Twenty20 Mendocino Bubba Whip, Photoperiod 2024

That's really got its fade on, though it's not surprising given the flush! Great trich production up there. :drool:

Nah, they'll either fall off on their own or you'll take them off a day before harvest (makes trimming much easier).

Gotta measure the temp of the water going in, not the room temp. Also wet soil will naturally be cooler since evaporation is a cooling process.
Thanks Shed good point about the water temperature. It was 73° going in, but it also sat in a bowl on the floor for 10 minutes while I watered her. in short nothing to worry about.
Great point Shedster on the water temp!

Im assuming mine is high with this hot summer influencing my inside water temps. With my RH high too definitely takes longer to dry out my soil. Which is important late in flower. The plant seems to fade quickly as well, which isn't a problem during the winter time or cooler months.

I'll throw in some ice in my next watering to bring it down. But my damn PH monitor is set on Celsius, which I have to ask "Alexa" for the damn conversion to farenheit.. 😂😂😂
Day 138 Above Ground, Day 64 of Flower
Light: 10x14
PPFD ~1090, DLI 39
75.2D, 51% RH

Hey Folks......I gave baby Bubba her third (of four) 2 gallon flush today. She looks mouth-wateringly purple, I get sticky just looking at her :lot-o-toke:. Not ready yet that I can see, looking for her hairs to all go brown and down and I'd like to start seeing amber trics (tric shots coming next post). Let me know if you all see different.










Day 138 Above Ground, Day 64 of Flower
Light: 10x14
PPFD ~1090, DLI 39
75.2D, 51% RH

Hey Folks......I gave baby Bubba her third (of four) 2 gallon flush today. She looks mouth-wateringly purple, I get sticky just looking at her :lot-o-toke:. Not ready yet that I can see, looking for her hairs to all go brown and down and I'd like to start seeing amber trics (tric shots coming next post). Let me know if you all see different.










A most beautiful plant!

Gorgeous photos too. How do you get such excellent depth of field? Are you focus stacking? What kind of camera are you using?

Bring on the trich shots!
Great point Shedster on the water temp!

Im assuming mine is high with this hot summer influencing my inside water temps. With my RH high too definitely takes longer to dry out my soil. Which is important late in flower. The plant seems to fade quickly as well, which isn't a problem during the winter time or cooler months.

I'll throw in some ice in my next watering to bring it down. But my damn PH monitor is set on Celsius, which I have to ask "Alexa" for the damn conversion to farenheit.. 😂😂😂
Hey Spark, first hygrometer kept resetting to that too, I finally lost all patience and just bought another one. How high is your RH running? In this late stage, does your soil ever really get dry? Bubba doesn't drink much anymore, I'm only watering her to get her to turn, otherwise I think she'd stay wet until final harvest w/o another drop.
Hey Spark, first hygrometer kept resetting to that too, I finally lost all patience and just bought another one. How high is your RH running? In this late stage, does your soil ever really get dry? Bubba doesn't drink much anymore, I'm only watering her to get her to turn, otherwise I think she'd stay wet until final harvest w/o another drop.
Yes, my soil gets dry. Not bone dry, but pretty dry! Especially last week before harvest. Thats with Promix HP
My RH is around 48% to 58% . Constantly changing out my dehumidifier this time of the year.
I would let her dry out before harvest. Think it helps with dry times on the plant as well.

Congrats brother, shes beautiful!
A most beautiful plant!

Gorgeous photos too. How do you get such excellent depth of field? Are you focus stacking? What kind of camera are you using?

Bring on the trich shots!
Hey Carmen, thank you! I am using an iPhone 7 and honestly am not sure what I am doing with the photos so take this with a grain of salt. I make sure my lens is clean (sounds dumb but I just cleaned it today and the pictures are notably better). I try not to over-zoom (which essentially highlights the poor(er) pixilation of my older camera). If I weant a closer shot, I will zoom some but I also bring my phone in closer to get that tight(er) shot. I recently learned that if you get your phone all set on what you want to photograph, you can tap the part of the image you want focused and voila, it will auto-focus on that area. This really helps when I want to have something in the foreground but want the focus to be on something in the background....I hope all of this isn't super obvious ;)
Yes, my soil gets dry. Not bone dry, but pretty dry! Especially last week before harvest. Thats with Promix HP
My RH is around 48% to 58% . Constantly changing out my dehumidifier this time of the year.
I would let her dry out before harvest. Think it helps with dry times on the plant as well.

Congrats brother, shes beautiful!
Thanks Spark, That's odd (about the drinking), I wonder if its the strain? Up until week 8 she drank like a sailor and would be bone dry after 3 days, but mid-week 8 she just stopped drinking and really hasn't been close to dry since. I've got one more 2G watering planned (out-going EC was at 0.2 today so she's pretty much flushed) and then will let her go dry. I'm going to take a lok at promix and compare it to my Happy Frog/Ocean Forest blend, see if there is room for a change.
I'm thinking at least another 7-8 days and/or until we start seeing amber trics, etc., maybe even a bit longer? The breeder harvest window is 58-68 days and we are at day 61.
Very nice !
Looking great
Day 141 Above Ground, Day 67 of Flower
Light: 10x14
PPFD ~1090, DLI 39
76.5D, 52% RH

Hey Everyone, Bubba smells really, really good, i mean, I can't wash it off and don't want to either.

I was able to work through the fumes and complete the 4th (of a planned four) 2-gallon flush. Runoff EC was bouncing around between 0.2-0.4 EC, so lets call it 0.3 or ~210 ppm (input EC/PPM basically 0). How low should I expect the run-off to be before calling it good, equal to the input EC/PPM (or closer too anyway)?

I'm going to have to order a scope or find a way to get a steadier hand with these tric shots. I did see an amber tric or two but its pretty blurry and I'm still going through the shots. If I don't harvest before Friday I wont be able to until next Monday (which is my plan at the moment unless you all see different). Have a good rest of the week!
:peace: :Rasta::passitleft:










Man, those colors are popping homie! Still think you have about a week before harvest.. she packing on the density bro..let that soil dry out before the chop homie...shes not going to disappoint! 💯.. 🔥
What he said but DAMN HOMIE 🔥
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