1 Plant With 1 Goal

Thanks coffee...I had a few things go on.. high temps from heat wave we had....which incorporated the low humidity during that time.....and then I was trying to compensate for the temps and humidity lose with watering and that caused an issue lol so reset and pray :laugh: ;).... Should be ok for here on out... But I don't think I'm going to change anything else at this point in fear of slowing or stopping growth.
I have the problem where my humidity is sky rocketing right now and so far the inline isn’t bringing it down gonna have to use other measures now time to bring out the BFG
Cool I like both.... Simple but meaning full. :)

And thank you krissi, glad ya stopped over. But had a few hiccups this time around....not as "perfect" as my last grow lol and that's ok I started to get bored...this has me on my toes lol.
Hiccups come especially when we run multiple strains. They happen. You did what you were supposed to and voila. You are a master in your domain my friend
What do the locations mean? I’m assuming that’s what first is :) I like your ink and yes baby’s build up the guns especially when they are fighting back as you carry them lol
Or do anything at all! My son is so strong it is crazy!

It's my birth coordinates along with my younger sister's, 11 yrs younger, and the house we grew up in together for a short time before I got married initially and moved away and my parents sold the house and retired in FL
And the anchor is a grounding thing for me. My uncle and grandfather passed early at 52 and 62, mad cow and lung cancer that caused a heart attack. They both served in the Navy.

Sorry Happy love you my wonderful weed growing brother from another mother
Or do anything at all! My son is so strong it is crazy!

It's my birth coordinates along with my younger sister's, 11 yrs younger, and the house we grew up in together for a short time before I got married initially and moved away and my parents sold the house and retired in FL
Sorry was fixing the light. That’s really cool you always know where home is even if they sold it. And sorry happy for hijacking haha, I think it’s all the milk that gives them the strength
Sorry was fixing the light. That’s really cool you always know where home is even if they sold it. And sorry happy for hijacking haha, I think it’s all the milk that gives them the strength
I think we're placed somewhere sometimes. If I need to go back I'll know exactly where I need to be.
I kill it all day at home w the baby and in the Gardens. How you been brother, need to hit you up and chat! I'm healthy as I try to be. I pretend I'm Rambonita or Cheetarah :rofl:

Nothing more attractive then fit women and I mean that , you look great. I’m good Krissi, dealing with the summer crowds that’s about it
And the anchor is a grounding thing for me. My uncle and grandfather passed early at 52 and 62, mad cow and lung cancer that caused a heart attack. They both served in the Navy.

Sorry Happy love you my wonderful weed growing brother from another mother
My grandfather, who was everything to me . Served on Iwo Jima in the Seabees . A division of the Navy that used to go in and build the landing strips while being picked off by the Japanese. Think about him everyday , they don’t make people like that anymore
No problem @Krissi1982 and @TwelveCoffee I don't mind the high jack lol this isn't a journal of the month kinda journal lol just enjoy your selves ;) plus I like the tattoo talk....only ones that night get mad are the mods I'm not 100% sure how that works lol I just try to semi behave:cheesygrinsmiley:.

Love it ....alot of mine are not that meaning full.... I'm just a pain and art addict lol. I actually was just trying to tattoo penny wise smile on my stomach a few moments ago...I don't have my "normal" ink that's thick...so I'm having issues and stopped o_O
To be fair I'm not the first to get these tattoos, but I felt they meant a lot to me, and I loved the design.
R.I.P Jarad Higgins!

You're tattooing it on yourself?? My wife used to own a tattoo gun, she also tattooed her own wrist, but the stomach, do you use a mirror? xD I gotta know!!
No problem @Krissi1982 and @TwelveCoffee I don't mind the high jack lol this isn't a journal of the month kinda journal lol just enjoy your selves ;) *that goes for everyone* plus I like the tattoo talk....only ones that might get mad are the mods I'm not 100% sure how that works lol I just try to semi behave:cheesygrinsmiley:.

Love it ....alot of mine are not that meaning full.... I'm just a pain and art addict lol. I actually was just trying to tattoo penny wise smile on my stomach a few moments ago...I don't have my "normal" ink that's thick...so I'm having issues and stopped o_O
Brother you do your own tats , crazy. I always wanted one but I didn’t have anything deep to tattoo, I feel if it’s there for life it’s gotta mean something deep. Didn’t wanna be that guy that tattooed his GFs initials on his arm and breakup a month later. Lol , I’ve got some friends that did that lol
Brother you do your own tats , crazy. I always wanted one but I didn’t have anything deep to tattoo, I feel if it’s there for life it’s gotta mean something deep. Didn’t wanna be that guy that tattooed his GFs initials on his arm and breakup a month later. Lol , I’ve got some friends that did that lol
Bro I did that got her signature over my heart......well we split....so I put a grim reaper scythe and skeleton arm holding a clock over it .... And yea man that's hurt much less when your focusing on not fucking up instead of someone else just drill ya lol
Hahahaha yea I've done a lot of my own work :headbanger: but nah I'm literally sitting down and kinda leaning back to stretch the skin and doing it up side down lol . Wasn't liking how thin the ink was....everytime it touched the skin it just bled the tube....so I said fuck it...ordered my normal wormhole black and I'll try again when it arrives :cheesygrinsmiley:

That is hella clean, considering what you just described you have to go through xD
I can see how your body isn't even liking the ink either!

That's crazy af bro, you got talent!
That is hella clean, considering what you just described you have to go through xD
I can see how your body isn't even liking the ink either!

That's crazy af bro, you got talent!
I'm also sun burned :laugh: bro the shit I put myself through.... But thanks man it's a fun hobby of mine... I tat the friends and fam
I'm also sun burned :laugh: bro the shit I put myself through.... But thanks man it's a fun hobby of mine... I tat the friends and fam
That's my biggest fear, I'm scared of getting a burn on my tats! xD
Sorry about the blinding glare of whiteness..lol..since we are sharing, this ink is really old.:cool:
Tribal is dope nice! I bet with a true black with some gunmetal/silver wash you could bring that baby back to life.
That's my biggest fear, I'm scared of getting a burn on my tats! xD
Oh you'll know immediately..... especially fresh...like no lie I'll prolly be at the beach next nice day sitting with my back to the sun so I don't fry to fresh "outline" :rofl:
No problem @Krissi1982 and @TwelveCoffee I don't mind the high jack lol this isn't a journal of the month kinda journal lol just enjoy your selves ;) *that goes for everyone* plus I like the tattoo talk....only ones that might get mad are the mods I'm not 100% sure how that works lol I just try to semi behave:cheesygrinsmiley:.

Love it ....alot of mine are not that meaning full.... I'm just a pain and art addict lol. I actually was just trying to tattoo penny wise smile on my stomach a few moments ago...I don't have my "normal" ink that's thick...so I'm having issues and stopped o_O
Dude on your stomach idk how you do it I’m good with pain but I don’t think I could handle that props brother
Dude on your stomach idk how you do it I’m good with pain but I don’t think I could handle that props brother
It's not that bad trust me... And I went over it three times....it feels....just hot.

But yea I have plans for the available space I can see except stomach sides chest lol so I just picked a spot.
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