Water Only Entire Grow Organic Soil 800W LED

Ya I'll definitely be putting an order in for 25 more pounds of phils dirt. The simplicity and ease of his soil in my hectic life works perfectly,almost as easy as the ronco digital 5000 rotisserie oven....Set it and....forget it, well almost that easy

When we finally get together, i will bring you 5 gallons of my Stank Soil to give a whirl. I am loving my dirt this grow....going far better than I anticipated for the first try.
Ill have to take you up on that my friend, I bet that stank soil is what's up.
So I have an update on how things are going, Me and the wife trimmed up all the budds after 6 days of hanging in complete darkness with a consistent environment of 68degrees and 50rh. I just about filled the 4liter cvaul to the top with some fine ass budd. I just burped the c-vault for the first time a min ago and it smelt so good I just wanna eat it all lol. I didn't want to pack the cvault to tight so I also put some in a mason jar. Still no exact weight on yield will update as soon as I get the weigh in
Not to bad tho huh waffle? for first photo plant
Damn fine job JC!!!

Some sure fire....well.....fire!! Haha the water only soils peak my interest. I've built my own soil before but was impatient and rushed it half assed.
Wow nice haul johnny!! Six ounces of primo organic smoke is awesome! She was a big girl, made it hard to tell how much meat she had on those bones lol.

Yea i am gonna try it out.. got the roots organic soil and those earth juice natural down crystals so i can start em out in solo cups. Then ill put em in the bigger pots with the kind soil. Should i ask them if i can get a discount for doing a journal on it?
Wow nice haul johnny!! Six ounces of primo organic smoke is awesome! She was a big girl, made it hard to tell how much meat she had on those bones lol.

Yea i am gonna try it out.. got the roots organic soil and those earth juice natural down crystals so i can start em out in solo cups. Then ill put em in the bigger pots with the kind soil. Should i ask them if i can get a discount for doing a journal on it?

He will give you discounts on future purchases, based on how much info your journal contains etc..etc

If you follow the directions on his website, you will rock it Toast. Just keep in mind, they grow a little bit slower than other mediums that uses synthetic nutes. When in doubt on pot size, go one bigger....your yield will thank you. I didn't add anything my first grow with it and the buds were the smoothest I have ever smoked, and they aren't weak. Do you know what strain you are going to run?
Wow nice haul johnny!! Six ounces of primo organic smoke is awesome! She was a big girl, made it hard to tell how much meat she had on those bones lol.

Yea i am gonna try it out.. got the roots organic soil and those earth juice natural down crystals so i can start em out in solo cups. Then ill put em in the bigger pots with the kind soil. Should i ask them if i can get a discount for doing a journal on it?

Oh one more thing.....when you start the seedling, I used about an inch of Kind Soil at the bottom of the cup. That gives the seedling about a week or two of Roots Organic and when its ready for more it will root down to the bottom. There will be enough nutrients in the inch of KindSoil to feed them for another week or so until you are ready to transplant. I like that it gets them used to the KindSoil before stressing them with the transplant.
Hmm ok cool thanks for that suggestion then.. ill wait to start em until i get the kind soil. Ill be doing them in 3 gal pots and ill split 10 lbs between the three pots. Giving me a third of a pound extra then it says i need in each pot. Should work well.

Ill be doing emerald triangles lost coast og, either black dog or chemdawg from hso, and an xtrm gsc x afghan strain made by bedroom farmer. Next time ill run some autos in it maybe and see how they fair in organic soil.. havent done autos before so idk if organics will allow them to grow fast enough. Scared ill get teeny little plants. .
Van you are right on point with that, i did the same thing with the clear solo cup for that photo period girl I just finished. I Put an inch or so of kindsoil on the bottom filled the rest with coco loco and placed it inside a couple of red solos to block light from root system and it worked great, got her nice and healthy for a transplant to bigger pot. I also didn't make any holes on the bottom of the cup like you would growing without a pre amendment soil.
I watered them sparingly like not much at all just so it was moist all the way to the bottom without drowning out the soil just like Phil recommends. The condensation inside the clear solo will let you know when she needs water and it won't need any for days.
It's also pretty cool watching the roots grow and when they reach the kindsoil they stop. It's like they found what they were looking for and just chill feeding slowly as the plant needs it.
When growing autos with this system I just plant the germinated seed right into the pot it will finish in, and that's usually a 3gal smart-pot just following same watering routine making sure to water entire pot without runoff so I don't flush soil but at the same time making sure to water soil all the way down and around all the sides so there are no dry pockets.
Often times on this last grow when I didn't have Poland springs on hand I would just use my tap water which has one of those PUR water filters you hook right to the faucet. They claim it removes 97% of contaminants, sediments and chlorine. So I gave it a try only thing is The ph of the filtered tap water would always be around 8.8-9 and that's a little high for my liking. I would use earth juice crystals from there to bring it to 6.5ph. Now I'm not to sure if that much of a gap could fuck with the soils ph over time and cause other issues. Anyone know anything about that? It didn't seem to cause any issues this last run but I wouldn't really know it was my second grow lol.
So next grow I'm gonna just stick to using just the store bought spring water that has a steady 7.8ph off the gate and bring that to the desired 6.5. Plus Im pretty sure innoculants like mammoth p won't work as well unless the ph stays at a steady neutral. Any thoughts or comments would be much appreciated guys. That airpot I used made her a really thirsty bitch, once she was established she was burning through 1.5 gallons a day which is 10.5 gallons a week. No thanks I'll go back to smart pots which usually it's every 2 or 3 days a watering depending on growth stage.
Thanks a lot fellas.. ill be fine with all the knowledge you guys have shared with me!! A little worried about getting the whole pot wet with no runoff.. may be tricky in those fabric pots but ill do my best!

Start slowly.....keep watering slowly until you see signs of the water reaching the bottom of the pot. Keep track of how much water it takes and then go just slightly less. I have gotten to where I water 1/4 of my water from the bottom and then 3/4 from the top. I know in my 3 gallon smart pots that it takes just short of a half of a gallon to fully water the plant. I know my 5 gallon pot takes a gallon. Figure out how much water you need and stick to it you will be fine. Also be sure to figure out how many days it takes between watering. I know that the 5 gallon pots usually take around 5 days for watering for most my plants. The three gallon pots take between 3 and 4 days depending on the heat. Learn the weight of your pot dry and how long it takes to get there.
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