Welcome To My New Journal - OMMSOG

First time grower here and new to 420...I ran across ur journal and I couldn't stop reading!!! Great story!!

Hey! Great! Welcome.....and you know I mean it. No place like 420. :high-five:

If there is anything you want help with just ask. Someone ridding along with us will know the answer even if I don't. The story will be starting again very soon.

Welcome aboard :420:

PS: Love your name!
Well, here we go again. :high-five:

The story continues...........................................

When the Organization Effectiveness School ended, I didn't have to go far, they
assigned me to the New OE office at Fort Ord. It was an old building, but just the right size for us.

Our Crew.....

The Commander was a salt of the earth Major. Good career guy, rock steady and never got flustered. He and his wife had been married for years. They had no children, but not for the lack of trying. A very good friend.

Next was a Captain. Young, athletic, active, and drop dead handsome. He loved the ladies and they loved him. He was never in a long term relationship.
Can you say party? On the job, a natural leader and very quick of mind. A champ of a guy at work and also a good friend.

Then there was Lea, a black E-7 female. She and I were partners. We did most things together. Her ex husband still lived with her. She was in her mid thirties and was a mature, but nice looking woman. She knew her job inside and out. We made bit of money on the side, but that will come later. I thought that we would be friends forever, but it didn't work out that way down the road, But that's another story.

We had a PFC that came in once a week to clean up our messes. We did make messes when we got rolling on a job.

To be continued .........Our first job.
Couldn't resist! Here's my two favorite girls. Sorry for he dark pictures. They looked bright through the camera. :high-five:

The Church.


The white Russian



nice and bushy
i meant the plants, i dont like my real female so bushy LOL
ahhh mannnnnn your white russian is soooo much like the one i just had to kill off.. those WR's are some branchy plants but they yield nicely. i'm glad to have dropped in. i'll be watching your WR closely since im still VERY sour about losing mine. i'll pretend i never cut mine down and your growing it out for me lol.

i'm subbed and will be a regular now. your smart pots look great i love those things. OMM your journal is something i should have been involved with a while back. sorry for the late start but i'll find a spot to squeeze in right now.:high-five:
OldMedMan said:
Hey! Great! Welcome.....and you know I mean it. No place like 420. :high-five:

If there is anything you want help with just ask. Someone ridding along with us will know the answer even if I don't. The story will be starting again very soon.

Welcome aboard :420:

PS: Love your name!

Will do and thanks.
Hello my old :circle-of-love: friend. I've finally emerged from my cave in the far Northwoods and low and behold life is better! I'll poke my mug in here once in awhile, even if I don't know what's going on. LOL

Your grow looks terrific OMM All the best!

Who let the Kid in! :Rasta: Great to see ya Sisco my old friend! Hows the pipe?

Feels like home! :party: :lot-o-toke: :Rasta: :passitleft::passitleft:
ahhh mannnnnn your white russian is soooo much like the one i just had to kill off.. those WR's are some branchy plants but they yield nicely. i'm glad to have dropped in. i'll be watching your WR closely since im still VERY sour about losing mine. i'll pretend i never cut mine down and your growing it out for me lol.

i'm subbed and will be a regular now. your smart pots look great i love those things. OMM your journal is something i should have been involved with a while back. sorry for the late start but i'll find a spot to squeeze in right now.:high-five:

Hey, Welcome my friend, :thumb:
Oh! Man! I would be upset too, if something happened to my White Russian.
Hey, no problem your here now. Plenty of room for you too.
I'm really happy your here, my friend.. :bravo:
Woo-wee! Nice bushes..:high-five:

Hey Sisco! You said it Bushes. Did you see who showed up...none other the our crazy friend from the woods. Woodsman. Things are going to be allot more fun around 420. :thumb:
Hello my old :circle-of-love: friend. I've finally emerged from my cave in the far Northwoods and low and behold life is better! I'll poke my mug in here once in awhile, even if I don't know what's going on. LOL

Your grow looks terrific OMM All the best!

Who let the Kid in! :Rasta: Great to see ya Sisco my old friend! Hows the pipe?

Feels like home! :party: :lot-o-toke: :Rasta: :passitleft::passitleft:

Welcome Old Friend !!!! :bravo:

Lavendar was here yesterday...she's still turning them out....147 straight plants. I think you've been in the woods too long.....your starting to Hibernate!
Hello to your lovely wife. :love:
Wouldn't be the same with out Sisco around. Did you notice he won MOTM?
Folks are still reading your old Journals my friend. Good stuff!
Don't be a stranger......I miss you. :thumb:
Hi Alaskan1 :thumb:

Hate to say this, but I haven't touched them yet. They will get they're trim in a bit...they are not on day 21 yet. Doesn't look like the WR really needs much, but the Church will be thinned out pretty good. Too many sites covered. The vintage I put in the back yard is starting to look more like a plant. She's loving the sun. Be over to see you soon. :thumb:
Thats more like it Pop's. You have some good sound genetics going there. And they are looking fantastic there. I got a good feeling for this one. Hey you know I haven't flip a 'Miss J' in awhile.
I'll be watching in. I see the pages are flying away.
Keepem Green Pop's
hey omm i hope you dont mind me asking in here about this i tried asking in my thread with no replies tried in xlr8's thread too but no one answered my question so here goes
whats sufficient wattage for 3 flowering plants and only 3 flowering plants using a hps/hid im not saying im gonna go out and buy one now im still gonna see what these florous can do first since i was told it worked good from veg to flower but maybe for later..
Hey, Brother! Your girls look fantastic! :bravo:
The Church is real nice, but that White Russian is something else! :morenutes:
Very well done! :goodjob:

Hey Mr. Krip! :cheer:

I agree....White Russian is crazy good...starting to feel like old times again.

Can't wait to get the SOG going. :morenutes:
hey omm i hope you dont mind me asking in here about this i tried asking in my thread with no replies tried in xlr8's thread too but no one answered my question so here goes
whats sufficient wattage for 3 flowering plants and only 3 flowering plants using a hps/hid im not saying im gonna go out and buy one now im still gonna see what these florous can do first since i was told it worked good from veg to flower but maybe for later..

Mind? Never!

Well, I'm using a 400w HPS. You can see it covers my plants...almost. Just my opinion but I think you could get fairly good coverage with a 200w. A small 200w LED would probably do it to.......they are more expense though. They do run much cooler

Floros do a great job too.....especially if you can change bulbs for flower. What size are your floros? If your really tight on money, add some CFLs. Your heat would go up then though.

I had allot of help choosing my HPS lights. If I had to do it over I would have gotten 2 600w. For better coverage. However....more heat. That's our main enemy in Hawaii.

There are allot of experts here, maybe some of them will jump in and give you some advice..

Also most manufactures will tell you what your can expect for coverage. :thumb:
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