Welcome To My New Journal - OMMSOG

Wow blink and three pages????????? You bumped your head been 5 pages since I blinked. Hey Pop's looking alot better. I'm looking foreword to seeing ya get back in the saddle again. You got a pretty white Russian going. Well I'm particle to Church. I need to get some more in my bag. Been afew grows since I had some. Tell Woodsman to hurry back. And you,,,,,,,,, Keep em Green

Don't give that Sprout! Your Journal is pretty busy too! Been doing drive byes! Your pumping em out as usual. I remember you were on about the 7th or 8th generation of Church, before you stopped. I really like that they have kept her seeds cheap for what you get. To me a big bargain.

Have you heard anything about your pump yet? I hope they can do something for you man. Enough! Take care my old Friend. :high-five:
Hey OMM I know it took me a while to make it but im finally here great grow and journal and great people in here and vibe:bravo::thumb: and didnt realize your a vet when you were stopping by my thread :thank: anyhow + rep and 5 stars great grow:namaste

Wow - I found you!!! And then I saw I am 11 pages behind! EEEK!!!! I don't have time to get caught up yet - but am so EXCITED for your new start here! It's gonna be a FANTASTIC year for you - I can FEEL IT!!!! YEEHAH!!!

I don't want to jinx anything, but I've have had a couple serious offers on my business. Wouldn't change ownership til our busy season is over (Aug 1 if all goes right). I am so worn out that at this point it is like sunshine on the horizon... it gives me hope. I miss catching up with you. Did get out on my bike for a ride with the hubby last Sunday - it's the first day he's taken off in many months. It felt SO GOOD!!!

So wonderful to see good things on your horizon!!!
Love you so much, dear friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wow - I found you!!! And then I saw I am 11 pages behind! EEEK!!!! I don't have time to get caught up yet - but am so EXCITED for your new start here! It's gonna be a FANTASTIC year for you - I can FEEL IT!!!! YEEHAH!!!

I don't want to jinx anything, but I've have had a couple serious offers on my business. Wouldn't change ownership til our busy season is over (Aug 1 if all goes right). I am so worn out that at this point it is like sunshine on the horizon... it gives me hope. I miss catching up with you. Did get out on my bike for a ride with the hubby last Sunday - it's the first day he's taken off in many months. It felt SO GOOD!!!

So wonderful to see good things on your horizon!!!
Love you so much, dear friend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:circle-of-love::circle-of-love::circle-of-love: :circle-of-love::circle-of-love::circle-of-love:Hello Granny Girl!:circle-of-love::circle-of-love::circle-of-love::circle-of-love::circle-of-love:

You're a Busy Granny that's for sure. Catch up when you can, this thing should be here a while. :high-five:

Thanks for the good words. That would be just great, if you decide to sell.
You would get time to do what you want and you could spend time in Kmart with the Hubby ! Glad you found time to take your bike out. It's good to get away. I miss you and your great sense of humor!
We could play allot more then!

:surf::surf:Big Lovies to you Granny! :surf::surf:
Hey OMM I know it took me a while to make it but im finally here great grow and journal and great people in here and vibe:bravo::thumb: and didnt realize your a vet when you were stopping by my thread :thank: anyhow + rep and 5 stars great grow:namaste

Welcome Buddy :high-five:
Thought I had answered you.....must have hit the wrong key.
Yep, retired from the Army. Smartest thing I ever did. I'd be broke if I didn't have the VA to look after me. I see your still turning out great Buds. Good on you Brother! :thumb:

Thanks for the reps and 5 star. You the man! :high-five:
Ummmmm... :bong:
Am I in the right place? :bongrip:
I was looking for an OMMSOG, but I don't see any recent pics, so can't tell and have been to a few different journals now looking for it! :roorrip:
Welcome Buddy :high-five:
Thought I had answered you.....must have hit the wrong key.
Yep, retired from the Army. Smartest thing I ever did. I'd be broke if I didn't have the VA to look after me. I see your still turning out great Buds. Good on you Brother! :thumb:

Thanks for the reps and 5 star. You the man! :high-five:

wahoo there omm...
guess who?? long time no see...glad you're still here....even tho i havent been posting, im on my 17th bunch of ladies, this makes 147 proudly grown in my still perpetual....and its work...
wanted to say hey and tell all howdy, have one of the llucys just finishing up, in the back, i regened her when i couldnt get a clone....found any "new wonders" i finally got a durban poison going....going good...seem to have a fondness for the african varieties...great high, great yield....aint that just my luck, no more afropips.....what a loss....still a few i wanted to try....your plants look great as usual....i thought you were going outdoors? what happened?....well, enough for now....still same planet, same rotation...hugs to all, lav...:welldone::Namaste:
Ummmmm... :bong:
Am I in the right place? :bongrip:
I was looking for an OMMSOG, but I don't see any recent pics, so can't tell and have been to a few different journals now looking for it! :roorrip:

Wait a minute Mr. Krip.
It's only been 3 days since I posted pictures and will post more tonight. I think you were counting pages and not days:circle-of-love:

Your at the right place now and I am so glad your here old Friend. You are my SOG expert......can't do this without you! :high-five:

Welcome Brother! :ganjamon:
wahoo there omm...
guess who?? long time no see...glad you're still here....even tho i havent been posting, im on my 17th bunch of ladies, this makes 147 proudly grown in my still perpetual....and its work...
wanted to say hey and tell all howdy, have one of the llucys just finishing up, in the back, i regened her when i couldnt get a clone....found any "new wonders" i finally got a durban poison going....going good...seem to have a fondness for the african varieties...great high, great yield....aint that just my luck, no more afropips.....what a loss....still a few i wanted to try....your plants look great as usual....i thought you were going outdoors? what happened?....well, enough for now....still same planet, same rotation...hugs to all, lav...:welldone::Namaste:

If you like the Durban Poison then you should deff give the Urban Poison a shot!!

wahoo there omm...
guess who?? long time no see...glad you're still here....even tho i havent been posting, im on my 17th bunch of ladies, this makes 147 proudly grown in my still perpetual....and its work...
wanted to say hey and tell all howdy, have one of the llucys just finishing up, in the back, i regened her when i couldnt get a clone....found any "new wonders" i finally got a durban poison going....going good...seem to have a fondness for the african varieties...great high, great yield....aint that just my luck, no more afropips.....what a loss....still a few i wanted to try....your plants look great as usual....i thought you were going outdoors? what happened?....well, enough for now....still same planet, same rotation...hugs to all, lav...:welldone::Namaste:

WaaaaHooo! Is Right! :welcome:

So good to see you L.:love: Your ears must have been burning...was talking to Woodsman the other day about you. He has a small grow going and he might be coming back. He also got some good news financially...about time!

147 straight girls! You haven't changed a bit....still just turning them out. Now that's a long, long perpetual. Good for you!

Well, I did go back outside, twice. Both were ripped off. In doors from now on.
Last grow was a disaster....tried to save what was not stolen...didn't work out for me. I wasn't ready for them. Live and learn.

Duran Poison sounds good, will have to try her. I swear you and Lucy go round and round. Good stuff though. Here is a few that I would Highly recommend:

Chocolope, Mekong High, Friesen Dew, WildThai, Anything from Emerald Triangle seeds,
I would say Matanuska Tundra, but they discontinued her.

I know how much you like Africans...I seem to like things with Thai in them.
Sorry about the Afro Pips.

Hope you come back and visit soon. I have missed you. :love:
ooo new pics cant wait you journal adds up pages very quickly lol
Cronichemp's First Indoor DWC 60 Day Wonder & NYCD

Cronichemphog's 2nd Grow Started Medi Bomb #1 and White Widow

oh yea do oyu always have yo copy and paste the links into the link thing to get your journal links to show everytime you reply? lol just curious

Hi Buddy! :high-five:
Pictures in a few. :high-five: Took them before I put them to bed..

Sorry, I was looking for the "How Too" link, but couldn't find it. What you do is go into your user cp and you can permanently list your Journals. It will let you do other things too. As you can see I screwed mine up. I should have a list of Journals under my sig. Will go back and try to fix it when I catch my breath. When you get it right, it's nice looking. :high-five:
Hi Buddy! :high-five:
Pictures in a few. :high-five: Took them before I put them to bed..

Sorry, I was looking for the "How Too" link, but couldn't find it. What you do is go into your user cp and you can permanently list your Journals. It will let you do other things too. As you can see I screwed mine up. I should have a list of Journals under my sig. Will go back and try to fix it when I catch my breath. When you get it right, it's nice looking. :high-five:

ok lets see if this works
for the help omm
ok lets see if this works
for the help omm

Hehe! They work! However you did them like I did. There is a fancier way to make them look better. Soon as I figure it out, I will let you know.
All the these years and I have forgotten how to do it! Dumb Me! :helpsmilie:
A Picture Update!

Day 8 of Flower.

Here is the beautiful Church



The poor Kaiua Electric....she is struggling.


Lucy ...she is catching up fast to the others!


Her Majesty, the White Russian .


The Lemon Skunk, she's catching up too.


The SAGE...no male parts yet!


A couple of Group shots.



Some of you may have wondered where the Vintage is, Well here she is.


I just didn't like how she looked, so outside she went. She already looks better. She is kind of hidden although it doesn't look like it. If she does get ripped, so be it.
That leaves me an empty space to fill. Going to replace her with something I like. :thumb:
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