1 Plant With 1 Goal

No, but you should have lots of branches sprouting from the ones you tie down...
I may not have answered that right - do you mean will more branches sprout from the same node on the main stem?
Yes that's what I meant... I think I know the answer to this but I'd like your input.
I have occasionally had a second branch sprout from the same side of the node, but the second branch has always been a tiny, sickly little thing- nothing you can count on to grow well, or at all, for that matter...
So the answer is no, nothing usable is going to sprout from a node that already put out 1 branch..
DAY 33

Wutz up everyone update time....last few days have been hectic... So I haven't had much time to look at or even address her growth....until today that is. So as my previous post said, I had to figure out her training and do something different than what I originally planned. So for today I tied down some of her taller shoots with floral wire....and then used 16" bamboo sticks as "weights" to train down the smaller shoots(pic provided).... I like using the bamboo sticks as training tools as they are light weight and and can span the whole plant at this early stage....makes cross training a breeze.....even tho at first it's not pretty lol oh well I've definitely seen uglier plants.

But she has been in the same temps and humidity 24-28c/40-50%rh all grow so far so let's see if I can maintain that with the hotter months approaching. She hasn't received any food or anything since last top dress a few days ago....and needed a water today as she was light. Everything seems to being well, no leaf symptoms, no pest, and no other issues....as far as I can see.... Might need to up her top dress feed by a small amount later in flower but for now she seems to be enjoying the schedule.

Any ways not to much else to report on...just a happy matt and a happy Zulu :cheesygrinsmiley: as always I appreciate you for following along and the commentary is always accepted. But have a dope y'all and have a great night.:headbanger:

First four pics of before extra training...the last couple are of after I opened her up.






no no no, it had me rollin, seriously...........:rofl:
Lol I seriously had issues with watering so bad that if I didn't make the sign I wouldn't have anything to journal.....even tho I have it memorized.... The sign keeps me from making the simplest mistake..... Weeds a hell of thing :rofl:
DAY 36

Oooooooook....good afternoon thanks for checking in. So she's losing her shape of my original design lol I'm not trippin over it...but she's kinda getting unruly :laugh: but in a good way. So I have all of the little node growths that usually turn into buds at the crotches becoming they're own colas... Which is neat cuz that means I'm not wasting space....yes I understand and fully acknowledge that those new "colas" may not get very big....but....they are present and I will try my hardest to make sure they all get much needed light.

So since she's doing her own thing.....I'm just going to let it happen.....tucking anything in the way under smaller growth to help prop it up....and only removing completely block leaves. On top of the tucking, in a day or two I will be training over the tallest new growth over to the sides as well using more bamboo skewers.....I know looks funny and sounds funny but it's safe....I put the skewers down and secure to branches "gently" and the weight of them lay the stems down... When the stems lift the skewers I'll add another and repeat until plant muscle memory keeps them in place.

But that's enough rambling.... Temps and humidity perfect ... Lights at 75% for another week or so....and no issues or pest.

But thanks for stopping by your all appreciated and I hope you have a wonderful night. Peace out gurl scouts :headbanger:

Photos of front,top, and couple of each end to show new growth and baby budsites.

Oh and a bonus I had to give the gnomies a quick shout out.








as she start already flowering, think this is the final stretch?
what's her spread?
as she start already flowering, think this is the final stretch?
what's her spread?
She's in preflower still I believe as she isn't all fuzzy headed yet....but i think I have one big stretch left...... And as soon as I find my tape measure(kid had it last :rolleyes: ) I'll get exacts...but just by looking prolly 18" wide, 8-9" across and 10-12" tall.
dayum... 18" not less but not your target also, if I rember well...

finger crossed, maybe she'll stretch abit more, even so, nice shape indeed, carry on the good work! :lot-o-toke:
Sfay safe:Namaste:
dayum... 18" not less but not your target also, if I rember well...

finger crossed, maybe she'll stretch abit more, even so, nice shape indeed, carry on the good work! :lot-o-toke:
Sfay safe:Namaste:
Hey so here are the measurements 20x10x8...I was off a bit on the length....would be more if I tied the ends down but I'm letting her fly ... And as you can see from my last update to today she's stretched quite a bit



DAY 39

Good morning everyone, hope your having a beautiful start to your day... All is well on my end and the sun is shining :).

So little Zulu is starting to pick up growth quickly, I believe this is the final flowering stretch....so about a week and a half of growth left.....not as big or ambitious as I anticipated but she's still gonna be a fine fat lady regardless lol.

While doing my daily check I realized some of the lower leaves are starting to brighten up so I'm seeing either I watered to soon...or nitrogen defiency? Either way she was fed with a 1/3 gf bloom and watered to run off...now she will get about 2-3 to dry out since I'm not sure if I over watered or not....been busy with life on my end so I lost track of when it was watered last....my bad.

Any way in a few days I will see if things progress or bounce back.....but I'm not worried.

But here's some pics and a shot of the top dressed before water.

Have a dope day y'all and I appreciate you.:headbanger:






Oh and the clawing in the photos is due to temps getting high and low humidity in tent for two straight days early last week.... But heat stress...but all temps and humidity are good now:thumb:
Hey Happy, I was reading your checklist in the background. Don’t forget to let them get dry before watering. :yahoo: And do you adjust the weight target once she puts on some girth weight?:cheesygrinsmiley:
Haha yea like I said this passed week has been a pain... So I didn't follow my own rules... But I normally only use the weighing method I'm early stages as the plant weighs nothing so it's easier to get a better reading. During this stage and further it's literally a lift and light squeeze of the bottom of the grow bag....you can feel the weight and kinda hear when it's just about dry.
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