Twenty20 Mendocino Bubba Whip, Photoperiod 2024

Nice lure selection!! That's awesome!! I know the big flathead catfish are really slamming hard in the muskingum and licking rivers right now. Fattening up for winter. As far as fly fishing I'm not very good but it's still fun. Take some good herb with you and if you don't catch any fish you'll catch one helluva buzz!! Happy Saturday cause you're definitely ready!! 😎✌️
Thanks, I caught several grass carp this summer on a fly. They’re super fun to catch.
Looks like you can't have a barb on the hooks brother! Caught several coho up in Whistler Canada and it was the same. In Florida barbs are legal.. didn't think it made that big of a difference but guess it does.. good luck and send some pics or it didn't happen! 😂
My girlfriend and I, now wife, went fishing in the White mountains in Arizona one time. My dad was giving me a hard time about going, turns out he was right and the fishing was good so on the way back, I stopped by Kroger and picked up, six whole trout, took them out of the package drop the head off, put a little blood on them and tried to pass them off that I caught them. He knew right away.
My girlfriend and I, now wife, went fishing in the White mountains in Arizona one time. My dad was giving me a hard time about going, turns out he was right and the fishing was good so on the way back, I stopped by Kroger and picked up, six whole trout, took them out of the package drop the head off, put a little blood on them and tried to pass them off that I caught them. He knew right away.
You must have been high to go through all of that! Or it's deeper than that.. 😂 😂 😂 😂
You must have been high to go through all of that! Or it's deeper than that.. 😂 😂 😂 😂
lol, high AND we said we'd bring dinner, so it was convenient to do, otherwise I am way to lazy for that.
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