Welcome To My New Journal - OMMSOG

hey ther OMM! nice picture update :thumb: most of those look stellar!
That poor little Kaiua Electric looks really irritated at something - lol
I sure hope she makes it. The Church and WR look amazing! Keep it up

hey ther OMM! nice picture update :thumb: most of those look stellar!
That poor little Kaiua Electric looks really irritated at something - lol
I sure hope she makes it. The Church and WR look amazing! Keep it up


Thanks, I know poor thing, she is not enjoying the environment at all. All plants are potted in the same soil and OC+. Seems not to suit her. Maybe she wants to go back home with THsea. (He smiles slyly at the thought.....so he can pop another seed. :smokin:
Ruh-Roh! Vintage sick? Or a fox in the henhouse?

Hi Buddy, no she just doesn't look at all like THsea's Vintage. Probably a different phenotype. I think I'm getting more impatient the longer I grow.
"If it isn't doing what you want, then get rid of her!"

Of course that's allot easier to say when you have a ton of seeds. :circle-of-love:
They look great OMM, I hope the your Kaiua picks up. Thanks for the Vintage shot I miss the Island.


I hear you about the islands...I'm still waiting for you to come over!:high-five:
Hey Uncle O!

I think the Kauai needs to get plugged into the wall socket...hee-hee :rolleyes3

Really getting a nice amount of growth on the others, looking good!

I wish I could stake out the back yard for you...I'd tar and feather the SOB's...

Stay safe buddy!

:) So, that's what she needs......shock treatment!

You know it...I'm pretty in love with these girls. Always want to feel them up!

Me too Brother...me and THsea together wouldn't be one of you!

Hello to the family. :love:
Culling the basket is a luxury not everyone can enjoy. Although I am sure most understand as well. One has to really piss me off to get booted from the garden. I have been surprised many times by the end result of some runts and so forth. So a little TLC works for me ...

Of course perhaps if I had certain strains waiting to get in I can see how it may influence such a luxurious decision. There again having those would also be a luxury. Enjoy it for all its worth OMM..

The girl ain't no fun, dump her :rofl:
Oh yeah! I'm in the right place now! :)

Great job, Brother! Your plants all look gorgeous! :welldone:

He! He! Sure glad you made it.

Holding my breath only 8 days in flower and the are doing great. Maybe I still have my touch!:morenutes: :)
Culling the basket is a luxury not everyone can enjoy. Although I am sure most understand as well. One has to really piss me off to get booted from the garden. I have been surprised many times by the end result of some runts and so forth. So a little TLC works for me ...

Of course perhaps if I had certain strains waiting to get in I can see how it may influence such a luxurious decision. There again having those would also be a luxury. Enjoy it for all its worth OMM..

The girl ain't no fun, dump her :rofl:

Hi Friend. :thumb:

All the time I've been growing.....I kept buying...specials from the seed banks Damn addiction really. So I have a few years worth. 138 strains right now and I'm getting older, so now becoming heartless. :circle-of-love:
Hi Friend. :thumb:

All the time I've been growing.....I kept buying...specials from the seed banks Damn addiction really. So I have a few years worth. 138 strains right now and I'm getting older, so now becoming heartless. :circle-of-love:

OMG!! I knew you had a lot of seed stock on hand, but I had no idea!:thedoubletake:
Hi Friend. :thumb:

All the time I've been growing.....I kept buying...specials from the seed banks Damn addiction really. So I have a few years worth. 138 strains right now and I'm getting older, so now becoming heartless. :circle-of-love:

wow thats alot of different strains
Hi Friend. :thumb:

All the time I've been growing.....I kept buying...specials from the seed banks Damn addiction really. So I have a few years worth. 138 strains right now and I'm getting older, so now becoming heartless. :circle-of-love:

I can relate I been collecting for 30, never counted as they were 2nd hand. So they had no papers :) Names never mattered. I can grow and never buy a seed for the rest of my life. I rated mine over the years like I did cigars when I smoked them. 1-5 stars.

I look forward to trying all the new strains I can get my hands on today.. You like I tend to grow a variety across the garden. I did the same with cigars and humidors.. I feel you :Namaste:
Hi Buddy, no she just doesn't look at all like THsea's Vintage. Probably a different phenotype. I think I'm getting more impatient the longer I grow.
"If it isn't doing what you want, then get rid of her!"

Of course that's allot easier to say when you have a ton of seeds. :circle-of-love:
I'll take some of them off yer hands! Send to . . . . . heheh, no really. I hear you. I quit nursing clones in hydro since they root so fast. If they don't take off, they get taken off. It's why I never have a grow finish with what I intended to put in... I'm fully expecting the 16 I have to change at the last moment, right before I start the SOG test lol (Third Test Run in Sig). Might end up only having 12 or so... we'll see.
Thanks, I know poor thing, she is not enjoying the environment at all. All plants are potted in the same soil and OC+. Seems not to suit her. Maybe she wants to go back home with THsea. (He smiles slyly at the thought.....so he can pop another seed. :smokin:

Eh, we've got enough Electric seeds... Just toss it out! Put something else in that soil! :thumb: The other one here is doing fine...

Bad news, I think the Kauai High is a male! Now I gotta decide what to replace it with... Either Jack Herer or Himalayan Gold.

Your girls are looking nice! :thumb: I bet that Vintage of yours will look prettier after being out a while! I still can't believe mine is the same plant it was in veg! Not long now, and we will be starting our harvests my friend! :)
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