2cents...
Hey carcass, that might work.... Do you know if I bend those down will new shoot up from it's base where it meets the main stem?

And oh no lol I'm not giving up yet I'm just trying to figure out how to keep my main thought but fix what's going on.
Do you know if I bend those down will new shoot up from it's base where it meets the main stem?
No, but you should have lots of branches sprouting from the ones you tie down...
I may not have answered that right - do you mean will more branches sprout from the same node on the main stem?
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