Water Only Entire Grow Organic Soil 800W LED

Often times on this last grow when I didn't have Poland springs on hand I would just use my tap water which has one of those PUR water filters you hook right to the faucet. They claim it removes 97% of contaminants, sediments and chlorine. So I gave it a try only thing is The ph of the filtered tap water would always be around 8.8-9 and that's a little high for my liking. I would use earth juice crystals from there to bring it to 6.5ph. Now I'm not to sure if that much of a gap could fuck with the soils ph over time and cause other issues. Anyone know anything about that? It didn't seem to cause any issues this last run but I wouldn't really know it was my second grow lol.
So next grow I'm gonna just stick to using just the store bought spring water that has a steady 7.8ph off the gate and bring that to the desired 6.5. Plus Im pretty sure innoculants like mammoth p won't work as well unless the ph stays at a steady neutral. Any thoughts or comments would be much appreciated guys. That airpot I used made her a really thirsty bitch, once she was established she was burning through 1.5 gallons a day which is 10.5 gallons a week. No thanks I'll go back to smart pots which usually it's every 2 or 3 days a watering depending on growth stage.

Yes, that far off will screw up your soil's pH over the long run. I ran a test with it on one of my males on the previous grow and it started showing up in the plant. I changed back to pH'd water to the 6.5-7.0 range and the plant looked healthy within a few days. Now my water is even worse than yours at 9.2 or 9.3. I think if you had tap water around 7.5 or lower you would probably be ok.
Thanks a lot fellas.. ill be fine with all the knowledge you guys have shared with me!! A little worried about getting the whole pot wet with no runoff.. may be tricky in those fabric pots but ill do my best!
Time consuming. You have to do it in waves and its such a pain.....but the outcome is sick!
Often times on this last grow when I didn't have Poland springs on hand I would just use my tap water which has one of those PUR water filters you hook right to the faucet. They claim it removes 97% of contaminants, sediments and chlorine. So I gave it a try only thing is The ph of the filtered tap water would always be around 8.8-9 and that's a little high for my liking. I would use earth juice crystals from there to bring it to 6.5ph. Now I'm not to sure if that much of a gap could fuck with the soils ph over time and cause other issues. Anyone know anything about that? It didn't seem to cause any issues this last run but I wouldn't really know it was my second grow lol.
So next grow I'm gonna just stick to using just the store bought spring water that has a steady 7.8ph off the gate and bring that to the desired 6.5. Plus Im pretty sure innoculants like mammoth p won't work as well unless the ph stays at a steady neutral. Any thoughts or comments would be much appreciated guys. That airpot I used made her a really thirsty bitch, once she was established she was burning through 1.5 gallons a day which is 10.5 gallons a week. No thanks I'll go back to smart pots which usually it's every 2 or 3 days a watering depending on growth stage.
Honestly, I feel like with a good rhizosphere and that soil, you should be more like 6.8 to 7
Awesome thanks so much guys i cant wait to get started.. just gotta not over think it. You are the best johnny thanks man!

Just let us know when you start it. Are you going to run it in your current journal Toasty or are you going to start another one. Might be best to start another one if you want to use it for potential discounts on future purchases of the KindSoil. I got 30 bucks off my next purchase for my journal. Worth it if you like the product and intend to keep using it.
Looks like I've had an ongoing problem of either spider mites and white flies or thirps in all forms maybe even all the above on these white widow autos and it's stressing me out.
Also all that budd from last harvest was smelling like a hay farm and not to sure what to do i know it's the breakdown of chlorophyll that I smell and I keep burping them and it's starting to smell a little better, but I just hope the real aroma of terpenoids smell takes over more while they cure. When I pinch a budd the real dank smell comes out who knows only time will tell i guess
Maybe I'm stressing to much guys lol but some of the leaves on these autos I have going started looking all fucked up like I have some type of deficiency or something on my hands. But after a long examination I saw a tiny white fly when I flipped over a fucked up leaf thing looked right at me And flew to another part of the plant Then I saw something else so tiny I could just barely see it with my naked eyeball, and your boy got 20/20
No they don't feel damp and the stems all break the hydrometer in the jar says it's been curing at constant 60-63rhand I will continue to open them to give them fresh oxygen. I just hope there real smell comes out soon I will say there starting to smell a little better it being moonshine haze maybe it may take a while for terpenes to over come that chlorophyll aroma who knows
No they don't feel damp and the stems all break the hydrometer in the jar says it's been curing at constant 60-63rhand I will continue to open them to give them fresh oxygen. I just hope there real smell comes out soon I will say there starting to smell a little better it being moonshine haze maybe it may take a while for terpenes to over come that chlorophyll aroma who knows

That smell will slowly fade away Johnny, your bud will be back to smelling like weed instead of hay in a couple more weeks. My Blueberry was that way when I harvested....but now she smells divine.
30days minimum in jars before you should even begin to get worried about hay smell

As for the bugs (I swear I sound like a salesman for this shit) hit them with Fox Farm Don't Bug Me.
It works tits on flying little bastards, it's half life is short so you can use in flower without getting nasty taste like neem.
I think I may have the case of thirps on my auto girls took a pic for you guys now I have the creeps
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