Water Only Entire Grow Organic Soil 800W LED

I think I may have the case of thirps on my auto girls took a pic for you guys now I have the creeps

Thats no mite Johnny, at least not a spider mite or a russet mite. Still no good

These are what spider mites and their eggs look like.

So I'll give you guys the update about what's going on with last harvest and these white widow autos I have going. First of all I will admit I brought these plants inside when the storm was coming about a month ago in this massdump.
They came along with some thrips that were in nymph form which I'm glad I caught these fuckers early, they have 5 stages of metamorphosis to fuck shit up and almost populate as much as mites do. I went to east coast hydro and the guy talked me outta azamax. He told me especially because I have autos that will be finishing soon to use root cleaner, then green cleaner, as it's all organic (no harsh chemicals) that I could use right up until a day or two till harvest. (As long as applied early morning or right when lights are out so foliage and shit could dry also it not causing harm to anything including my living soil).I was set on getting this product after reading reviews that it even works on spider mites and there eggs, aphids, whiteflies or any other soft bodied insect on contact and prevents them from even getting immune to it. As long as I do a follow up treatment which I did today. So I used the root cleaner first then 3 days later I used the under foliage spray. I always mix with half the recommended dosage regardless just to see how plants react and it still worked like a charm it Killed all the fuckers now I don't know if it was the root drench I did or the foliage spray but most likely the combo of both.I went through with a fine tooth comb just now with my magnifier and I didnt spot shit not one of the little fuckers so just Incase i will do again in about a week as these widows are closing In on day 70 today and trichs are looking fantastic about 2 weeks or less and they'll be where I want them. As for the plant I harvested a few weeks ago, she no longer smells like an old bale of hay that a few . 's ejaculated on. she's smells amazing and has that sativa dominating gene in every puff of her smoke.
So I'll give you guys the update about what's going on with last harvest and these white widow autos I have going. First of all I will admit I brought these plants inside when the storm was coming about a month ago in this massdump.
They came along with some thrips that were in nymph form which I'm glad I caught these fuckers early, they have 5 stages of metamorphosis to fuck shit up and almost populate as much as mites do. I went to east coast hydro and the guy talked me outta azamax. He told me especially because I have autos that will be finishing soon to use root cleaner, then green cleaner, as it's all organic (no harsh chemicals) that I could use right up until a day or two till harvest. (As long as applied early morning or right when lights are out so foliage and shit could dry also it not causing harm to anything including my living soil).I was set on getting this product after reading reviews that it even works on spider mites and there eggs, aphids, whiteflies or any other soft bodied insect on contact and prevents them from even getting immune to it. As long as I do a follow up treatment which I did today. So I used the root cleaner first then 3 days later I used the under foliage spray. I always mix with half the recommended dosage regardless just to see how plants react and it still worked like a charm it Killed all the fuckers now I don't know if it was the root drench I did or the foliage spray but most likely the combo of both.I went through with a fine tooth comb just now with my magnifier and I didnt spot shit not one of the little fuckers so just Incase i will do again in about a week as these widows are closing In on day 70 today and trichs are looking fantastic about 2 weeks or less and they'll be where I want them. As for the plant I harvested a few weeks ago, she no longer smells like an old bale of hay that a few . 's ejaculated on. she's smells amazing and has that sativa dominating gene in every puff of her smoke.

Sound like good stuff Johnny. How much was that stuff? And sounds like you are just about ready for two big girls to join your tent huh? I just checked the leaves on them and they are looking good. I will spray one more time tomorrow for good measure and do one more watering with Azamax just to be safe. I would up pot them to either 7 or 10 gallon pots as they are already big and I think they will explode when they get up potted. Just say when brother!!
Hey Mr stank the green cleaner was 33$ and the root cleaner was a little cheaper 24$ I believe. Yesssir I sure am ready for a few big bitches. How old are they? are they still vegging?

They are still vegging.....They are in 3 gallon pots but would need to be transplanted to 7s to finish. They are big. The two of them will fill a large portion of your tent.

How are you enjoying your smoke?
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