I make a lot of Canna Infused Oils. I use my Magic Butter Machine. If you have one it is simple.
Decarb at 240f for 90minutes
I use 2 ounces of bud, Sometimes more, then I add 2 cups Grape seed oil or EVOO and you can use coconut oil, The liquid kind
I put the decarb bud in the MBM and add 2 cups oil
I set the MBM to 160f for 8 hours then into the fridge over night
The next day take it out of the fridge and run it at 160f for another 8 hours.
At that point Add some Sunflower Lecithin, 2 tbsp. for 2 cups oil
You can either strain and fill the caps or leave in the fridge unstrained for a couple weeks that allows it to steep and I think it increased the potency
I do run it for an hour or two at 120f after taking it out of the fridge the last time
Then fill your caps. If you have any questions let me know.
@InTheShed is the one who told me how to do it and he has made a Tone more oil then I have. All I did was copy his method so he gets the credit
After the second run in the MBM I some times slowly drain some oil from the top and make up 30 or 40 tester caps.
Then put the rest in the fridge with out straining for at least another couple weeks before I strain the chopped bud.