Water Only Entire Grow Organic Soil 800W LED

Its basically a dust shroom that filters the fresh air entering grow space,It covers the outside of the bottom 6" port I have.I noticed a little dust in there and didn't like it lol. I did find something you guys may like im gonna order it tonight so I'll have it In time for my next harvest it's called a CVault for the drying and curing process and comes with Boveda humidity packs things badd ass
Its basically a dust shroom that filters the fresh air entering grow space,It covers the outside of the bottom 6" port I have.I noticed a little dust in there and didn't like it lol. I did find something you guys may like im gonna order it tonight so I'll have it In time for my next harvest it's called a CVault for the drying and curing process and comes with Boveda humidity packs things badd ass

I have a small CVault. I was going to pick up another bigger one the next time I go to the grow store.

As for the filter, no I don't have that type of filter. Before I installed the window AC unit, I had a 2nd fan (besides the carbon filter/fan) to try to keep the tent cooler and I did have one of those bug filter over then duct. But I removed it when space became tighter and I put the window AC unit in place. So now I get fresh air sucked in through the side flaps via the carbon filter and fan combo.

NY Diesel auto
Thanks van these plants friggn love this soil. I now see that it's almost time for my 3 gallon photo girl to go in a 7 gallon pot you think the 7 will be too much? I should only have one other plant in this space at that time. when Should i transplant this bitch should I do it when it's time to feed so when soil is fairly dry then water her When she's in her final 7 gal fabric pot?
Hey brother, I always think bigger pots are better. I am growing mine in 5 gallon and it will probably be the last time I grow in 5 gallon. I will move up to 7 or 10 gallon for my next grow. Really with the Kind Soil it comes down to how long you intend to veg them and train them. The 5 gallon is more than enough for a 2 month veg time with 5lbs of Kind Soil. But I think the 5 gallon pot will restrict allowing her to become as big as she will in the same amount of time. Essentially I am saying that I believe a photo vegged for 60 days in a 7 gallon or 10 gallon pot will be bigger and yield more than that same photo grown in a 5 gallon pot for that same time period. Its one of the experiments I intend to conduct in the future. A 7 gallon pot with 7 lbs of Kind Soil will get you 3 months of veg time and through the entire flower cycle.

I am a big believer in generally transplanting when the soil is kind of dry. My thought process for that is that their roots are thirsty and if the soil is a bit dry when you transplant and then water they will be more inclined to expand their roots to attempt to not become thirsty in the future. Seems to work better in all my vegetable plants when I transfer them so why wouldn't it be the same for cannabis?
Hey guys have a few pics for you there just waking up. This is the First time I've seen them in a few days me and the wife had our baby Thursday , truly amazing so beautiful and healthy we are very blessed,

Congrats on the new member of your family
Are you running coco and what kind of LED are you running it looks great! I own 3 mars hydro 192 and 1 300 w series 1 mars hydro I love them but my favorite light is a LEC/CMH 3100k bulb deep red, even tho it's deep red it's still got a natural light look to it and DAM it's intense I have gotten sunburn under it while working on my garden
I'm running this grow with coco coir which provides about 2 weeks or so with what the seedlings need to establish and a super soil which is a ph balanced water only system. I don't mix nutes and I never water to r/o. I'm growing 5 autos right now with it and 2 photo girls. It was something I decided to try before I got into all the nutes and shit. Now I'm sticking with the hot soil because it's so easy every 3 day I water my autos. My photo girls are every 2 as they are more thirsty they are still in veg. A friend of mine only grows with hydro and he told me I was stupid to start with soil Especially with a living organic soil he laughed until he saw the results of my first grow. I also dont have the luxury of hanging out with my girls 24/7 like he does he doesn't work I working 50 hrs + a week with a new baby. Since sun cool came out with his recipe for supersoil it's been tweaked and revised they have come such a long way. My hydro friend can't believe the results I get from this shit.. flushing what's that never done it since I'm running water only there's no salt or built up by the time it comes to harvest it's chop trim and dry/cure
I just ordered a 7g max yield air pot for her. As of today she sprouted 7 weeks ago. And I know she will double
In size when I switch light cycle over right? Should I veg for as long as possible? And still use 7 pounds of ks on bottom? Sry for all the noob questions van

No worries at all on the questions. You know I will always give you any advice I can offer.

For your question on the doubling in size...well that will depend on the strain and what training you did. Mine only grew about 50% more but thats because I was training them for SCROGs. As I understand it, plants trained that way generally don't stretch nearly as much.

As for how long you should veg her, well there is no answer to that my man. It all depends on how big you want her to get. If you want her to get big, you need to do some LST and super cropping so she gets wider. The wider she gets, generally the less she will stretch. You could probably transplant her into that 7 gallon pot and veg her for another month and then flip her and she would probably be fine and give you one hell of a yield.
Nice van that's what I like to hear brother,So far this girls on second transplant. She is currently in a 3 gal smart pot. She sprouted exactly 50 days ago.
I've lst'd her topped her and supercroped her and she showed no signs of slowing down unlike my autos. last grow my autos stalled after topping they did love the lst job tho. This girl is sucking down water like a triple humped camel on hump day. I plan on putting her in that 7g airpot next week but how much ks should I use on bottom as I do have some roots organic for the media. Would rather the coco loco but gonna use what I have on hand, if I plan on vegging her for another month In the 7gallon maybe 2 months should I still use the 7lbs on bottom or just use 5-or 6. Thanks van your opinion means a lot buddy
Nice van that's what I like to hear brother,So far this girls on second transplant. She is currently in a 3 gal smart pot. She sprouted exactly 50 days ago.
I've lst'd her topped her and supercroped her and she showed no signs of slowing down unlike my autos. last grow my autos stalled after topping they did love the lst job tho. This girl is sucking down water like a triple humped camel on hump day. I plan on putting her in that 7g airpot next week but how much ks should I use on bottom as I do have some roots organic for the media. Would rather the coco loco but gonna use what I have on hand, if I plan on vegging her for another month In the 7gallon maybe 2 months should I still use the 7lbs on bottom or just use 5-or 6. Thanks van your opinion means a lot buddy

Well according to Phil, 5 lbs of kind soil will get you 2.5 months of veg and through the flower (though I would assume for some of those crazy sativas that take 14 months that wouldn't hold true) The roots organic has a lot of nutes in them as well so that will help as well. So if you aren't planning on vegging for more than 2 more months, I would think you would be ok with just using 5 lbs of kindsoil on the bottom of a 7 gallon pot instead of 7 lbs. But if you aren't sure how long you are going to go, you might be better off being safe than sorry.

I just mixed up a batch of my own soil. I will be starting a thread on it sometime in the next few days. I think it should be pretty good. Fucking killed my back even though it was a small batch (probably 30-40 gallons of soil). Other than the back issues, it was pretty freaking cool. Gonna start cooking it tomorrow for 30-40 days. Should be ready for my next grow.
Cooking one's own isn't cheap either, especially on the front end. But most of my stuff I will get 3-5 batches of soil from so they aren't something I have to buy each time I make a batch. So if I get 40 gallons of soil, I am guessing that I will get 2-3 grows from each batch (depending on container size, could probably get 4 grows if I grow in 5 gallon pots but I plan on moving up to 7 or 10 gallon pots). So I figure if I can make 3 batches and get three grows per batch, 9 grows isn't bad.
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