1 Plant With 1 Goal

Plants look awesome HH, sorry I just got here. Your LST looks great, I’m not comfortable yet tying them down, gotta learn next gro, eliminate some larf . Their beautiful
Plants look awesome HH, sorry I just got here. Your LST looks great, I’m not comfortable yet tying them down, gotta learn next gro, eliminate some larf . Their beautiful
Thank you old g....I might have been to zealous about my training and idea lol but yea she is coming along nicely with almost no bud sites wasted.

And no worries you hopped over at the good part flowering.
Tell you what , the only way I’d ever grow that JD again would be tying the branches down. It’s got plenty of flowers but unfortunately too many are sitting on larf, live and learn HH. We’ll get there your ahead of me w the LST , leaf tucking just doesn’t get it done on some plants.
Are you putting your photos in early flower or u gonna veg awhile
Tell you what , the only way I’d ever grow that JD again would be tying the branches down. It’s got plenty of flowers but unfortunately too many are sitting on larf, live and learn HH. We’ll get there your ahead of me w the LST , leaf tucking just doesn’t get it done on some plants.
Are you putting your photos in early flower or u gonna veg awhile
One photo is d....e....d dead... Transplant stress...heat wave....heavy winds...and what ever else toasted it.

But the crazy leafed photo in the tent yes will be switched to 12/12 by the end of the week.

And yea it's all a fun learning process unless you tank a bunch of money into it and it all goes tits up lol....that's why we keep it cheap and simple:cool::high-five:

Good afternoon everyone....hope your staying hydrated and cool....we're getting on and off heat wave-ish temps...but I'll take heat over cold anyday :cheesygrinsmiley:

Alright so as mentioned above I've been having some heat issues.... I have coped with it by opening the tent and keeping a small amount of water in the catch tray of the tent, with a big box fan blowing on the lowest setting in through the open door....it's working keeping temps in the 26-30c/78-86f range....it got up to 34c/93f....which my plants showed immediately that they didn't like it....so daddy did what I could for now lol I will be buying a high output ac unit for the tent either this weekend or next, so I just need her to be patient.

She's now drinking every day and a half....and I'm preparing for it to be closer to everyday with the temperatures. She was topped dressed last update(dry) so that got watered in today. Humidity has been between 20-40% which is close to the reg but it is low...due to heat and needing extra fans..... I'm trying to remedy this with misting them every few hours under the leaves to keep the top from being fried through magnifying the light....hopefully this keeps working.

Anyways I'm just showing some fluffy tops and a couple grouping shots.... Not to bad for a flowering starts.....and I have about 40 more days to go;)

Anyways I appreciate you all....hope you enjoy the rest of your day....and rock out with your calyx out:headbanger:









oh no... :( sorry, but this...>>>

indeed :)
No it's ok I have her sister and she's beastly with 14 finger leaves lol.... Yes sucks to lose a plant...but they're from the same genetics and the one that died....well.... Was weak I guess....so keep moving on with the better one.

And yes simple is always my go to.....why complicate things by trying to be "fancy" or show off lol

Thanks for stopping carmen ;)
One photo is d....e....d dead... Transplant stress...heat wave....heavy winds...and what ever else toasted it.

But the crazy leafed photo in the tent yes will be switched to 12/12 by the end of the week.

And yea it's all a fun learning process unless you tank a bunch of money into it and it all goes tits up lol....that's why we keep it cheap and simple:cool::high-five:
Yes we do , lol
DAY 46

Alright so I'm back...sorry been busy and being a complete slacker.... I did a full clean up in my tent as I let it go to long without a cleaning and recently had no motivation.....but I kicked my ass into gear and wiped/sanitized the grow space down.

All I normally use to clean my grow space is regular table salt and water....all natural saline baby ;) ...but I spray the tent floor with a spray bottle and then sprinkle a good amount of salt in the tent and then give everything a quick scrub....I wait a few minutes for the salt to break down a bit and then go back in and use the remaining coarse salt to scrub the stuck on residue off.....then with any cleaner it's just wiping til gone... I do this everytime I clean the tent and so far never mold or pest.

Anyway onto miss whiskey Zulu, so she's still growing most of the leaves look good... But I have clawing on top but no yellowing....and then I have no clawing at bottom and yellowing:hmmmm:....I'm kinda stump... The clawing looks like light stress or wind stress...and the yellowing looks like over watering but its not on everything, just a few leaves towards the bottom. Temperatures and humidity have been good since I figure that out in last post...and I haven't been over watering her...it's day two and she still feels a bit heavy. I half thought maybe she needs more space and is having root issues since she's in a 2 gallon pot....but I'm half way through her life cycle and I'm not going to take the risk of up-potting and stunting the last of development... So if that is the reason I'ma just deal....can't have perfection all the time. :)

Ok into the better part of the update, she's fluffy up all over which is gold in my eyes. From what I see there really isn't....shouldn't....be to much larf as I think I evened her out pretty good. She's in a flowering stretch but it's slow and minor....thank the gods lol so should start to see some swelling happening here shortly.

But I appreciate the heck out of you all for stopping by and taking a look. If you have any idea of the cause for the yellowing or the clawing please let me know....I'm lost currently lol. But light and love and dank budz:headbanger:










Are you spraying something on the leaves? The last set of pics, the horizontal auto has really shiny and wet looking leaves.
Yes I sprayed them with water while I was misting the tent....could that be an issue? I know light magnification is a thing but I don't have the burn spots.
Brother your plants look great, that little bit of yellow isn’t an issue. We’re getting paranoid, it’s going too good , lol .
Thanks growmie I appreciate the encouragement....... But Nah I'm not trippin lol I just want to know what's happening and see if I can fix it.... Drives me nuts not being able to self diagnose the problem.....this one has a few possibilities lol but yea what ever it is it is.... Going to completion no matter what :cool:
DAY 46

Alright so I'm back...sorry been busy and being a complete slacker.... I did a full clean up in my tent as I let it go to long without a cleaning and recently had no motivation.....but I kicked my ass into gear and wiped/sanitized the grow space down.

All I normally use to clean my grow space is regular table salt and water....all natural saline baby ;) ...but I spray the tent floor with a spray bottle and then sprinkle a good amount of salt in the tent and then give everything a quick scrub....I wait a few minutes for the salt to break down a bit and then go back in and use the remaining coarse salt to scrub the stuck on residue off.....then with any cleaner it's just wiping til gone... I do this everytime I clean the tent and so far never mold or pest.

Every time you dont get motivation, think about your croop and your reward and take 1h out of your schedule to do w/e the garden needs.
Think about the reward you'll get for the time you take and that's your best motivation :Namaste:
Anyway onto miss whiskey Zulu, so she's still growing most of the leaves look good... But I have clawing on top but no yellowing....and then I have no clawing at bottom and yellowing:hmmmm:....I'm kinda stump... The clawing looks like light stress or wind stress...and the yellowing looks like over watering but its not on everything, just a few leaves towards the bottom. Temperatures and humidity have been good since I figure that out in last post...and I haven't been over watering her...it's day two and she still feels a bit heavy. I half thought maybe she needs more space and is having root issues since she's in a 2 gallon pot....but I'm half way through her life cycle and I'm not going to take the risk of up-potting and stunting the last of development... So if that is the reason I'ma just deal....can't have perfection all the time. :)
what's your in tent temps and your outside temps? also what's your humidity level?
you shoul take an eye over this nice graph and try to stay on it. found it very usefull on @LKABudMan current journal :slide:
View media item 1872223

Ok into the better part of the update, she's fluffy up all over which is gold in my eyes. From what I see there really isn't....shouldn't....be to much larf as I think I evened her out pretty good. She's in a flowering stretch but it's slow and minor....thank the gods lol so should start to see some swelling happening here shortly.

But I appreciate the heck out of you all for stopping by and taking a look. If you have any idea of the cause for the yellowing or the clawing please let me know....I'm lost currently lol. But light and love and dank budz:headbanger:










except for the few yellow leafs with some deficiency (that I'm not an expert, as I'm facing deff's or burns atm) Zulu looking good and still stretch abit as much as I can tell.

Carry on the good work on your garden pal :Namaste:

Every time you dont get motivation, think about your croop and your reward and take 1h out of your schedule to do w/e the garden needs.
Think about the reward you'll get for the time you take and that's your best motivation :Namaste:

what's your in tent temps and your outside temps? also what's your humidity level?
you shoul take an eye over this nice graph and try to stay on it. found it very usefull on @LKABudMan current journal :slide:
View media item 1872223

except for the few yellow leafs with some deficiency (that I'm not an expert, as I'm facing deff's or burns atm) Zulu looking good and still stretch abit as much as I can tell.

Carry on the good work on your garden pal :Namaste:
Awesome thanks for the chart.....according to that I'm in the red :eek: but my temps stay between 24-30c/75-86f and humidity is between %30-50 all the time. Last week when I was having temp and humidity issues cuz we got a early heat wave so everything was all over the place...and I semi figured it out.... But the yellowing is slow....and the clawing as you can see is in select spots not all over :hmmmm:.....idk that's why I love this plant always something to do and learn....but can I ask you a question? As you see from the group pic of whiskey Zulu, the seedling, and the N.L.xP.C.K...they are all in the same environment and everyone else is fine except whiskey Zulu......the bigger one is loving the hell out of everything from the looks of it.... idk any input on that?

And yes you correct I should always make time even if I don't have it.... The product is a direct reflection of my time and effort....so I should be more mindful of that.....:idea:i should make a motivational sign for the tent like my watering sign.... If I have time for smoking green I have time for growing green, stay focused....lol idk I need reminders here and there.....good thing I don't have a stack of post-it notes:laugh:

But thanks hps I appreciate the encouragement.... After a couple good runs no issues....and then I get the "claw" with yellowing I was like "oh shit"... But I'll carry on and monitor things an see if I can adjust anything.
Awesome thanks for the chart.....according to that I'm in the red :eek: but my temps stay between 24-30c/75-86f and humidity is between %30-50 all the time. Last week when I was having temp and humidity issues cuz we got a early heat wave so everything was all over the place...and I semi figured it out.... But the yellowing is slow....and the clawing as you can see is in select spots not all over :hmmmm:.....idk that's why I love this plant always something to do and learn....but can I ask you a question? As you see from the group pic of whiskey Zulu, the seedling, and the N.L.xP.C.K...they are all in the same environment and everyone else is fine except whiskey Zulu......the bigger one is loving the hell out of everything from the looks of it.... idk any input on that?
well to begin with, from my experience, even same strain act different if it's not from clone, you just experience different pheno types.
Not to mention you try 'n compare 2 different strains...as much as I can say at 4 am in the morning in here and all baked up, lol.
Some are more heat lovers, but most are on about 26 C range... autos and photos also (in flower)
Not sayin you can' t have a seed to harvest under 30C but you might encounter some heat stress, maybe some seeds into the buds, and so on...

And yes you correct I should always make time even if I don't have it.... The product is a direct reflection of my time and effort....so I should be more mindful of that.....:idea:i should make a motivational sign for the tent like my watering sign.... If I have time for smoking green I have time for growing green, stay focused....lol idk I need reminders here and there.....good thing I don't have a stack of post-it notes:laugh:

But thanks hps I appreciate the encouragement.... After a couple good runs no issues....and then I get the "claw" with yellowing I was like "oh shit"... But I'll carry on and monitor things an see if I can adjust anything.
Ayayo! That's the spirit that keeps you motivated!
aaaand maybe sometimes we bake ourself too much and we need some post-it, hahah
Awesome thanks for the chart.....according to that I'm in the red :eek: but my temps stay between 24-30c/75-86f and humidity is between %30-50 all the time. Last week when I was having temp and humidity issues cuz we got a early heat wave so everything was all over the place...and I semi figured it out.... But the yellowing is slow....and the clawing as you can see is in select spots not all over :hmmmm:.....idk that's why I love this plant always something to do and learn....but can I ask you a question? As you see from the group pic of whiskey Zulu, the seedling, and the N.L.xP.C.K...they are all in the same environment and everyone else is fine except whiskey Zulu......the bigger one is loving the hell out of everything from the looks of it.... idk any input on that?

And yes you correct I should always make time even if I don't have it.... The product is a direct reflection of my time and effort....so I should be more mindful of that.....:idea:i should make a motivational sign for the tent like my watering sign.... If I have time for smoking green I have time for growing green, stay focused....lol idk I need reminders here and there.....good thing I don't have a stack of post-it notes:laugh:

But thanks hps I appreciate the encouragement.... After a couple good runs no issues....and then I get the "claw" with yellowing I was like "oh shit"... But I'll carry on and monitor things an see if I can adjust anything.
after some more research found that the graph I just posted it's abit criticized because of the 5 degree leaf offset temps.

Found one with a more conservative 2 degree leaf offset

View media item 1872272
have a look too @LKABudMan

Happy growin :Namaste:
Lovely cleaning job and great training on her shape! Gorgeous. Really nice pistils coming up, too! Thanks for all the info your watchers give out here!
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