My Box Journal

Yo Shed u think I can get 2oz of dried bud in 2gal pot?
3 seeds with really good tails in the dirt!! I could already see most of the other seeds cracking I folded paper towels to set them back up get off work tomorrow I should be surprised!!!
Personally I plant mine as soon as they crack with the smallest of tails.
Oh yeah I found three cubic feet of fox farm ocean Forest soil for $24 and legit store and it's a farming store.... They have some really good deals anybody want to know about it let me know.
Sweet deal! How are all the jobs going these days?

Personally I plant mine as soon as they crack with the smallest of tails.

Sweet deal! How are all the jobs going these days?
What are your thoughts on 8 2 gallon pots in a 2x4
Good morning everyone I hope you're having a great early morning. Come home today the remainder will go in their cups. Right now you see how many I got the rest of them will be popped and out of the dirt by the time I get home. Cuz I mean hell I planted those last night in the dirt before I went to sleep and they're already popping out of the dirt!! Wow I wonder what seed fairy seed I got these from!! I guess we'll find out soon





Who knows what I'm going to do
8 of them in a 2x4? You're not planning on vegging for very long I assume?
Hell yeah eight of them in a 2x4 why not they going to be okay I'll make them okay marijuana will do whatever the hell you want it to do grow however you wanted to grow. I know what you're worried about though but it's going to be all good brother you'll see if it ain't we'll just go with the flow I got all y'all to help me out with that if I can't do it myself.
Don't nearly need ventilation right now in vegetative growth they will be okay for a couple weeks I'll just put a small fan in there or something and leave one of the vent doors open as far as lights go I got an exact replica of the last two lights that I used in all my other grow and that will tie me over till then until I get my Mars hydro 3,000
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