Zamnesia Free Seeds - Gelato Feminized Regular On Soil


Well-Known Member
Hey grower community :welcome:

I'm just done with my last grow.
My plan was starting with a new, bigger tent and with my new PHLIZON FD9600 that I won on the contests. - Thanks @PhlizonGrowLight again for that great contest and win! - but I have to move in October...
So I have to wait for starting with my new setup.

But SmokinRasta can't await to start the next run.... - so I decided to start at least a little run with my three freebee seeds of ZAMNESIA - Gelato femminized, regular. I will grow 'em on soil with my old fluorescent tubes, 250W MH and 400W HPS.
I've got the buckets of my hydro try left, so I thought I could build some self watering buckets out of 'em... - I will bild 'em the next days.

Today, or better yesterday at 10pm I started the the three free seeds. I storred them in the fridge in an airtight container since a few months.
I used my old paper towel way for the seeds to get germinated without doing anything else.

My plan is to use COMPO Organic Potting Soil mixed with some Neudorff Nedofix Root Activator for the seedlings phase and later on, when I have to repott 'em, I will use COMPO Sana quality. mixed with Neudorff Myccovital Wurzelfit. The rest of the products I will use for micing it with the water.

I will try to let them run with just the rest of my soil nutes... got about 0.3l of CANNA Flores and 0.01l CANNA Rhiztonic left...
I still do have a lot of CANNA Mg and PHdown left that I will use to get the water set up direction 6.5 PH.

I will try to buy no more nutes and see what happens.... - don't even know what happens to my grow box setting cause I have to leave over here till 11/30.

We will see....

...24hrs later...

One seed made it already and the others are looking like they are comming too! :cheer:



Hey bud, guess I'll be the first one here and pull up a chair in the front row!
Those are some seriously cool close up seed photos 📸
Thank you Tassie!
...and welcome to the show... :welcome:
I used to smoke weed. I still do, but I used to, too.
I don't smoke any more, but admittedly, I don't smoke any less either :ganjamon:
I don't smoke any more, but admittedly, I don't smoke any less either :ganjamon:
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One was alerady to get planted yesterday, but I had to buy some new soil first.
The other two didn't show any big changes till yesterday.

Today, 72 hrs after starting the seeds it looks different!
The second one is comming too, and I'm sure the thrid will show up the next days too.




I bought some soil for the start.
I made some great experiences with a root stimulator on my last run. So I decided to buy a special starting soil and mix it up with some root stimulator.

I planted the seed, that was done yesterday already, sprayed it with water and covered it with plastic wrap.
I just placed iti n my living room. I want to wait for the other two before I start running my old fluorescent tubes for the first weeks.

My goal on this run is to try to use as less nutrigents as possible.
That's why I decided to use special starting soil, and I will use bigger containers with more soil after repotting them.
The onliest thing I will do, is checking the tab water for the right PH and add some CANNA Mono Mg to get the right balance to Ca.




...looks like she loves her new home!
This is just 2.5hrs later! :woohoo:

...yesterday I planted the ssecond seed.

The first ist growing great so far.
The second did crack but not as much as the first.
I planted it.... but can't see anything of it yet.

Tomorrow I will start to put 'em under my lamp.
The first is stretching already.....

I guess the third seed is dead. I changed the paper towel, but guess it won't help. - probably the second died too, casue I dindn't see cahnges in the last two days.....

We'll see....
I just got some sad news I guess.

The one is still streching and looking good so far, besides of her stretch. - but that's mine, because I didn't put it under the lamp yet.
Why I didn't? The other two seeds are dead I guess.
The second planted seed doesn't show any changes. The third one doesn't show any crack yet... - gave it a last chance in a glass of water today.

Honestly, it's totally ok for me if it doesn't work out this time. They were freebie seeds and I have to move in four weeks... - Probably it is a sign! A sign that I should wait a month to buy a bigger grow box for my new Phlizon FD9600 to start the next grow with her...
sorry for haven't reported anything... - but I wqas to busy. I'll have to move in the next weeks....

You won't believe what happened!:rolleyes:
I had just the one one growing, the other seedling died and the third didn't germinate.
So I decided to put the one under the lamp and get cuttings of it. - But I was to lazy to do and left the pots on the windowsill.
Last week I wanted to close the blinds and dropped the pot! I broke her neck!😳

Probably it's a sign that I should better move first befor I start the next run...
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