1 Plant With 1 Goal

Day 52

Wutz up everyone....hopefully your enjoying the weekend like I am. So for little miss Zulu.....hmmm what can I say I am not exactly happy with how things are going but at this mid way point there's not to much I can do about anything....as fixing issues can take weeks to show signs of fix :confused: so as I always say "rock out with your calyx out" lol

*She received 1/3 cup of geoflora bloom and watered to about a cup of runoff from a little more than 1L of water.

*Four of the lower tie downs for my split training were released, reason for this is the stem from over lapping them was blocking and crushing bud sites underneath them trying to grow..... So even if a small bud it should still get a chance.

*Temperature and humidity has been great 50% humidity and 24-28c/75-82f.

*As stated before the yellowing has stopped from what I see....but....*sighs* the f'n clawing persist... At this point in conjunction with the darker leaves think its to much nitrogen. Was considering adding ash to the top of soil in hopes to reduce the nitrogen level..... Any ideas would be helpful... If at that important at this point!?

*Plus side she's still stacking and sprouting pistils everyday. And each day I can see it tiny cola get bigger and bigger....tiny amounts but I really enjoy this part.

But I think that just about covers everything from her. I appreciate you all for stopping by and checking things out.. have a dope ass weekend and I'll catch up with y'all later:headbanger:







Day 52

Wutz up everyone....hopefully your enjoying the weekend like I am. So for little miss Zulu.....hmmm what can I say I am not exactly happy with how things are going but at this mid way point there's not to much I can do about anything....as fixing issues can take weeks to show signs of fix :confused: so as I always say "rock out with your calyx out" lol

*She received 1/3 cup of geoflora bloom and watered to about a cup of runoff from a little more than 1L of water.

*Four of the lower tie downs for my split training were released, reason for this is the stem from over lapping them was blocking and crushing bud sites underneath them trying to grow..... So even if a small bud it should still get a chance.

*Temperature and humidity has been great 50% humidity and 24-28c/75-82f.

*As stated before the yellowing has stopped from what I see....but....*sighs* the f'n clawing persist... At this point in conjunction with the darker leaves think its to much nitrogen. Was considering adding ash to the top of soil in hopes to reduce the nitrogen level..... Any ideas would be helpful... If at that important at this point!?

*Plus side she's still stacking and sprouting pistils everyday. And each day I can see it tiny cola get bigger and bigger....tiny amounts but I really enjoy this part.

But I think that just about covers everything from her. I appreciate you all for stopping by and checking things out.. have a dope ass weekend and I'll catch up with y'all later:headbanger:







Good afternoon Amigo .
You know what I'm going to ask Are you overwatering?
Possibly 2 problems?
Not sure what counteracts too much nitrogen in the soil.
Just as long as your sure she is dry.

Hope your good. :ciao:

Stay safe :cool:
Good afternoon Amigo .
You know what I'm going to ask Are you overwatering?
Possibly 2 problems?
Not sure what counteracts too much nitrogen in the soil.
Just as long as your sure she is dry.

Hope your good. :ciao:

Stay safe :cool:
I jumped the gun once or twice a couple weeks back....I'm now being extra strict.. I made a mistake being careless. But I'm back on the ball.

And I'm not sure how to combat the nitrogen tox ..... Any ideas.... I've seen mentioned maybe a flush with water and then let dry dry before a lower next feed until she recovers?

But any advice would help with this one if you feel up to it.

And I'm well spent the day at a splash park with my kiddo....she only likes splashing the other kids lol hope you had a fun day as well.
But I do have to say even tho she is showing issues.....she's moving along fairly well... I figured I would show some positive pics of the lady lol so here's some close up of the baby buds and the trichs development.




I jumped the gun once or twice a couple weeks back....I'm now being extra strict.. I made a mistake being careless. But I'm back on the ball.

And I'm not sure how to combat the nitrogen tox ..... Any ideas.... I've seen mentioned maybe a flush with water and then let dry dry before a lower next feed until she recovers?

But any advice would help with this one if you feel up to it.

And I'm well spent the day at a splash park with my kiddo....she only likes splashing the other kids lol hope you had a fun day as well.
I used to love water parks.
Glad you had fun. :green_heart:
Ok here is how to reduce nitrogen.
Pull as much soil off the top as you can without hurting the roots.
Lay down fine wood mulch or eve sawdust ( personally I'd take this opportunity to add Bokashi and Frass, nbut optional )
Then water that well, almost too much.
Then add layer of plain soil over top with perlite.
Make sure you cook it or it's bug free.
That will help.
Not sure about ash so I can't say, but I wouldn't personally if it were me.
It'll fek your ph for sure, imo.
Keep smiling :cheesygrinsmiley: my friend.

Stay safe :cool:
I used to love water parks.
Glad you had fun. :green_heart:
Ok here is how to reduce nitrogen.
Pull as much soil off the top as you can without hurting the roots.
Lay down fine wood mulch or eve sawdust ( personally I'd take this opportunity to add Bokashi and Frass, nbut optional )
Then water that well, almost too much.
Then add layer of plain soil over top with perlite.
Make sure you cook it or it's bug free.
That will help.
Not sure about ash so I can't say, but I wouldn't personally if it were me.
It'll fek your ph for sure, imo.
Keep smiling :cheesygrinsmiley: my friend.

Stay safe :cool:
Thank you I'll create some saw dust tomorrow at work from my untreated wood stock.. I'm not sure about the additives as I'm not prepared to just go out and buy some....if ya catch my drift lol. But for sure will remove dirt create the wood chip/dust layer, water thoroughly, add fresh soil or "cooked" soil....then let dry the heck out.

And noted on the ash... Yes I misread about it in a neutralizing soil article.....so scratch that..... I still might burn some wood anyways and make s'mores with the kid lol

Your the best I'll get to it asap tomorrow when I get home.

Talk soon.
Good morning everyone this is a maintenance update....aside from my normal bi-tri day update.

So as @Bill284 suggested I tried to follow his suggestion as best as I could.

The steps were:
*Remove as much top soil as I can without damaging the roots to much.. I did accomplish this....I think... I was only able to go about 2-3 down before I was really digging at the bigger roots.
* Flush flush flush....took to bathroom and ran 6L through her over the course of about 30 minutes.
*Add wood chips and/or sawdust.... I was not able to get sawdust...but I did what I needed to do and brought a piece of un treated pine 2x2 and broke out my widdling knife....after about 30 minutes I had a pile big enough to fill about an inch of the bag compressed with the shavings.... Speaking of I'm gonna finish carving the piece into a wooden sword for my kid :cheesygrinsmiley: .
*Fill top back to full with clean soil.... I filled the top with the rest of some happy frog I had in a bag in my gardening drawer....noted to check for soil mites and white flies.... Non present.
* Water top and let dry the fak out.... Did just that moistened the top and I will now be keeping track of the days and weight.

I know flush and any kind of modification to the home of a cannabis plant will cause stress....and I'm aware that being in the middle of flower it wasn't the best idea....but she has issues and I needed a reset... Worst thing that can happen is I won't have a huge harvest.... That's no problem I'll take this as a learning opportunity to see how an auto will react and to see how flushing works as I've never done it.:cheesygrinsmiley:

She will prolly be droopy for a day or three and show signs of over water as I just flushed her guts.... But only time and attentiveness will show me if there is any changes.....

But it is what it is and I'm not fretting ;)

Ok on to the pics... Basically in order from step to step....and then a couple current reference picz








Day 54

Alright so it's only been a day since a spruce up of her home....but I can see improvement on the upper leaves....as for the lowers as I expected they are showing the over watered look and def since I flushed her a day ago.

But while checking the tent over I noticed that regardless of the problems she's stacking and building bud sites quit nicely. I compared photos from 2 days ago and each site looks about %40-50 bigger to me....so if she continues this way she should produce heavy like her sister. :)

But I wanted to say even tho her training is a mess and is seemingly just over done and complicated lol I seem to have used every single node growth she made....so I'm gonna say happy no matter what.

But enough of that lol I appreciate you for stopping through and checking things out. Hope your having a great forth. Rock out :headbanger:

Just a bunch of photos of her spun and from different angles.










So Happy, one question, did you carve anything cool or just had to make wood chips? A little gnome or gargoyle to add to the planter wouldn’t hurt! Lol
Lol yea actually I'm carving a little wooden sword for my kid and saving all the wood chips for future needs.

The bottom section x'd off will be for the guard....just deciding on shape.

But I'm usually doing some kind of craft.




*Edit* no I didn't cut my finger widdling...I cut it at work today doing something equally as stupid :laugh:
Been there done that. They say stupidity should be painful. Let’s just say I have a high tolerance for pain.

Remember to keep the pointy end, well pointed away!

I remember doing projects with my son. He played Assassin’s Creed and we built a spring loaded wrist knife. I made sure it wouldn’t hit his or my wrist when it came out.

Stay safe my friends!
Lol yea actually I'm carving a little wooden sword for my kid and saving all the wood chips for future needs.

The bottom section x'd off will be for the guard....just deciding on shape.

But I'm usually doing some kind of craft.




*Edit* no I didn't cut my finger widdling...I cut it at work today doing something equally as stupid :laugh:
Nice Happy sure your kid will love it and cool hand tattoo :)
Been there done that. They say stupidity should be painful. Let’s just say I have a high tolerance for pain.

Remember to keep the pointy end, well pointed away!

I remember doing projects with my son. He played Assassin’s Creed and we built a spring loaded wrist knife. I made sure it wouldn’t hit his or my wrist when it came out.

Stay safe my friends!
No worries it's gonna be rounded off, sanded, and coated for her safety.

And yes I'm with ya stupidity hurts...but I got couple two three neat scars with a story lol and that a.c weapon sounds awesome lol I played the shhizzz out that game
Thank you here's the whole hand....I did it all ;) and she'll love it I know she will.... We play fight all the time.

I’m starting to get there with my son :) yesterday he was chasing me around with vice grips so I kept giving him my pinky to squeeze then my spouse got home and she told me he pinched her ass oops lmao.

You did the sketch’s or the tattoos? Or both? Skills man I can’t draw to save my life actually almost failed college because of it lmao
I’m starting to get there with my son :) yesterday he was chasing me around with vice grips so I kept giving him my pinky to squeeze then my spouse got home and she told me he pinched her ass oops lmao.

You did the sketch’s or the tattoos? Or both? Skills man I can’t draw to save my life actually almost failed college because of it lmao
Tattoos brutha.... I have a bit of ink lol and a few tattoo machines lol

But that's awesome with the little man...he did good pinching the misses butt for ya :laugh: when he gets ya do you ever pretend that it hurts like hell? I do...my kid just laughs like a mad person lol.
Tattoos brutha.... I have a bit of ink lol and a few tattoo machines lol

But that's awesome with the little man...he did good pinching the misses butt for ya :laugh: when he gets ya do you ever pretend that it hurts like hell? I do...my kid just laughs like a mad person lol.
Nice haha I ask cause my spouse is an artiest well I guess not so much anymore being a mom took a lot of time from that but she still draws at work, I’ll show you some in a bit once I figure out how to send pictures in DM so I don’t flood your thread.

I agree but she’s pregnant so I was like ummm oooops sorry…(please don’t kill me!) I was screaming when he did it begging him to let go and he was laughing but today I plugged in a in-line that I got that I’m trying to flip and he started balling. Think he thought it was a vacuum lol
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