Twenty20 Mendocino Bubba Whip, Photoperiod 2024

Looks perfect to mee buddy 👌 can't see any issues. You can just bury her deeper when you up pot but she'll be fine 👍
Exactly what GV said......maybe have a little airflow going in there and you can support her if you want with a toothpick or similar. The seed pod is not an issue bro, its in the soil, a little organic for your roots.
Beautiful brother :goodjob: she frosty as hell! 🤤🤤

Hope you and the family are good bro 👊
Thanks Vein.....I'm starting to like the cut of miss Bubba's jib if you know what i mean. Things are going well. The summer has just flown by the kids are back to school next week already. How are things across the pond?
Can't post pics as i didn't take any of it. But i have germinate a new seed and i already have two issues. The first one is that the cotyledon emerged above the soil without the seed. Can't see the seed anywhere. I guess it's still in the ground. And second, despite the fact that the distance from my SF 2000 is at 23 inches (60cm) and 50% intensity following the manufacture guidelines, the plant stretched a lot. Iv'e seen that every plant stretches a bit, but mine stretched more than expected. It's already 1.16 inches (5.5cm) tall. Any advices?

What kind of (weed) plant are you growing?
Thanks Vein.....I'm starting to like the cut of miss Bubba's jib if you know what i mean. Things are going well. The summer has just flown by the kids are back to school next week already. How are things across the pond?
Oh definitely bud I agree 💯.. Hey that's a good sign as time flies when your having fun 👍 I've had a week from work and been up the coast but over here kids are on week 2 of 6 🤣..
We're all good mate thanks for asking 🙏.. UK's heatwave we've been touching 30c 🤣🤣 I love it but most Brits don't like any weather 🤷‍♂️🤣✌️
Exactly what GV said......maybe have a little airflow going in there and you can support her if you want with a toothpick or similar. The seed pod is not an issue bro, its in the soil, a little organic for your roots.
I wouldn't say that considering that since yesterday it's already 1.5 cm taller. That makes 7cm in two days. As far as i know the plant stretches if it does not have enough light. But i respected Spider Farmer guidelines, and still the plant it's already 7cm.
It's my first time using LED's and i didn't knew what to expect. I was afraid not to burn the plant so i followed Spider Farmer growing tips. It says the distance must be at 24" - 30" at 50% intensity.
Anyway, i don't want to mess this topic considering it's not my journal.
I will see what I will do. I'll probably keep it if it doesn't fall apart.
Flower size is really based on genetics not how much nutrients you can give them to bulk up.
Great piece of advice 224...(added to the "lessons" tab of my master spreadsheet). Subconsciously...f*ck, consciously, I equate big feeds with big plants/buds. I "know" that's not true, but can't help getting caught in the trap.
Hey 420, quick question about how to remove calmag from the feed in week 6 of flower. I use DI water so "always" add some Calmag to get it to 80-100PPM "base" before I supplement with anything else. When I remove CalMag from the rotation, does that mean "all" Calmag (like the base would be 0 PPM?) or only the supplemental Calmag?
Hey 420, quick question about how to remove calmag from the feed in week 6 of flower. I use DI water so "always" add some Calmag to get it to 80-100PPM "base" before I supplement with anything else. When I remove CalMag from the rotation, does that mean "all" Calmag (like the base would be 0 PPM?) or only the supplemental Calmag?
If you are starting with 0 ppm water and don't add cal mag, you're left with no calcium or magnesium other than what might be in the other nutrients you're using. And after reading your opening post, that's a lot of possibilities!

That’s a question waaaaaaay outta my grow grade…. But I do know a guy.

If you are starting with 0 ppm water and don't add cal mag, you're left with no calcium or magnesium other than what might be in the other nutrients you're using. And after reading your opening post, that's a lot of possibilities!

lol thanks Shed. One of my best skills is over-complicating fairly simple subjects :Rasta:

I was wondering when the feed chart (below) says "no more calmag" after week 5, I assume that means no more Calmag "supplementation" (which was 5ML/G) and that my base DI water (0 PPM) should still be spiked with Calmag to ~80 PPM before I add anything else. I guess it could also mean no more calcium or magnesium, period, but I dont "think" it means that (does it?)

Hang on, are you adding other calmag before you even start adding the bottles from the chart? I missed that if that's what you meant.
lol, its harder to explain than i thought. So here is the situation

Calmag (1-0-0)
Bigbloom (0-.5-.7)
Growbig (6-4-6)
Tigerbloom (2-8-4)

1. Every time I water or feed in veg/flower, I start with 1-2G of DI (0 PPM) water
2. On feed days, I will add 5 ML of CalMag/G, let her sit for 10 minutes, then add the rest of her nutes in the order above
3. On non-feed days, I add ~2 ML of Calmag/G, let it sit, then add BigBloom, Bembe (0-1-3), and Great White

So when the feed chart says no more calmag after week 5 of flower, if I completely pull it from the rotation above, that means she gets 0 calcium or magnesium (other than what she can pull from other in-direct sources). So, I am "assuming" that for me, after week 5, the "only" Calmag i would add is to slightly juice that DI water so it has tap water like cal-mag levels (80-100ppm). So my new feeds would look like this:

1. Feed Days: Add Calmag to DI to 80 PPM, wait a bit, add Bigbloom and Tigerbloom
2. Non-Feed Days: Add Calmag to DI to 80 PPM, wait a bit, add Bigbloom, Bembe', and Great White

That sounds confusing when written down, where's my bong?
lol, its harder to explain than i thought. So here is the situation

Calmag (1-0-0)
Bigbloom (0-.5-.7)
Growbig (6-4-6)
Tigerbloom (2-8-4)

1. Every time I water or feed in veg/flower, I start with 1-2G of DI (0 PPM) water
2. On feed days, I will add 5 ML of CalMag/G, let her sit for 10 minutes, then add the rest of her nutes in the order above
3. On non-feed days, I add ~2 ML of Calmag/G, let it sit, then add BigBloom, Bembe (0-1-3), and Great White

So when the feed chart says no more calmag after week 5 of flower, if I completely pull it from the rotation above, that means she gets 0 calcium or magnesium (other than what she can pull from other in-direct sources). So, I am "assuming" that for me, after week 5, the "only" Calmag i would add is to slightly juice that DI water so it has tap water like cal-mag levels (80-100ppm). So my new feeds would look like this:

1. Feed Days: Add Calmag to DI to 80 PPM, wait a bit, add Bigbloom and Tigerbloom
2. Non-Feed Days: Add Calmag to DI to 80 PPM, wait a bit, add Bigbloom, Bembe', and Great White

That sounds confusing when written down, where's my bong?

So your non-feed days are light feed days, but all days include some calmag yes?

And you're adding calmag because you figure that the FF schedule was designed for those using tap water with some amount of Ca and Mg in it?

And when you say you start with 1-2 gallons you mean the numbers double if you use 2 gallons?

I have two thoughts:

• From that nute list the only thing providing calcium and magnesium would be the calmag, and I'd be concerned about dropping it completely after 5 weeks of flower.
• Your plants look great so I would follow their schedule but carry on with the adjustment to it that you've been making.
Day 112 Above Ground, Day 38 of Flower
Light: 12 Hours/day, 18" from Canopy at 100% Intensity
PPFD ~1093, DLI 47
76.6D, 58% RH

Hey Everyone....Bubba is starting to look really nice, and she stinks so good, just pure hash.









So your non-feed days are light feed days, but all days include some calmag yes?

And you're adding calmag because you figure that the FF schedule was designed for those using tap water with some amount of Ca and Mg in it?

And when you say you start with 1-2 gallons you mean the numbers double if you use 2 gallons?

I have two thoughts:

• From that nute list the only thing providing calcium and magnesium would be the calmag, and I'd be concerned about dropping it completely after 5 weeks of flower.
• Your plants look great so I would follow their schedule but carry on with the adjustment to it that you've been making.
Yes, exactly, i am assuming the feed schedule assumes someone is using tap, not DI, and all my waterings include calmag, on feed days its about 2x more than on non-feed days. And yes, early in veg i am using roughly a gallon so as volume increases during the grow I will increase the nutrient amounts proportionately. Thanks for your conclusion and help thinking this through, I agree with you and think I need to keep some calmag in the rotation, if only to bring the water up to tap water like PPMs of ~100 or so. Thanks Shed!
Yes, exactly, i am assuming the feed schedule assumes someone is using tap, not DI, and all my waterings include calmag, on feed days its about 2x more than on non-feed days. And yes, early in veg i am using roughly a gallon so as volume increases during the grow I will increase the nutrient amounts proportionately. Thanks for your conclusion and help thinking this through, I agree with you and think I need to keep some calmag in the rotation, if only to bring the water up to tap water like PPMs of ~100 or so. Thanks Shed!
Great Mainline you have there 024
Nice work on that !
It Looks Awesome
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