Twenty20 Mendocino Bubba Whip, Photoperiod 2024

Thanks Snipe, she does not, she knows I smoke but growing is something that I need to tell her about soon. She doesn’t smoke but would take half of it in the divorce just because I kept it from her. Ahhh, young love 😍🥰😘
I've been sleeping on this brother! So, you're telling me she doesn't know about the plant in the basement?
No way that possible if she's anything like my wife! She's been through my dirty draws, wallets, phones and shit . You're telling me she don't know about a plant bro? I don't believe it.. 😂 😂 😂
She 💯 knows, you just need to say over the dinner table "babe is it ok to continue my thing down stairs".. 😂

lol….she probably knows but she hasn’t said anything if she does. I keep showing her everyone’s plants and saying how I’d like to try it and she gets cranky…..if we lived in a legal state and the kids were gone she’d probably e ok with it. My daughter knows she sent me photos of my little GDP’s two years ago. I need to come clean 😎
lol….she probably knows but she hasn’t said anything if she does. I keep showing her everyone’s plants and saying how I’d like to try it and she gets cranky…..if we lived in a legal state and the kids were gone she’d probably e ok with it. My daughter knows she sent me photos of my little GDP’s two years ago. I need to come clean 😎
I hear you bro:passitleft:im in the same situation other than my wife knows mean fucking everything.. 😂
Day 127 Above Ground, Day 53 of Flower
Light: 12 Hours/day, 18" from Canopy at 100% Intensity
PPFD ~1093, DLI 47
77.1D, 55% RH

I started to type "its getting serious now......" but realized I started my last post like that. I need a book of "post-starters" to take away the stress of it all so I can focus on the content. Lets go with "What's Up 4-20?".....

Babs is 1/2 way through week 8 now, day 53 of flower, that was quick! She has really filled in nicely the past 2-3 weeks and I am loving her fade, something I was never able to generate before with the excess N my gals were getting from the PK boosters. I'm pretty jazzed to see how deep her coloring will go these next 2 weeks. Speaking of which, I am assuming a 70-day flower for planning purposes. Back-planning from that date means.....oh shit, today is her last supper (so to speak), a 50% concoction of calmag, Bigbloom and Tigerbloom, PPM 560. I'll give her one last dose of Great White and Bembe' in a couple of days and then she is done, just 2G of water every 2-3 days until harvest.

Does anyone every wash your lady before the harvest? She hasn't had a good bath since early flower, she's got to be dirty (the carbon filter cover is filthy). I was considering a soak-down with a sprayer early in the "am" and then leaving the tent open with an extra fan to get her dry before lights out....OR should I do it as part of harvest OR save some time/the risk of mold and not bother?








Weird, I had this long, beautifully worded segment in the above post about DLI and it didn't get included, so the abbreviated version is....I need to dial back the light to 10/14 to promote ripening. That will bring DLI down to around 39, a little hotter than recommended but that's the best I can do, she is out of head room (recommended 36 beginning week 9).
Nice fuzzy plant, and I've never heard of anyone washing before harvest!
lol, thanks, I've got all sorts of weird ideas! I used to trim the damn bud sites off (my first grow), so I've come a long way :)
In Australia bud washing really isn’t a thing. And we have a huge insect component. I bud washed when I first joined just because I was told to. I swear you wash off a good amount of the glitter. Since I’ve stopped washing my bud is so much better in quality.

That said throughout the grow my plants get treated and washed as they are nit treated. If I had to wash, I’d defs do it a couple of weeks before harvest, just so the plant can recover. And I’d only wash with water.
Day 132 Above Ground, Day 58 of Flower
Light: 10 Hours/day, 18" from Canopy at 100% Intensity
PPFD ~1090, DLI 39
76.0D, 54% RH

What's Shakin' Team Green.............Bubba is looking sharp as she enters her last 2 weeks of life. Although she is technically in her harvest window per the breeder, we've got some time left on the clock. I really enjoy the first 6 weeks of flower, probably my favorite time of the grow, but the ripening phase is a close 2nd. I love watching colors coming in, purples, yellows, orange, limey greens and her scent is changing now, from a hard-hitting hash to, yes, still hash, but mellowing to allow for subtle undertones of berry, leather (sandal wood?) and a nauseating but freshly chucked puke.

I started a gradual flush today, 2G's of straight DI with a dash of calmag. She was pretty heavy, so definitely slowing down. I'll do that again in 2-3 days and check the EC/see if she's clear. Have a great week everyone.










In Australia bud washing really isn’t a thing. And we have a huge insect component. I bud washed when I first joined just because I was told to. I swear you wash off a good amount of the glitter. Since I’ve stopped washing my bud is so much better in quality.

That said throughout the grow my plants get treated and washed as they are nit treated. If I had to wash, I’d defs do it a couple of weeks before harvest, just so the plant can recover. And I’d only wash with water.
Thanks Tra, that makes sense, I am going to hold off and if its freaking me out I can do it at harvest ;)
In Australia bud washing really isn’t a thing. And we have a huge insect component. I bud washed when I first joined just because I was told to. I swear you wash off a good amount of the glitter. Since I’ve stopped washing my bud is so much better in quality.

That said throughout the grow my plants get treated and washed as they are nit treated. If I had to wash, I’d defs do it a couple of weeks before harvest, just so the plant can recover. And I’d only wash with water.
Hi guys, Just passing thru

I wash my outdoor stuff, removes any worm , bug debris and dirt. There’s dirt in the air , lawn mowing and weed whacking stir up a dust storm of junk,probably microscopic dog poop particles too if you or neighbors have dogs ! Haha yuck 😂

I don’t always dip my buds into a bucket of cold water….., but when I do………..?? Lol

Enjoy your smoke everyone
you me
Hi guys, Just passing thru

I wash my outdoor stuff, removes any worm , bug debris and dirt. There’s dirt in the air , lawn mowing and weed whacking stir up a dust storm of junk,probably microscopic dog poop particles too if you or neighbors have dogs ! Haha yuck 😂

I don’t always dip my buds into a bucket of cold water….., but when I do………..?? Lol

Enjoy your smoke everyone
lol, you mean you are not supposed to sprinkle your plants with dried dog dung? Sh*t, another change of plans!
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